#title Bojan Bogdanović #format wiki #language en |||| || '''''Contact Information''''' || || || || || || '''Launchpad ID''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~bojce | bojce]] || || '''IRC''': || '''bojce''' on ''irc.freenode.net'' || || '''Email''': || <> || || '''Jabber''': || '''bojce''' on ''jabber.org'' || || '''Website''': || http://www.ubuntu-rs.org || || '''Blog''': || http://bojce.wordpress.com/ || || '''Forums''': || http://forum.ubuntu-rs.org/User-bojce || || '''Ubuntu Code of Conduct:''' || [[https://launchpad.net/~bojce/+codesofconduct | signed]] (2009/08/02) || || '''Ubuntu Member since:''' || 2007/04/19 || || '''Twitter:''' || https://twitter.com/bojce || || '''Identi.ca:''' || http://identi.ca/bojce || == About Me == My name is Bojan Bogdanović (my nickname is bojce) and i am a Serbian IT administrator/manager and FLOSS enthusiast. I am using Linux since 2004, and Ubuntu exclusively since 2006. Since 2007/02/17 member of Ubuntu LoCo Serbia. Contact/coordinator of [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-rs | Ubuntu LoCo Serbia]] become in february 2009. Community that i am leading have more than 3,900 forum users and [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-rs | 89]] core members. Over the years I have installed a large number of computers, commercially or privately, including the installation of Linux and OpenSource software on other operating systems. Also, as a member (and later leader) of the Ubuntu Community Serbia, I held 20+ lectures and presentations throughout Serbia. I wrote articles for FLOSS magazin Gnuzilla (lokal Serbian e-magazine) and now write for e-magazine LiBRE (also, i am one of editors). == Contributions == === Ubuntu Installations === * Desktops: 110+ * family * friends * neighbours * commercially for companies * Servers: 5+ * personal (ssh/backup/share) * commercial (ssh/backup/HTTP/MySQL/mail/share) === Ubuntu Serbia Forum === * Joined: ''2007/02/17'' * Posts: 1,839 (2012/09/11) === Launchpad === * Joined: ''2007/04/19'' * Karma: 206 (2012/09/11) * Teams: * https://launchpad.net/~bojce/+participation * Ubuntu Serbian Translators (2007/06/19) * Ubuntu Srbija (2007/10/15) * Ubuntu-rs administrators (2008/03/07) === Magazines === * Gnuzilla, 05/2008, issue 37, Logcheck - software review (serbian language) [[http://urosevic.net/gnuzilla/ | Gnuzilla ]] * LiBRE, 06/2012, issue 1, Ubuntu presentations (serbian language) [[https://libre.lugons.org/index.php/broj_01/ | LiBRE ]] === Blog === * Started: ''2009/03/24'' * Site: http://bojce.wordpress.com/ * Ubuntu-related posts (serbian language) * aggregated on http://planeta.ubuntu-rs.org/ === Achieved goals === * Collaborations with local free software communities, such as: * [[http://ns-linux.org/|LUGoNS]] (Linux user group Novi Sad) [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/ sets/72157618033816322/|images]], * [[http://www.mozilla-srbija.org|Mozilla Serbia]] (community of Mozilla developers), * [[http://rs.wikimedia.org|Wikimedia Foundation Serbia]], * [[http://mint-srbija.com/|Linux Mint user group of Serbia]], * Craft Exchange prominent Belgrade HackLab * Dialogue with institutions Serbian LoCo Team (including me as a part of the team) is devoted to expanding FLOSS software usage, both in society and civil institutions; therefore, we consider dialogues with institutions representatives to be an important part of process. During the years, major steps have been taken in that direction, and dialogue with following institutions has been established: * [[http://www.digitalnaagenda.gov.rs/|Ministry of Telecommunications and Digital Development]], * [[http://www.poverenik.org.rs/|Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection Office]], * [[http://www.ombudsman.rs/|Ombudsman of the Republic of Serbia]], * [[http://www.erazvoj.com/|E-development – association devoted to digital development]], Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection Office is the first institution in Serbia that expressed interest and intention to switch completely to FLOSS software and Ubuntu. For this purpose, the team is preparing and adapting additional applications, and this project is considered to be strategic in establishing precedent in Serbia. [[https://launchpad.net/~urosldp | Uros]] and me were delegated to represent the Community in these contacts. === Education support === * Serbian team expressed interest in supporting schools in tree Belgrade Municipalities (Vracar, Stari Grad and Rakovica) where elementary schools students use Edubuntu based programs. We plan to set up the infrastructure to help them coordinate and improve skills, both of teachers and students. We have the opportunity to participate in program as a official software support. '''Facts:''' * Rakovica municipality – 2104 computers in 14 schools * Vracar municipality – 2017 computers in 11 schools * Stari grad municipality – 617 computers in 7 schools * Edubuntu 12.04. - 100% localized We upgrade computers to Edubuntu 12.04 LTS in May; for that purpose, LoCo members are translated additional applications, and customize Edubuntu as well. [[http://www.sk.rs/2009/11/skak01.html|press coverage]] === Organizing lectures, events & release parties across Serbia === Direct conctact between team and user most important activity. During last years, the following events have been organized and lectured by Me and colleagues in Serbia: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/7679321916/in/set-72157630825163414|{{http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7277/7679321916_99c998c072.jpg||align="right"}}]] *Ubuntu 7.10 Presentation, Belgrade, Serbia (15 Dec. 2007.) - [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157603927181840/|Pictures]] *Ubuntu 7.10 Presentation, Leskovac, Serbia (23 Feb. 2008.) - [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157603976930343/|Pictures]] *Meeting with Linux User Group of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia (08 Jun. 2008) - [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157618033816322/|lPictures]] *Ubuntu 9.04 Release Party, Smederevo, Serbia (10 May. 2009) - [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157617945906031/|Pictures]] *Ubuntu Presentation, Festival e-Fortress, Niš, Serbia (04 Sep. 2009) - [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157622126921731/|Pictures]] *Ubuntu 10.04 Presentation, Belgrade, Serbia (09 May. 2010) - [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157624033256806/|Pictures]] , [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FODcJGPrMU&feature=share&list=UUQI3SdAwkxT8FEQNZ2vdDnA|Video - interview for serbian TV with national coverage]] *Ubuntu Global Jam - Topics: Cloud implementation, How to use Wiki, How to translate, LoCo Serbia IRC Chanel (29 Aug. 2010) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/322/detail/|link]] *Blog Open - Ubuntu and Open Source microbloging and Blog agregation software, Novi Sad, Serbia (09 Oct. 2010) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/429/detail/|link]] *Ubuntu 10.10 Release Party, LUGoNS Lab, Novi Sad, Serbia (23 Oct. 2010) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/391/detail/ |link]] *Ubuntu 10.10 Presentation, Kula, Serbia (Fri, 17 Dec. 2010 19:00 - 21:00 UTC ) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/596/detail/|link]] *East Weekend Fest - Ubuntu 11.04 Release Party, Bor, Serbia (Sun, 08 May 2011 12:00 - 14:00 UTC) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/946/detail/ |link]] *Ubuntu 11.04 Presentation, VPTS College, Užice, Serbia (27. May. 2011) - [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157626698998683/|Pictures]] *Ubuntu Global Jam - Making Wiki pages better, LoCo Serbia IRC Chanel (04 Sept. 2011) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/1210/detail/|link]] *Ubuntu in a business environment, International CE&HA Fair, Belgrade, Serbia (01 Oct. 2011) [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157627795135198/|Pictures]] *Ubuntu 11.10 Release Party (with special guest: Rodoljub Šabić, Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection), O3one ArtSpace, Belgrade, Serbia (13 Oct. 2011) - [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157627887876818/|Pictures]] *Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Release Presentation, International Share Conference, Belgrade, Serbia (28 April 2012) - [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157629575013096/|Pictures]] , [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGpzA5ppEDY&feature=share&list=UUQI3SdAwkxT8FEQNZ2vdDnA|Video]] , [[http://www.shareconference.net/en/program/ubuntu-srbija|official]] *Ubuntu Hour - Ubuntu lecture for new users, Belgrade Hacklab, Belgrade, Serbia (08 May 2012) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/1763/detail/|link]] *East Weekend Fest, Ubuntu Hour - Ubuntu 12.04 Presentation, Bor, Serbia (13 May 2012) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/1732/detail/|link]] *Ubuntu Hour - Ubuntu 12.04 Presentation, Youth Center, Zaječar, Serbia (19 May 2012) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/1762/detail/|link]] *Ubuntu Presentation, House of Culture, Lovćenac, Serbia (21 July 2012) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/1861/detail/|link]] *Ubuntu Presentation, CE&HA Fair 2012, Belgrade, Serbia (15 September 2012) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/1968/detail/|link]] *Software Freedom Day, Belgrade, Serbia (15 September 2012) - [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-rs/1967/detail/|link]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-srbija/sets/72157631542580025/|Pictures]] === Random photos from presentations === [[http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7270/7678564116_f45a9308d2_z.jpg|{{http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7270/7678564116_f45a9308d2_t.jpg}}]] [[http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7062/6985305988_0f0a3b5b68_b.jpg|{{http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7062/6985305988_0f0a3b5b68_t.jpg}}]] [[http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6179/6198529337_7b5dd4dda1_b.jpg|{{http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6179/6198529337_7b5dd4dda1_t.jpg}}]] [[http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3302/5767746786_cfa70c2ddc_b.jpg|{{http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3302/5767746786_cfa70c2ddc_t.jpg}}]] [[http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3010/4595308083_2ce2b1558c_z.jpg|{{http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3010/4595308083_2ce2b1558c_t.jpg}}]] [[http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3538/3888892317_7294ba4b93_z.jpg|{{http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3538/3888892317_7294ba4b93_t.jpg}}]] [[http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3379/3524649305_7822bd8483_b.jpg|{{http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3379/3524649305_7822bd8483_t.jpg}}]] [[http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2197/2288952477_f803a5268c.jpg|{{http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2197/2288952477_f803a5268c_t.jpg}}]] == Future Goals == The main goal in the future: * Stronger cooperation with other free software teams in Serbia * promoting FLOSS software usage, both in society and civil institutions * promoting i spreading Ubuntu and FLOSS, especially in schools and small and medium companies. We have had great success, particularly in schools, and i hope that is a just a beginning. * I would like to promote FLOSS software, especially among IT professionals. * Personally, i am planned to finish Ubuntu Professional course. ---- =Testimonials= Bojan has been fantastic coordinator for the Ubuntu-Serbia team. His great at translating and his past live events have been brilliant. His skill are great and he is a well organized guy. I fully recommend him to become a Ubuntu Member. [[https://launchpad.net/~maletaski-gmail|maletaski]] Bojan is an active member who is addicted to open source in general and linux specially. He is always helping new users, always give solutions to problems, he is an active member on a lot of stuff in Serbian team, where people always tag here asking for solutions. I can assure Bojan is a great person, being an Ubuntu member will be such a motivation for him to do more and more and I consider it as a prize for his effort. [[https://launchpad.net/~milos-sd|Milos_SD]] Bojan is an active member who is addicted to open source in general and linux specially. He is always helping new users, always give solutions to problems, he is an active member on a lot of stuff in Serbian team, where people always tag here asking for solutions. I can assure Bojan is a great person, being an Ubuntu member will be such a motivation for him to do more and more and I consider it as a prize for his effort. I first saw Bojan at Ubuntu presentation in May 2010. After that I discovered that his is coordinator of the Ubuntu-rs community and forum. As a coordinator he is very professional and kind in resolving any forum issues or conflicts, also he is always willing to help resolving any problems regarding Ubuntu usage and administration. As a presenter he is confident and concise presenting always up to date data and facts about Ubuntu and FLOSS in general. Which reveals that he closley follows the world development of FLOSS as well as FLOSS pulse in Serbia. Without any doubt I suggest him as Ubuntu member. [[https://launchpad.net/~promisman|upromis]] Bojan has done an awesome job driving the Ubuntu Serbia team. He has always been a pleasure to work with, responsive, and performs great work. His personal example inspired all of us from Serbian LoCo I would glad to give him my vote for Ubuntu Member.[[https://launchpad.net/~dalibor|dalibor]]