## page was renamed from DefaultHomePage ##(see the SpecSpec for an explanation) * '''Launchpad entry:''' https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/browser-defaults * '''Created:''' <> by MatthewPaulThomas * '''Contributors:''' MatthewPaulThomas * '''Packages affected:''' `epiphany-browser`, `firefox`, `ubuntu-docs`, `kubuntu-docs`, `edubuntu-artwork` == Summary == Ubuntu's default home page for Firefox and Epiphany will be changed to `http://start.ubuntu.com/`, and the default bookmarks will be altered to include information accurate for Ubuntu. == Rationale == When you install Firefox or Epiphany for Ubuntu, its default home page is [[file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html|a local file full of boring text]]: ||My only other cosmetic gripe would be the default web browser home page. It is pretty ugly and scary as well since its a solid page of small text text text. In fact more than a single screen of text. You've got to scroll to read all the fine print. Confusing and technical and fairly ugly text.|| ||<) style="border: none; background-color: #ddd; color: #000;">''-- [[http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-September/010499.html|Pete Shinners]]''|| Epiphany's default bookmarks are confusing: ||The epiphany "bookmarks bar" shows no bookmarks, only a "Search the web" entry box. What can I do with it? Is there similar functionality to the firefox bookmarks toolbar where I can define my own bookmark buttons and menus?|| ||<) style="border: none; background-color: #ddd; color: #000;">''-- [[http://mail.gnome.org/archives/epiphany-list/2005-October/msg00118.html|Raul Acevedo]]''|| And Firefox's default bookmarks link to plugins that don't actually work in Ubuntu. We can do better. == Use cases == * Sally, an ex-windows user, is greeted by a giant page of text upon opening her browser. She doesn't understand this. * Corey wants to let more people know about help.ubuntu.com and get more docteam members. * Jeff wants more people to know about the cool things happening in Ubuntu. == Scope == * Home page * Bookmarks menu * Bookmarks Bar Out of scope: * CA certificates * default browser chrome == Design == === Home page === ==== Comparisons ==== Modern dedicated Web browsers have useful default home pages that let you search the Web. * mozilla.org Firefox: [[http://www.google.com/firefox|Firefox Start]] * gnome.org Epiphany: [[http://www.google.com/|Google]] * Internet Explorer: [[http://www.msn.com/|MSN]] * Safari: [[http://apple.netscape.com/|Netscape.com (Apple edition)]] * Opera: [[http://portal.opera.com/|Opera Search]] ==== Ubuntu ==== The default home page for Firefox and Epiphany will be `http://start.ubuntu.com/`. If we decide to change the effective default later on, we can do that by setting up a redirect. What is presented on this site is yet to be decided, but it should: * be useful * not steal focus from the URL field * provide links to local (GeoIP-detected) Ubuntu resources * not slow people down by discouraging them from the browser's/OS's toolbar Web search. Possible elements include: * a feed from the fridge * a link to help * a link to participate. === Bookmarks === The default bookmarks should also be (a) useful, and (b) a subtle hint to how to use bookmark folders (Firefox) or topics (Epiphany). ==== Comparisions ==== Vanilla Firefox has "Quick Searches" and "Firefox & Mozilla Links" folders in its Bookmarks menu, including links to pages of plugins that don't work in Ubuntu. In its Bookmarks Toolbar it has "Firefox Help", "Firefox Support", and "Plug-in FAQ". Vanilla Epiphany defaults to six empty topics in its Bookmarks menu, which looks broken, and a search field in its Bookmarks Bar, which is confusing: ==== Ubuntu ==== The Bookmarks Bar should include these items: * Ubuntu.com (http://ubuntu.com/) - possibly remove this if space isn't there * Ubuntu Help (http://help.ubuntu.com/) * Forums (http://ubuntuforums.org/) * The Fridge (http://fridge.ubuntu.com/) * Participate (http://ubuntu.com/community/participate/) == Implementation == Do these things early in the cycle to get good feedback. === Bookmarks === * Remove existing FF bookmarks * On the FF quick launch bar, remove the current buttons and add the above. === Start.ubuntu.com === * Look to community to get a good layout, possibly including a design contest. == Outstanding issues == * Can the bookmarks be localized? * If not, I'd suggest adding a link to support for all languages http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/supportoptions/local/ (the page needs improving, as with all of the website, but it might be a start) -- [[mdke]]