Bug - tutorial

General workflow

That is the way to use python-launchpad-bugs to get information on a bugreport or to edit a bugreport:

   1 >>> from launchpadbugs.connector import ConnectBug
   2 >>> Bug = ConnectBug() # using the html mode of launchpad
   3 >>> bug = Bug(120593)

This will give you read-write access to a bugreport, but if you are looking for a faster but read-only method you can also use:

   2 >>> Bug = ConnectBug("text") # using the text mode of launchpad

It is also possible to get a bugreport by its url:

   4 >>> bug = Bug(url="https://bugs.launchpad.net/buglog-data/+bug/120593")

If you want to change the bugreport or view private bugs you have to set Bug.authentication:

   5 >>> Bug.authentication="cookie.txt" #for text-based mozilla cookie files   or
   6 >>> Bug.authentication="cookie.sql" #for sql mozilla cookie files

It is also possible to do authentication via email-login and password. Note: This takes much longer than using cookie files, therefor python-launchpad-bugs provides a method to save the resulting cookie into a file

   7 >>> Bug.authentication={"email": "login@email.com", "password": "YourPassword"}
   8 >>> Bug.connection.save_cookie("/home/markus/.lpcookie")

There are currently different versions of launchpad, the stable bugs.launchpad.net and the testing environment bugs.edge.launchpad.net. Sometimes it makes sense to explicitly choose one of these versions to work with. In python-launchpad-bugs it is possible to define which version to use.

   1 >>> from launchpadbugs.lpconstants import HTTPCONNECTION
   2 >>> b = Bug(123456)
   3 >>> b.url
   4 'https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xine-lib/+bug/123456'
   5 >>> Bug.set_connection_mode(HTTPCONNECTION.MODE.EDGE)
   6 >>> b = Bug(123456)
   7 >>> b.url
   8 'https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xine-lib/+bug/123456'

Attributes of a bugreport






Activity Log of a bugreport (type: list)



Person assigned to a bugreport (type: user)



List of attachments



List of bzr branches (only available in html mode)


Number of a bugreport (type: int)


List of local changes to a bugreport



List of comments






List of duplicates of a bug


Subscribers broken into 'directly', 'notified', and 'duplicates'













All subscribers







Activity Log

Get the Activity Log:

   5 >>> print b.activity[:3] #slice the list so it's more readable
   6 [<thekorn 2007-06-15 16:29:00 UTC 'bug'>, <thekorn 2007-06-15 18:41:00 UTC 'description'>, <thekorn 2007-07-18 07:38:00 UTC 'name'>]

Members of this list have the following attributes:


Get a list of attachments:

   5 >>> for a in bug.attachments:
   6 ...     print a
   7 ... 
   8 <Attachment (up: 8554243), (down: <path-to-file>/120593/8554243/79140.patch)>
   9 <Attachment (up: 8558770)>
  10 <Attachment (up: 8554203)>
  11 <Attachment (up: 8541039)>

As you can see there are four files attached to the bug and the first attachment has already been downloaded.

There are two ways of downloading an attachment:

   7 >>> bug.attachments[0].text #this will get the content and
   8                             # download the file to
   9                             # ~/.bughelper/attachments-cache/<package>/<bugnumber>/<attachment_id>/<filename>
  10 'content of the file'
  11 >>> bug.attachments[0].download("/tmp/filename.ext") #this will download the file to /tmp/filename.ext

You can for example filter the list of attachments by the filename:

  12 >>> def test_filter(a):
  13 ...     import re
  14 ...     return re.match("assignee.*", a.lp_filename)
  15 ... 
  16 >>> [i for i in bug.attachments.filter(test_filter)]
  17 [<Attachment (up: 8541039)>]
  18 >>> bug.attachments[8541039].lp_filename
  19 'assignee.patch'

These filtered attachments can be easily removed:

  20 >>> bug.attachments.remove(func=test_filter)
  21 True

To add an attachment you have to create an new attachment-object:

  22 >>> attachment = Bug.NewAttachment(localfilename="<path-to-file>/79140.patch")
  23 >>> attachment.description = "example patch"
  24 >>> attachment.is_patch = True
  25 >>> attachment
  26 <Attachment (down: <path-to-file>/79140.patch)>

Now you have to add this attachment to the bugreport:

  27 >>> bug.attachments.add(attachment)
  28 >>> for a in bug.attachments:
  29 ...     print a
  30 ... 
  31 <Attachment (up: 8554243), (down: <path-to-file>/120593/8554243/79140.patch)>
  32 <Attachment (up: 8558770)>
  33 <Attachment (up: 8554203)>
  34 <Attachment (down: <path-to-file>/79140.patch)>


Get a list of comments:

  35 >>> [c for c in bug.comments][0:2]
  36 [<Comment 1 by thekorn on 2007-07-20>, <Comment 2 by thekorn on 2007-07-20>]

Create a new comment and add this comment to the bugreport:

  37 >>> comment = Bug.NewComment(text="this is a test comment",subject="test comment")
  38 >>> bug.comments.add(comment)
  39 >>> [c for c in bug.comments]
  40 [<Comment 1 by thekorn on 2007-07-20>, <Comment 2 by thekorn on 2007-07-20>, ... , <Comment 'unknown'>]


Create a new task:

   1 >>> import launchpadbugs.connector as con
   2 >>> Bug = con.ConnectBug()
   3 >>> Bug.authentication = "cookies.sqlite"
   4 >>> task = Bug.NewTask("project", "bzr-fs")
   5 >>> b = Bug(214490)
   6 >>> b.infotable.addTask(task)
   7 >>> b.commit()


User are String-like objects with an additional attribute .realname.

   1 >>> str(bug.assignee)
   2 'thekorn'
   3 >>> repr(bug.assignee)
   4 '<user thekorn (Markus Korn)>'
   5 >>> bug.assignee.realname
   6 'Markus Korn'

Commit changes

get a list of changes

  41 >>> for i in bug.changed:
  42 ...     print i
  43 ... 
  44 (<Attachmentlist> changed: (<Attachment (up: 8541039)> deleted), (<Attachment (down: <path-to-file>/79140.patch)> added))
  45 (<Commentslist> changed: (<Comment 'unknown'> added))

commit changes

  46 >>> bug.commit()

There are two possible arguments to .commit():

Filing a bug report

   1 bug = Bug.New(product={"name": "python-launchpad-bugs"},
   2     summary="RFE: Add function to create a new bugreport",
   3     description="""It would be nice if a user could create a bugreport via a script using python-launchpad-bugs.
   5 Markus""")

BugHelper/Dev/python-launchpad-bugs/Bug (last edited 2008-08-12 22:24:51 by c-24-21-234-111)