BugList - tutorial

This is still work in progress

General workflow

This is how to use python-launchpad-bugs to get a list of bugs

   1 >>> from launchpadbugs.connector import ConnectBugList
   2 >>> BugList = ConnectBugList() # using the html mode
   3 >>> bl = BugList("https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bughelper/+bugs")

If you need a faster method to fetch the bug list but can abdicate additional information like status and importance of a bugreport it is possible to use the text mode of launchpad:

   2 >>> BugList = ConnectBugList("text") # using the text mode

In some cases, e.g. if the resulting lists should contain private bugreports, authentication is necessary

   4 >>> BugList.authentication="cookie.txt" #for text-based mozilla cookie files   or
   5 >>> BugList.authentication="cookie.sql" #for sql mozilla cookie files

It is also possible to do authentication via email-login and password. Note: This takes much longer than using cookie files, therefore python-launchpad-bugs provides a method to save the resulting cookie into a file

   7 >>> BugList.authentication={"email": "login@email.com", "passwort": "YourPassword"}
   8 >>> BugList.connection.save_cookie("/home/markus/.lpcookie")

There are currently different versions of launchpad, the stable bugs.launchpad.net and the testing environment bugs.edge.launchpad.net. Sometimes it makes sense to explicitly choose one of these versions to work with. In python-launchpad-bugs it is possible to define which version to use.

   1 >>> from launchpadbugs.lpconstants import HTTPCONNECTION
   2 >>> BugList.set_connection_mode(HTTPCONNECTION.MODE.EDGE) # or
   3 >>> BugList.set_connection_mode(HTTPCONNECTION.MODE.STABLE)

Bug list objects

BugList objects are set-like objects, each member is an instance of LPBugInfo.

   1 >>> bl
   2 <BugList https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bughelper/+bugs>
   3 >>> print bl
   4 BugList([<BugInfo 129341>,<BugInfo 88102>,<BugInfo 150887>])
   5 >>> len(bl)
   6 3


A LPBugInfo object has this attribute:





number of a bugreport (type of int)


url to this bugreport (task specific)


one-line title of a bugreport


importance of a bugreport


status of a bugreport


returns affected package within a distribution or an empty string

   1 >>> b = bl.pop()
   2 >>> b
   3 <BugInfo 239007>
   4 >>> print b
   5 [Bug 239007 : Confirmed/Undecided]
   6 >>> int(b)
   7 239007

Adding some (upstream) bugs to the set

It is easy to merge two BugList-objects

   1 >>> bl
   2 <BugList https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bughelper/+bugs>
   3 >>> bl += BugList("https://bugs.launchpad.net/bughelper/+bugs")
   4 >>> len(bl)
   5 14

Filtering bug lists

With python-launchpad-bugs 0.3 there is a new way of filtering bug lists. First of all: there are two different ways of filtering

The way mentioned by the last item can easily be done by using python's buildin filter() function and does not change the actual object.
In contrast the first way is irreversible. It is possible to use URL-based filter options (options provided by advanced-search of launchpad) or functions to filter elements. This functions take an element of the bug list as the only argument and return either False or an instance of LPBugInfo or LPBug. If False is returned the related element is filtered out of the list.

As a very basic example let's have a look at all bugs in the bughelper project which have an even bugnumber and which importance is either "Medium" or "Low"

   1 >>> from launchpadbugs.basebuglistfilter import URLBugListFilter
   2 >>> bug_filter = URLBugListFilter()
   3 >>> bug_filter.add_option("importance", ("Medium", "Low"))
   4 >>> bug_filter.functions.append(lambda x: not int(x) % 2 and x)
   5 >>> bl =  BugList(bug_filter("https://bugs.launchpad.net/bughelper/+bugs"))
   6 >>> print bl
   7 BugList([<BugInfo 131378>,<BugInfo 88102>])

Sorting the list of bugs

LPBugList objects do also have a .sort(<key>) method which returns a sorted list. <key> could be nr, status or importance with an optional leading - for reverse order.

   1 >>> bl =  BugList("https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bughelper/+bugs")
   2 >>> print [str(i) for i in bl]
   3 ['[Bug 239007 : Confirmed/Undecided]', '[Bug 129341 : New/Wishlist]', '[Bug 88102 : Confirmed/Undecided]', '[Bug 150887 : In Progress/Wishlist]']
   4 >>> print [str(i) for i in bl.sort("-status")]
   5 ['[Bug 129341 : New/Wishlist]', '[Bug 239007 : Confirmed/Undecided]', '[Bug 88102 : Confirmed/Undecided]', '[Bug 150887 : In Progress/Wishlist]']

Raised Exeptions

If the url given as an argument to the buglist is not valid in launchpad a LaunchpadURLError-Error will be raised

   1 >>> from launchpadbugs.exceptions import LaunchpadURLError
   2 >>> try:
   3 ...     bl =  BugList("https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bughelpcxcxcver/+bugs")
   4 ... except LaunchpadURLError, e:
   5 ...     print e
   6 ... 
   7     * message: Page not found
   8     * url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bughelpcxcxcver/+bugs

New to python-launchpad-bugs 0.3 is that this types of errors always return the url in question.

visualize fetching progress

With python-launchpad-bugs 0.3 it is possible to visualize the progress of getting the bug lists from launchpad. This is useful for GUI based applications.

   1 >>> from launchpadbugs.connector import ConnectBugList
   2 >>> BugList = ConnectBugList()
   3 >>> def progress_hook(counter, batchsize, result_length):
   4 ...     print counter, "/", batchsize, "/", result_length
   5 ... 
   6 >>> BugList.set_progress_hook(progress_hook)
   7 >>> BugList("https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/python-launchpad-bugs/+bugs")
   8 1 / 25 / 30
   9 2 / 25 / 30
  10 <BugList https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/python-launchpad-bugs/+bugs>
  11 >>> 

More on custom filter functions

Another new feature of python-launchpad-bugs 0.3 are filter functions which are able to stop the entire fetching process. As a very abstract example let's try to get a list of the first 5 bugs in ubuntu with the word 'ubuntu' in the summary.

   1 >>> from launchpadbugs.connector import ConnectBugList
   2 >>> from launchpadbugs.basebuglistfilter import URLBugListFilter, StopFiltering
   3 >>> class myfilter(object):
   4 ...     def __init__(self):
   5 ...         self.counter = 0
   6 ...     def __call__(self, bug):
   7 ...         if self.counter > 5:
   8 ...             raise StopFiltering
   9 ...         if "ubuntu" in bug.summary.lower():
  10 ...             self.counter += 1
  11 ...             return bug
  12 ...         else:
  13 ...             return False
  14 ...
  15 >>> BugList = ConnectBugList()
  16 >>> bug_filter = URLBugListFilter()
  17 >>> bug_filter.functions.append(myfilter())
  18 >>> BugList(bug_filter("https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs"))
  19 BugList([<BugInfo 126784>,<BugInfo 19634>,<BugInfo 24692>,<BugInfo 159096>,<BugInfo 44346>,<BugInfo 41694>])

Some more useful examples can be found in basebuglistfilter.py, one of them is the datereported filter function which allows getting a list of all bugs reported on a given date or in a given time period.

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BugHelper/Dev/python-launchpad-bugs/BugList (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:38 by localhost)