
Revision 35 as of 2008-08-04 17:05:10

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BugSquad 'Adopt a Package'

Adopt-a-Package is an approach to bug triaging; Currently, there are different approaches to finding bugs and fixing them; Some people prefer to read bug reports as they come in and deal with them as they are reported, others prefer to find the oldest open bugs and work toward the newest.

This approach is a bit different, BugSquad members choose a package to focus on and attempt to triage all the bugs for their chosen package. After all the bugs have been triaged, keeping up with new bugs becomes a relaxed daily process. After a package has been fully triaged, and while triaging a trickle of new bugs for an adopted package, adopt another package and repeat. The rationale for this approach is that this will produce experts within the Bug Squad for any particular package as well as keep the untriaged bugs low for critical packages.

Initially, it would best for a person to adopt only one package at a time, when they're done with a package, they move on to a new one. Please discuss on the [ Bugsquad mailing list.]

Adopted Packages

Packages that need particular care

List packages here that are up for adoption. The application bugnumbers of the bughelper suite is useful for finding out how many bugs a particular package has. Below you will find a list of packages which could use some attention and their quantity of bugs as of 2007-02-14. Don't be intimidated by the number as it is the total count of open bugs not untriaged ones.

Packages that have been 'swept'

CategoryBugSquad CategoryBugSquad