Hello, I'm DanielHolbach, taking care of bugs of a lot of different teams: * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+packagebugs|Desktop Bugs]] * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~accessibility/+packagebugs|Accessibility Bugs]] * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~telepathy/+packagebugs|Telepathy Bugs]] * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~bluetooth/+packagebugs|Bluetooth Bugs]] * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/~motu/+bugs|MOTU Bugs]] * ... = Unconfirmed/Undecided new bugs = I started off my day looking at [[http://tinyurl.com/2ovzpw|the raw incoming Unconfirmed/Undecided bugs]] sorted by 'newest first'. These bugs usually were not touched by anybody else before and you'll find a lot of easy tasks to get done there. == Crasher bugs == With the advent of [[Apport]] we get more and more crash reports. It's our task to make sure * we identify duplicates, * the backtraces are complete, * we forward them upstream. Most of these bugs have `[apport]` or `crash` in the title, so are easy to identify. === Initial triage (*) === Looking at the list of today, I stumbled across [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimmie/+bug/94360|bug 94360]]. 1. To make sure that nobody else goes through the initial triage steps of `Unconfirmed`/`Undecided` bugs, I marked its `Importance` as `Medium`. (For that you have to be in the [[UbuntuQA]] team.) The bug is still unconfirmed and we will mark it as `Confirmed` once the backtrace is complete. 1. The crash report says `Architecture: i386`, so I tag it as `need-i386-retrace` and the automatic retracer will pick it up. 1. Now I moved on to the next bug, as it will take a while until the retracer gives us a complete debug backtrace. Another bug I looked at was [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/94379|bug 94379]]. * It was similar to the bug above, only this time, I assigned the bug to the `desktop-bugs` team in the same step. * Also, I thanked the reporter for the bug report. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/multitail/+bug/94376|bug 94376]] was roughly the same, its attachment told me that it's a `i386` machine too. Additionally I assigned it to `MOTU`, so the bug shows up on the `universe-bugs@` list. How I found out that it's a bugs for MOTUs? Easy: {{{ daniel@bert:~$ apt-cache show multitail | grep File Filename: pool/universe/m/multitail/multitail_4.2.0-1_amd64.deb daniel@bert:~$ }}} Additional information: * For a comprehensive list of commonly used tags, take a look at [[BugSquad/Tags]]. * For a list of teams and their bug workflow, see [[Bugs/Teams]]. === Using bughelper to find duplicates (*) === I also stumbled across [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-applets/+bug/94300|bug 94300]]. Looking at the `Traceback` I somehow remembered the bug from earlier and decided to use [[BugHelper]] to figure out what's going wrong. {{{ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/invest/widgets.py", line 161, in on_quotes_update day_var = (now_total - start_total) / start_total * 100 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero }}} Deciding that `ZeroDivisionError` is a search term that's easy to distinguish, I started this [[BugHelper]] query: {{{ bughelper -T gnome-applets ZeroDivisionError ZeroDivisionError -A -U -p gnome-applets }}} {{{ -T means: only search for this search term in bug reports for this package -U means: not only consider bugs in http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source//+bugs but also in http://launchpad.net//+bugs this might give you duplicates in the output, but you'll check upstream bugs too -A means: check attachments too - this means downloading lots of stuff, but it will get cached in ~/.bughelper/attachments-cache -p means: search for this package only. }}} After a while (I looked at other bugs in the mean time), `bughelper` gave me this output: {{{ http://launchpad.net/bugs/80407 [gnome-applets upstream: Confirmed/Unknown][gnome-applets Ubuntu: Confirmed/Medium] - ZeroDivisionError - http://librarian.launchpad.net/6455220/_usr_lib_gnome-applets_invest-applet.1000.crash - http://librarian.launchpad.net/5780843/_usr_lib_gnome-applets_invest-applet.1000.crash }}} Bingo! Bug 94300 really was indeed a duplicate of bug 80407. Thus I marked it as duplicate, and used a nice stock reply from [[Bugs/Responses]]. === Adding the bughelper clue to the 'database' === To help other BugSquad members to find this bug more easily, I used the following command to create a `gnome-applets` `clue file`: {{{ bugxml -a gnome-applets ZeroDivisionError "This is a dup of bug 80407" -d 80407 }}} For more documentation on it, take a look at: [[BugHelper/doc/writing-clue-files]]. ---- Go back to '''[[BugSquad/Diaries]]'''.<
> [[CategoryBugSquad]]