The Ubuntu Community is an amazing place. It is a place filled with amazing people, motivation, determination and a real sense of working together and community. With the right people and the right ingredients almost anything is possible.

Community can be a tough thing to figure out though. How do you go about being part of or running a community effectively? How can you be productive while avoiding conflict and keeping your team motivated and interested? Although not all the answers are clear, the Building Community pages are here to help.

The first step though is to understand how the Ubuntu community is structured and how to get going as soon as possible. Well, here for your joyous delectation is a series of steps to get up and running as quickly as possible.

Step 1: Understand the structure of the community

Step 2: Determine what type of community gets you excited

It is important to understand what excites you about Ubuntu first and then build a community around that. If you take on the task of building a community you want to be excited and impassioned. That is why this step just might be the most important step to follow.

Step 3: Research

Step 4: Establish a plan

"No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy." -Moltke the Elder
Lucky for us there is no true enemy unless you count lack of desire; in which case this should be cleared after Step 2. A plan to help you form, maintain, and grow will serve you well from day 1 of your community build. Don't be discouraged if you find that you need to continually revise your plan. The best plan is the one that is adaptable. I would argue that a plan that is continually revised is better than one that is set in stone. An adaptive plan is looked at and thought about. This means it is more likely to be continually implemented.

Step 5: Take Action

This is the only guarantee you will be given here. If you do not take action then your community will not be successful. You have done your homework and now is the time for action. You are capable of doing this but it is up to you to start. Have fun with it and happy adventures.
