## page was renamed from SampleTeam/CreatingMenuBar = Creating a Team Menu Bar = <> One thing you see on every page on this [[BuildingCommunity/SampleTeam|Sample Team]] is a consistent menu bar. This gives the teams pages some navigation and consistency. To do this I have created a single menu bar that is included on every team page. This way if you update the menu bar, it is shown on ''all'' the pages. :) To do this, follow these steps: == Step 1: Create the menu bar == First create a page for the menu bar. I have done this on [[BuildingCommunity/SampleTeam/Header|Header]]. On that page is the following code: {{{ || [:SampleTeam:Home] || [:SampleTeam/Roadmap:Roadmap] || [:SampleTeam/GettingInvolved:Getting Involved] || [:SampleTeam/KnowledgeBase:Knowledge Base] || [:SampleTeam/FAQ:FAQ] || [:SampleTeam/Contacts:Contacts] || '''NEXT SAMPLETEAM MEETING''':[[BR]] Tue 9th Jan 15.00 UTC ([:SampleTeam/Meeting: details]) || }}} This code is a table with a bunch of links in it. == Step 2: Include the menu bar on your team pages == You now have the menu bar living on the [[BuildingCommunity/SampleTeam/Header|Header]] page, and just need to include it in each of your team pages. To do this, add this code to the top of every team page: {{{ [[Include(BuildingCommunity/SampleTeam/Header)]] }}} You will now see the menu bar appear. If you want to make changes to the menu bar that appear on all pages, just edit [[BuildingCommunity/SampleTeam/Header|Header]] and thats it! Simple! ---- [[CategoryBuildingCommunity]]