||<>|| == Sunday, April 6th, 2008, 7:00pm (1900) PDT == === Summary === 1. [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2008-March/000206.html|Gmane Archiving]]: should email addresses be obfuscated? a. nhaines pointed out that lists.ubuntu.com obfuscates addresses a little, so we should set gmane to do it too. Everyone else agrees (after discussing what exactly the options are). 1. [[http://www.lugradio.org/live/USA2008/start|LUG Radio Live 2008]] a. At the Metreon in SF on Apr 12-13 a. nhaines will be there and offered to talk to any northern CA people who wanted to know more about the Lo``Co. a. Lo``Co representation in northern California is thin, would be good to reach out a. Registration is only $10 for the entire weekend and includes goody bags and light lunches 1. CSU Long Beach Install``Fest a. Flyer: http://art110.wikispaces.com/installfest a. Wednesday 23rd. Schedule: 6pm show Revolution OS; 7pm Linux OS "demo" plus overview of software available; 7:30 - 8pm Install``Fest on stage. Installs in the lobby starting at 6pm for people who come to the event ready to install. a. Get names of people for parking to Flannel by the 20th === Original Agenda === 1. gmane.org https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2008-March/000206.html 1. LugRadio Live USA 2008 - April 12-13, The Metreon, San Francisco 1. CSU-Long Beach Installfest - April 23, 6pm, University Theater === Logs === {{{ 19:11 < Flannel> Welcome to our first April meeting. 19:11 < Flannel> Hardy is only a few weeks away. Our agenda for the evening consists of: 19:11 < Glenn_Z> Loved all those April 1 press releases! 19:11 < Flannel> gmane, Lug Radio Live, and the CSULB installfest. 19:12 < Flannel> So, first off, gmane.org. We didn't have a single reply to the ML on this topic. Does anyone here have opinions? 19:13 < Flannel> For those of you who don't remember, its whether to encrypt our email addresses or not. 19:13 < Glenn_Z> encrypt them where? 19:13 < nhaines> I think since we have simple encryption on Ubuntu's public archives, we should have encryption on gmane as well. 19:14 < Flannel> Glenn_Z: on gmane.org 19:14 < eric_5025> I agee with nhaines 19:14 < Flannel> I think we should have full fledged encryption on gmane. Harvesters be damned. 19:15 < nhaines> I didn't know there was an option for just simple encryption on gmane. 19:15 < eric_5025> Whats the max strength for the encryption? 19:15 < nhaines> Welcome to the meeting eric_5025, btw. :) 19:15 < eric_5025> thank you 19:16 < eric_5025> is the encryption going to be a standered 128 bit? 19:16 < Flannel> eric_5025: Its a hash thing and then an OCR thing 19:16 < Flannel> http://gmane.org/get-address.php?address=warp10%2dVGgt2q2%2bT%2bFeoWH0uzbU5w%40public.gmane.org 19:16 < Flannel> http://news.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.motu.science then you click on the email, and get that first page 19:17 < Flannel> I don't think its actually encrypted, its just a hash of some sort for display publically 19:17 < eric_5025> it doesnt look like an encryption page 19:18 < Flannel> No, its not an encrypted page 19:18 < Flannel> the email is just not textually visible. 19:18 < eric_5025> true 19:18 < Flannel> as opposed to user [at] domain [dot] com sort of thing 19:19 < eric_5025> ya i dont care for that 19:20 < Flannel> So, do we agree on the non-text visible hash thing then? 19:20 < eric_5025> i agree with it 19:20 < Flannel> Anyone disagree? 19:21 < Flannel> Alright then. Moving on. 19:21 < eric_5025> ok 19:21 < Flannel> Next topic is: LRL. nhaines, your turn 19:21 < nhaines> Okay. We have a booth at LugRadio Live USA 2008. 19:21 < nhaines> This consists of me bringing my laptop and monitor and talking about Ubuntu a lot. 19:22 < nhaines> And also letting Michael play GCompris, and I'll bring the LoCo business cards and a spindle of Ubuntu CDs. 19:22 < nhaines> If anyone would like to help me talk about Ubuntu a lot, that would be excellent. 19:22 < eric_5025> were is it located at?? 19:22 < nhaines> Otherwise I'm going to program my Tux Droid to do it and then go on walkabout. 19:23 < nhaines> LRL is at the Sony Metreon in San Francisco, CA. Details are at http://www.lugradio.org/live/USA2008/start 19:23 < eric_5025> thanks 19:23 < Flannel> It is next weekend (Apr 12-13) 19:23 < nhaines> Oh yeah, that's important too, thanks, Flannel. :) 19:24 < nhaines> In addition! If you are in the San Francisco area and are attending LRL, and you would like to know more about the LoCo or talk about hardy release party plans or anything else, then I would like to hear from you! 19:24 < Flannel> And we'll be creating new CD sleeves for it as well. 19:25 < nhaines> We'd like to get more activity up north, so if you'd just like to talk to a LoCo team member about how to be more involved, well, I'll be up there at the booth. 19:25 < eric_5025> like where up north? 19:25 < Flannel> eric_5025: more north than southern California 19:25 < eric_5025> like the sacramento area? 19:26 < nhaines> Sacramento and San Francisco, yes. 19:26 < Flannel> eric_5025: Basically, we're hoping to expand the LoCo activities to include all of California. Right now we've got the people for the south, but we're a bit thin everywhere else. 19:26 < nhaines> We know there are a lot of dedicated Ubuntu users all throughout California, so we'd like to reach out to them. 19:26 < eric_5025> i live in northern cali about 2 hours from sacramento 19:27 < Flannel> Anyone have any questions? or nhaines, any more comments regarding LRL? 19:27 < Flannel> eric_5025: Are you on our LoCo map? 19:27 < eric_5025> idk im very new 19:27 < Flannel> eric_5025: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Members 19:28 < nhaines> LRL will be a lot of fun and there will be a lot more to do and see there besides the Ubuntu booth. Registration is only $10 for the entire weekend and includes goody bags and light lunches, so come on down and check it out! 19:28 < Flannel> I agree. It should be a blast. Probably more so than was had at SCaLE. 19:28 < Flannel> not that SCaLE wasn't a blast. 19:29 < nhaines> LRL manages to have an even more casual, laidback feel than SCaLE, I think. 19:29 < Flannel> I think so. Even if only because it's run by britons. 19:30 < Flannel> Alright, so. Our next topic is The CSULB shindig, Glenn_Z 19:30 < Glenn_Z> Well, we've been on Spring Break for a week (or 2) but we're back on Tuesday 19:30 < Glenn_Z> I put together an ugly flier a couple hours ago: 19:30 < Glenn_Z> http://art110.wikispaces.com/installfest 19:31 < Glenn_Z> I'll make it pretty and add some images tomorrow 19:31 < Glenn_Z> and xerox a bunch on tuesday 19:31 < Glenn_Z> so take a look and LMK any +/- or copy / ideas, etc 19:32 < Flannel> LMK? 19:32 < Glenn_Z> The more I think about it - I think emphasizing all the Free Software options will be nice 19:32 < Glenn_Z> "Let Me Know" 19:33 < Glenn_Z> for some the "philosophy" will be a selling point - for others the OS Freedom - but for many, Free software that's legal will be nice 19:33 < Flannel> And, when is this? Wednesday the 23rd, 19:33 < Glenn_Z> yes 19:34 < Flannel> times 19:34 < Flannel> ? 19:34 < Glenn_Z> 6p Revolution OS 19:34 < Glenn_Z> 7p Linux OS "demo" 19:34 < Glenn_Z> plus overview of software avaiable 19:34 < Glenn_Z> then 7:30 -8p raise the screen and Installfest on stage 19:35 < Glenn_Z> meanwhile, in the lobby we can start installing right at 6p for anyone who already knows they're interested; 19:35 < Glenn_Z> I'm planning to dig up: 19:35 < Glenn_Z> power strips / tables / chairs / data projectors / screens 19:36 < Glenn_Z> Last meeting someone talked about demo-ing their stuff on a video loop 19:36 < Flannel> Glenn_Z: when do we have to have names to you re: parking? 19:36 < Glenn_Z> we can set up however many projectors with video/laptop we like - and show at various spots 19:36 < Flannel> For anyone who wants to go, email *me* and I'll get a single list to Glenn regarding parking permits. 19:36 < Glenn_Z> Parking names by monday the 21 would be great 19:37 < Flannel> Alright. So make sure you notify me by the 21st (20th would be better) to get free parking. 19:37 < Glenn_Z> and "LMK" any thoughts on the flier by tomorrow 19:38 < nhaines> Flannel: throw me on the list. 19:38 < Glenn_Z> DWK (do we know :) "Who" is going to be giving the "demo?" 19:39 < Flannel> Apparently not. But we'll be sure to sort all that out beforehand. 19:39 < Glenn_Z> BTW - like most data projectors, the one in our theater is 1024 xs 768 w/ vga connector 19:39 < Flannel> We do have one more meeting right before (on the 20th actually). So if there's any loose ends, we can take care of them there. 19:40 < Flannel> Glenn_Z: anything else? 19:40 < Flannel> Or anyone else, for that matter, regarding the CSULB thing? 19:40 < Glenn_Z> What else does U-C need from us -- or what else do you have for us? 19:41 < Glenn_Z> Otherwise - We'll start plastering fliers on Tue and drag in as many as we can 19:41 < Glenn_Z> I'll bribe my students with EC to come watch the film part 19:41 < Flannel> Glenn_Z: I think we're satiated, actually 19:42 < Glenn_Z> ok 19:42 < Flannel> Yeah, I'll talk to some guys I know at LB and have them spread the word as well. 19:42 < Glenn_Z> great! 19:42 < Flannel> Alright. Does anyone else have any new topics to add to the agenda? 19:44 < Flannel> If not, I'd like to remind anyone whos here that we're still looking for locations for our Hardy Party (where we Party Hardy) 19:44 < Flannel> and thank you all for coming. Our next meeting is in two weeks, April 20th. 7pm PDT. Be sure to get me your names (email is preferrable) by then if you want free parking at CSULB. }}}