## page was renamed from CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10October31 ||<>|| == Sunday, November 7th, 2010, 7:00pm (1900) PST == === Agenda === 1. Announcements - [[http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/|UDS]], etc. 1. Podcast Discussion kickoff (Format, Length, Tools, Topics) -- Prefer to keep the discussion high level at this point and work in separate groups later so people can volunteer available time. 1. Channel Ops discussion: There is consensus in casual conversation that we want to add more, discuss, select some volunteers and get them added 1. Website - What do we want to do with it? 1. Reaching out to those members in the State that are not on IRC and how to include them into the meeting process 1. SCALE - I know it is early but, never early to start planning If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. ## !!! WHEN COPYING THIS TEXT: double-check the timezone is right !!! ## 7PM PDT (Summer time) is 2AM UTC. 7PM PST (Winter time) is 3AM UTC. Our meetings are held for about 90 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PST / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|#ubuntu-us-ca on freenode]]. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|Contact page]]. {{{ 19:03 < jdeslip> The agenda for the meeting is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10November07 19:04 < jdeslip> Please feel free to bring other subjects up between topics, but we'd like to keep these meetings to an hour or so 19:04 < jdeslip> The first topic is announcements. 19:04 < jdeslip> UDS was the week before last. 19:04 < pleia2> it's probably not worth going through every single one of them, but we've got a bunch of Ubuntu Hours coming up, they're all here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california 19:05 < jdeslip> pleia2: I plan to be there this wednesday (though maybe a little late) 19:05 < pleia2> yay 19:05 < grantbow> UDS was wonderful. DarkwingDuck and I were there. 19:05 < jdeslip> A couple of our team members were at UDS: grantbow, Darwking duck 19:05 < jdeslip> care to summarize? 19:06 < DarkwingDuck> `Sorry for a few min late 19:06 < grantbow> If you have been to one before you would know how hard that question is 19:06 < grantbow> one sec 19:06 < jdeslip> Well... I know the summary for me is: Banshee is default... and a bunch of other stuff was discussed. 19:07 < pleia2> yeah, I think answering that question is different for everyone, a lot of movement and changes on a lot of teams :) 19:07 < DarkwingDuck> To summerize... Alot of things happened. Banshee defaulted and starting in 11.04 Unity will be standard Desktop UI for Ubuntu 19:07 < pleia2> most of the teams have posted summaries on their respesctive mailing lists and blueprints 19:07 < grantbow> summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/ has the schedule - all the audio recordings are available. 19:07 < jdeslip> grantbow: thanks! 19:07 < grantbow> Unity for 11.04 was the big announcement on Monday, yes. 19:07 < DarkwingDuck> Gnome desktop will still be around but, Unity will become the default 19:08 < grantbow> for hardware that supports acceleration Unity will be the default, right. 19:08 < DarkwingDuck> Kubuntu Community kicked off. If you want to get involved with Kubuntu let me know :) 19:08 *** grantbow cheers 19:09 < DarkwingDuck> Unity will also be switching to Compiz vice Mutter/Clutter 19:09 < jdeslip> Also since the last meeting, we have had an event at yahoo - raising the maverick lamp organized by aaditya 19:09 < jdeslip> with MarkDude presenting. Thanks guys for that! 19:10 < jdeslip> Ok, so lets move on to the next topic 19:10 < jdeslip> ------ Podcast Discussion kickoff (Format, Length, Tools, Topics) 19:10 < pleia2> didn't jtatum present too? 19:10 < jdeslip> oh... thanks jtatum too :) 19:10 < pleia2> slides of his are up on the wiki : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/LightingTheMaverickLAMP 19:10 < MarkDude> Yes, his video was not recorded fully 19:11 < pleia2> MarkDude: can you link the video to that wiki page? 19:11 *** MarkDude hopes we can do it again, it had really good stuff 19:11 < MarkDude> just a min 19:11 < MarkDude> http://www.youtube.com/zareason#p/a/u/0/au7Vm88aVuU 19:12 < pleia2> who is here to talk about the podcast? 19:12 < pleia2> MarkDude: thanks, adding the link to the wiki now :) 19:12 < MarkDude> Cool 19:13 < jdeslip> I am not sure the person who posted the podcast agenda item is here 19:13 *** MarkDude knows that as of a while ago the Ubuntu UK folks said they willing to help with at least advice for podcast 19:13 < pleia2> ok, maybe we move on and come back to it if they pop up :) 19:14 < jdeslip> At this point I think we are basically waiting for interested parties to take charge on the podcast idea 19:14 < jdeslip> So, lets move on to item2 19:14 < jdeslip> err item 3 19:14 < jdeslip> ---------- Channel Ops discussion 19:14 < MarkDude> http://picasaweb.google.com/tuxwingsgroup/LightingTheMaverickLAMPYahoo# 19:15 < MarkDude> Pics of jtatum and I speaking and a few other folks 19:15 < pleia2> thanks MarkDude :) 19:15 < jdeslip> For the most part, this channel hasn't needed many Ops actions 19:16 < pleia2> so, the current the ops in this channel are the new leadership (so jdeslip, DarkwingDuck and myself) 19:16 < pleia2> topic updating, removing the very occasional troll 19:16 < jdeslip> (Flannel I believe mentioned two incidence) - but we'd like to open discussion up about how many Ops the channel should have, how they should be chosen etc... 19:17 < jdeslip> incidents 19:17 < grantbow> are nhaines or rww around? 19:18 < grantbow> I would like all sides to be heard for this discussion 19:18 < jdeslip> Are people happy with 3 Ops? Do you think we need to add more in order to better serve the channel? 19:18 *** MarkDude thinks the more the merrier, its hard to ops 24hrs a day, halfops can do a fair amount 19:19 < pleia2> MarkDude: freenode doesn't have halfops :) 19:19 < jbermudes> isn't that called a cyclops? 19:20 < seidos> it doesn't concern me either way. if i had ops, i wouldn't have any reason to ever use it 19:20 < MarkDude> +votiA vs +votsriRfA 19:20 < MarkDude> whatever the name 19:20 < Eureka> wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/LightingTheMaverickLAMP edited 19:20 < pleia2> MarkDude: it's just different flags, there is also the +F flag 19:21 < pleia2> I don't see a need for a lot of ops, but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise since I don't see the harm in having more volunteers to do things like update the topic after meetings 19:22 < pleia2> and as grantbow points out, it would be nice to hear from the ops who stepped down to see what they think 19:22 < jdeslip> OK, for now, I propose we leave it as it is. If the current system fails or someone brings up a strong argument against, we can reconsider. Feel free to write the mailing list. I also don't see why some who is interested and has the time to invest should be turned down. 19:22 < MarkDude> Well do the 3 of you cover all 24hrs in the day? 19:22 < jdeslip> pleia2, markdude: agreed 19:22 < DarkwingDuck> I'm logged in. 19:23 < DarkwingDuck> If Im AFK I have my phone number in my away message 19:23 < grantbow> sounds ok to me 19:23 < DarkwingDuck> call or text me and I can ssh into IRC from my phone 24/7 19:24 < pleia2> and maybe people interested in volunteering for ops should let us know 19:24 < pleia2> if they see a need 19:24 *** MarkDude disagrees, but not adamantly so. Nor do I want to be an op here 19:24 < pleia2> MarkDude: disagree with what? 19:24 < grantbow> MarkDude: please elaborate 19:25 *** MarkDude thinks it would be good to have a goal of 5-6 ops 19:25 < pleia2> based on? 19:25 < MarkDude> not needed, but, trolls have the weirdest times they show up 19:25 < grantbow> a reasonable goal. what's the advantage? more coverage? 19:25 < pleia2> fwiw, the IRCCouncil also has ops here 19:26 < pleia2> so you can always join #ubuntu-irc to ask for help too 19:26 < seidos> what's the disadvantage of having more ops? 19:26 < MarkDude> Just experience, with seeing how much hassle trolls can do in a short time 19:26 < pleia2> seidos: I don't see any really 19:26 < jdeslip> pleia2: agreed. Interested volunteers should let us know. If they have experience, interest and time and agree to abide by the Ubuntu Code, LoCo council and group decisions, then I don't see why not. 19:26 < grantbow> MarkDude: sounds like you are concerned about response time during an incidence 19:26 < pleia2> jdeslip: +1 19:26 < MarkDude> Yes grantbow 19:27 < seidos> jdeslip, +1 19:27 < seidos> if people want to apply for ops, because they think they can use it, then they should be able to 19:27 < MarkDude> Even if it just helps slow down one troll that is a good deal 19:27 < seidos> MarkDude, very elven of you 19:27 < jdeslip> So, the conclusion is - currently we have three and it has yet to fail. We'd like to hear suggestions from the former ops and are taking volunteers. 19:28 < pleia2> jdeslip: +1 19:28 < DarkwingDuck> jdeslip: +1 19:28 < grantbow> jdeslip: +1 19:28 < eps> I take it no one considers 24 hr. logging a deterrent? 19:28 < akk> jdeslip: +1 19:28 < MarkDude> BTW, sorry for being an a-hole recently. Sorry Cali Team 19:28 < pleia2> thanks MarkDude 19:28 < seidos> eps, i don't even think of the logging O_o 19:28 < jdeslip> With that, we'll move on to the next topic 19:28 < MarkDude> eps, with webclients being what they are- not really 19:28 < pleia2> eps: based on what I've seen here, trolls are pretty generic freenode trolls, they go everywhere regardless of logging 19:29 < jdeslip> --------- Website - What do we want to do with it? 19:29 < pleia2> I am not sure who was taking a lead with this 19:29 *** MarkDude votes for putting lots and lots of pictures of penguins on there, maybe some tech stuff also :D 19:29 < eps> Uh, monetize it? 19:29 *** akk seconds the penguin thing 19:29 < pleia2> we've done a lot of talking, came up with: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Website 19:30 < pleia2> we don't even have hosting yet :) 19:30 < pleia2> we have hosting *options* but no decisions as of yet 19:30 < jdeslip> pleia2: is there a possibility of some sort of official canonical hosting? 19:30 < jdeslip> err ubuntu community rather than canonical 19:30 < pleia2> the option I offer (Option 2) is a community option 19:31 < DarkwingDuck> I have plenty of space on my server as well... 19:31 < seidos> how about a link to the IRC log? 19:31 < pleia2> it's the server that hosts ubuntupennsylvania.org and ubuntu-us.org, runs 10.10, donated to me on behalf of the community by linode 19:31 < seidos> what are the benefits of canonical hosting? 19:31 < pleia2> it's free 19:32 < seidos> would it be easier to transfer ownership as well? 19:32 < jdeslip> pleia2: and yours isn't? 19:32 < pleia2> but it's hard to know how quickly they'd set it up, and they are notoriously slow 19:32 < pleia2> jdeslip: mine is too 19:32 < grantbow> Canonical hosting is provided by IS? Tickets are required for possible changes? I would not recommend that. 19:32 < pleia2> seidos: a selected member of the california community aside from me would be granted access to the linode interface as well as sudo on the box 19:32 < grantbow> from what I have heard 19:33 < eps> Is something like SFCCP (www.sfccp.net) out of the question? 19:33 < pleia2> grantbow: yeah, I have worked with IS for Ubuntu Women - we asked for a change on the wiki in July, it hasn't been done yet, this is normal :) 19:33 < pleia2> they don't answer requests very quickly, usually you have to track them down on IRC and nag for months 19:33 < grantbow> eps: not out of the question but not added to the wiki page yet either 19:34 < pleia2> eps: can you add that proposal to the wiki, with details? 19:34 < jdeslip> It is my impression that someone should set up a mock-site (or even an active site that is not fully advertised) and then let the group comment/critique it 19:34 < DarkwingDuck> I say +1 to where ubuntu-us and pennsylvania is hosted. 19:34 < pleia2> whatever we decide upon for hosting, we need at least one other member of the community with full admin access (this goes for the domain name we settle upon too) 19:34 < DarkwingDuck> Agreed 19:34 < dragon> How about using Google AppEngine for the website? Free hosting, decent capabilities. 19:34 < jdeslip> agreed 19:34 < grantbow> pleia2: +1 19:34 < pleia2> dragon: please add that proposal to the wiki with details :) 19:35 < dragon> pleia2: you got it :) 19:36 < jdeslip> So, how about we schedule a decision on our hosting provider at the next meeting? 19:36 < grantbow> fyi - ubuntu-us-ca.org works now and currently redirects to our wiki site. I'm happy to provide any access if it's chosen for use by the team. 19:36 < pleia2> jdeslip: re: mockup - that's tricky without knowing what our hosting is, I can only offer wordpress, app engine doesn't do wordpress, etc etc 19:36 < jdeslip> Then, we should call for mockups that contain that most of the info that has been suggested here. 19:36 < pleia2> (well, I can offer plain html too, but no joomla or drupal) 19:36 < eps> pleia2: that's a no ... I still can't log in to the wiki ... they haven't fixed the bug yet 19:37 < pleia2> eps: ah, maybe email me the text you would like in the proposal? lyz@ubuntu.com 19:37 < DarkwingDuck> grantbow: the way I understand we have several domain names and they will all end up pointing to the same place :) 19:37 < pleia2> I'll add it 19:37 < grantbow> DarkwingDuck: great 19:37 < pleia2> yeah, erichammond's domains are available for use too, those are all on the wiki 19:38 < pleia2> jdeslip: once we have info for all proposals, maybe email the list and we decide at our next meeting? 19:38 < pleia2> people can give input on list and at the meeting 19:38 < jdeslip> Sounds good. 19:39 < MarkDude> +1 19:39 < jdeslip> I figure after we decide on hosting knowledgable peopel can make basic mockups on any hosting they have available to them. 19:39 *** pleia2 nods 19:39 < DarkwingDuck> Agreed. 19:39 < grantbow> agreed 19:40 < dragon> Will people on the mailing list get a chance to provide their input (proposals etc.)? 19:40 < pleia2> dragon: yep, that's why we'll post it there 19:40 < DarkwingDuck> dragon: Yes... and that kinda brings us to the next item :) 19:40 *** pleia2 points to what she said a few lines up 19:40 < jdeslip> Yep. I think, even if you don't have html/wordpress etc experience you can still comment on design, content etc 19:41 *** dragon is obviously behind on his reading :) 19:41 < pleia2> yeah, and while I can do sysadmin stuff, I am useless at design 19:41 < pleia2> someone else for that would be good ;) 19:41 *** DarkwingDuck still thinks Drupal would be a good idea 19:41 < grantbow> pleia2: I disagree :-) 19:41 < dragon> drupal -1 19:41 < pleia2> drupal -1 19:41 < jdeslip> DarkwingDUck: good point - lets transition to the next topic 19:41 < jdeslip> ------------ Reaching out to those members in the State that are not on IRC and how to include them into the meeting process 19:41 < seidos> DarkwingDuck, do you have drupal site? 19:42 < DarkwingDuck> although, drupal has OpenID support... 19:42 < pleia2> so does wordpress 19:42 < DarkwingDuck> seidos: I work on 4 19:42 < DarkwingDuck> but I digress 19:42 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck: if you have a hosting proposal aside from canonical that can do drupal and meet our conditions, please feel free to add it :) 19:43 < seidos> DarkwingDuck, i'm interested in drupal. not sure what it can do for me that wordpress doesn't already though 19:43 < jdeslip> As DarkwingDuck pointed out. Commenting on possible web page designs is one good way to get participation from members of the group outside of IRC 19:43 < DarkwingDuck> Any hosting with PHP will handle drupal 19:43 < jdeslip> What are others? 19:43 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck: not if it doesn't have enough ram 19:43 < pleia2> anyway, sorry, moving on :) 19:43 < DarkwingDuck> Then I'll add my servers :D 19:43 < seidos> why moving on? i actually find this interesting 19:43 < seidos> :/ 19:43 < grantbow> so much for moving on 19:44 < DarkwingDuck> seidos: I'll talk to you about drupal after meeting. 19:44 < seidos> eh, i don't want to obstruct the flow, i can research it later 19:44 < jdeslip> the next topic is discussing whether we are moving on or not :) 19:44 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck: if you're willing to give volunteers root on your server and access to the admin panel where you host it, feel free to add it 19:44 < pleia2> but we generally want to avoid personal hosting solutions, they tend to end badly for teams :( 19:44 < DarkwingDuck> Yeah, hence why I didn't add it to the wiki... plus my clients might not like it either. 19:45 < jdeslip> pleia2: +1 19:45 < seidos> i'm confused. what's a person hosting solution? 19:45 < grantbow> neutral shared hosting +1 19:45 < seidos> grantbow, there's such thing? 19:45 < pleia2> seidos: personal, hosting paid for and hosted by an individual (who may get hit by a bus) 19:45 < seidos> grantbow, aside from p2p style hosting? 19:46 < seidos> pleia2, so hosting on your server is actually hosted under a separate entity? a trust or a corporation? 19:46 < grantbow> siedos: as long as it's shared and people that care participate it works well 19:46 < seidos> grantbow, in terms of access then. all right. 19:47 < grantbow> seidos: in what other terms were you referring? 19:47 < pleia2> seidos: it's free from linode to the community (I am just a proxy), other members of the community will have access to the administrative panel and sudo on the box 19:47 < pleia2> seidos: there is no payment, so if I disappear it won't go away and someone else picks up the relationship with linode 19:48 < dragon> pleia2: getting hit by a bus shouldn't hurt as long as someone else holds the root access ;) 19:48 < seidos> grantbow, physical access, insurance that power wouldn't get turned off if "person gets hit by a bus" 19:48 < pleia2> dragon: if it's paid for hosting by an individual when they get hit by a bus their credit card turns off :) 19:48 < seidos> pleia2, ah free from linode to ubuntu california? 19:48 < pleia2> this is a VPS, so physical access is not a consideration 19:48 < grantbow> seidos: a good way to ensure that is with a professional hosting provider of some kind, right? 19:49 < pleia2> seidos: to ubuntu-us (currently hosting ubuntu-us.org, ubuntupennsylvania.org and the ubuntu pennsylvania bot) 19:49 < seidos> pleia2, so they'll add another site for free? 19:49 < pleia2> it's a VPS, they don't do anything, we edit the apache config to add more 19:49 < seidos> grantbow, yeah, sure, if you can acquire it gratis. 19:50 < seidos> pleia2, they provide hardware and bandwidth? that's something. 19:50 *** MarkDude has more trust in the team members here than say Canonical, any method would be suitable tho, as long we have some smooth way to do it :) 19:50 < pleia2> seidos: yep :) 19:50 < grantbow> seidos, right 19:50 < DarkwingDuck> Anyway, since I'll have to leave after the meeting and I have kids to put to bed... Any ideas on how we can include the ML better then we have in the past? 19:50 < pleia2> the linode folks are good about sponsoring community projects and events 19:50 < seidos> pleia2, should i even ask how you manage to get free hosting from linode? 19:50 < jdeslip> Ya, this discussing on hosting has been useful, but I think it is time to move on to the nexst topic 19:50 < grantbow> back to the agenda item #5 19:50 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck: we could always be more diligent about making sure events get posted to the list 19:51 < DarkwingDuck> I was thinking that and instead of making any desitions in IRC they should be made on the ML. 19:51 < pleia2> seidos: projects can email linode to request hosting 19:51 < pleia2> doh 19:51 < DarkwingDuck> They can be debated here but, I think the ML needs to be bigger then it has been. 19:52 < pleia2> all decisions? 19:52 < DarkwingDuck> It was something that was brought up at UDS 19:52 < grantbow> decisions? 19:52 < jdeslip> DarkwingDuck: the structure says that decisions can be made either on irc or mailing list 19:52 < grantbow> desitions = decisions? 19:52 < jdeslip> But, I think major decisions (such as hosting for the website) would be better on the list too 19:52 < DarkwingDuck> Yes, my spelling sucks. 19:52 < jdeslip> I think small event related discussions/decisions can stay on IRC 19:53 < pleia2> jdeslip: +1 19:53 < DarkwingDuck> My concerns stems from this... 19:53 < DarkwingDuck> What perrcentage of our team are here? 19:53 < pleia2> yeah, we certainly don't want to shut people out because they can't make it to a meeting 19:53 < grantbow> waiting for a mail list decision is far heavier weight than an IRC decision of people that are attending, involved and interested 19:54 < jdeslip> grantbow: +1 19:54 < akk> Agreed, DarkwingDuck. Anyone just on the ML and not here would be left out of a lot, and confused about a lot. 19:54 < grantbow> how decisions are made on a mail list will matter greatly 19:54 < akk> There's a lot that's really never explained on the list, and only makes sense to people who have seen the discussions here. 19:54 < grantbow> there needs to be some kind of balance 19:54 < pleia2> maybe when we plan meetings, we make sure people know that agenda items can be changed, and input added on the wiki, or ideas added on list to be considered during the meeting? 19:54 < DarkwingDuck> I just think we need to try and include the ML Members more then just the IRC ones. 19:55 < grantbow> DarkwingDuck: +1 19:55 < MarkDude> Well some items need to be at least mentioned in both 19:55 < jdeslip> I agree that major decisions can and should be made on the list. But I don't think people want an email several times a day about whether we need to change the table cloth cover at the next happy hour 19:55 < MarkDude> DarkwingDuck, +1 19:55 < pleia2> jdeslip: +1 19:55 < eps> Do we know _why_ people don't use IRC? Is it strictly a scheduling issue, or are there technical considerations? 19:56 < pleia2> don't know 19:56 < MarkDude> eps, the social stigma :D 19:56 < grantbow> forcing people to participate with IRC for all decisions -1, but let's be careful how far we swing back to balance in the other direction. 19:56 < DarkwingDuck> It might be a time thing. 19:56 < DarkwingDuck> 7pm on sunday with familys 19:56 < MarkDude> When I 1st started it felt like liturgical Latin 19:56 < jdeslip> Being on IRC takes somewhat of an anctive commitment to check the channel all the time. Email is a lot more passive and easier to handle. 19:56 < pleia2> yeah, it's frequently hard for me to be home by 7PM on sundays 19:56 < dragon> eps: personal preference would be one factor. It's a safe assumption that everyone uses email. 19:57 < DarkwingDuck> esp if they took the time to sign up for the ML 19:57 < dragon> Is there a possibility of rescheduling this meeting to a weekday? 19:57 < jdeslip> I think the main thing that we should do a better job at is talking about future events on the list and getting feedback. 19:57 < pleia2> dragon: or maybe one of the two monthly meetings to a weekday 19:57 < pleia2> jdeslip: yeah 19:58 < dragon> pleia2: that's a good idea 19:58 < DarkwingDuck> jdeslip: agreed. I'm not saying every detail should be on the ML but, I think it needs to be used better then it has in the past. 19:58 < jdeslip> Some of the events lately (one of which was the makerfaire event I planned) did a pretty poor job of this 19:58 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck: +1 19:59 < eps> dragon: not everyone wants their e-mail addresses to appear in a public archive; I get more than enough spam as it is 19:59 < pleia2> so maybe when we discuss things at meetings, we decide at the meeting whether we feel it's "major" and move discussion to the list as needed? 19:59 < MarkDude> Sounds hella reasonable 19:59 < akk> Wait, where does posting people's email addresses come in? 19:59 < DarkwingDuck> Or, an email with all the topics with links to the wiki logs of the meeting 20:00 < jdeslip> pleia2: sounds hella reasonable to me too 20:00 < DarkwingDuck> what? 20:00 < pleia2> eps: if people refuse to come on IRC and refuse to post to the mailing list, it gets very difficult, I'm not sure how we'd communicate (phone?) 20:00 < dragon> eps: where do the email addresses become visible to public? 20:00 < pleia2> dragon: lists.ubuntu.com doesn't mask email addresses in any fancy way 20:00 < eps> pleia2: I'm saying there are people who are OK with IRC but not e-mail 20:00 < dragon> pleia2: ouch. 20:00 < pleia2> eps: oh yes, discussion in meetings will still be part of the discussion, we're trying to include people on the ML more :) 20:01 < grantbow> eps: I think that's a relative minority 20:01 < akk> Are there really people who use IRC but won't use an email list? 20:01 < DarkwingDuck> I just see the amount of people active in here and I look at the number in LP and the ML. 20:01 < MarkDude> akk good point 20:01 < DarkwingDuck> there is a gross minority of our team in here for a meeting. 20:02 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck: to be fair, the majority don't care about administriva :) 20:02 < MarkDude> DarkwingDuck, same thing at the ballot box in our country- 20:02 < pleia2> MarkDude: that too 20:02 *** MarkDude is just sayin' 20:02 < jdeslip> OK - So lets use the website hosting and design decisions as a chance to test the mailing list decision process 20:02 < grantbow> DarkwingDuck: that's an important but potentially larger and separate topic from just getting more ML involvement compared to now 20:02 < pleia2> jdeslip: +1 20:02 < akk> jdeslip: +1 20:02 < jdeslip> And, everyone please try to get your events to the mailing list early and encourage feedback 20:02 *** MarkDude waves cane at non-voters 20:02 < eps> akk: you won't find any messages from me on the list because https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/ doesn't obfuscate 20:03 < DarkwingDuck> Last item... Is there any intrest for a booth at SCaLE9X? 20:03 < eps> And I'm not entitled to an @ubuntu.com address 20:03 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck: yes! 20:03 < grantbow> eps: is there a bug for lists.ubuntu.com obfuscation yet? can you file one if there's isn't? 20:03 < jdeslip> Yes there is! 20:03 < MarkDude> DarkwingDuck, we are pretty much set for a table 20:04 < DarkwingDuck> I figured between MarkDude and Yasumoto we would 20:04 < grantbow> SCaLE9x +1 20:04 < jdeslip> Great 20:04 < DarkwingDuck> there going to be a carpool from the bay? 20:04 < pleia2> probably 20:04 < jdeslip> I would like to get in on such a carpool 20:04 < MarkDude> Gareth would also like people to know about CFP ending Dec 5th 20:05 *** MarkDude is at least going with 3 ppeople 20:05 < grantbow> http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale9x/ 20:05 < grantbow> Fedb 25th - 27th 20:05 < grantbow> Feb 20:05 < jdeslip> About scale9x - Do we have a definite plan to get a table. Should we contact yasumoto? 20:05 < DarkwingDuck> jdeslip: Yasumoto pinged me the other day 20:05 < jdeslip> We should confirm this as soon as possible. 20:05 < DarkwingDuck> I said yes because me and my wife will be there. 20:06 < grantbow> oh, http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa10/index.html is this week in SJ, forgot about that. 20:06 < jdeslip> DarkwingDuck: Great. Can you confirm the table with him? Or do whatever registration is necessary? 20:06 < DarkwingDuck> jdeslip: Aye I will take care of that. 20:06 < jdeslip> DarkwingDuck: Thanks! 20:06 < pleia2> thanks DarkwingDuck 20:07 < DarkwingDuck> :D And with that... I have to put kids to bed. 20:07 < jdeslip> Who was in charge in the table last year? It would be great to get their advice on planning for this year? 20:07 < DarkwingDuck> I think Yasumoto and Flannel and nhaines were all involved. 20:07 < pleia2> scale CPF: https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/simple_cfp/ 20:07 < jdeslip> DarkwingDuck Ok. Lets try to get their advice in the coming weeks. 20:07 < pleia2> CFP too 20:07 < grantbow> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale8x 20:07 < DarkwingDuck> nhaines also was talking about a ubucon again. 20:08 < DarkwingDuck> I'll have to get ahold of him and see if he was still interested in doing one. 20:08 < jdeslip> OK, thanks everyone for coming tonight. This ends tonights meeting. 20:08 < pleia2> thanks for chairing jdeslip :) 20:08 < DarkwingDuck> Thanks all! 20:09 < eps> How would people feel about changing the Projects section on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam to say 2011 instead of 2008? 20:09 < jdeslip> Please continue to discuss whatever it is you want! 20:09 < grantbow> Thanks everyone. }}}