== Sunday, August 28th, 2011, 7:00pm (1900) PT == === Agenda === 1. Moving team meeting information to [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california|Loco.Ubuntu.com]] -- [[LaunchpadHome:david.wonderly]] <> 2. Ubuntu Global Jams -- [[LaunchpadHome:david.wonderly]] <> If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Agenda items added within 24 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|collaborate]] and avoids last minute surprises. Our meetings are held for about 60 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PDT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|#ubuntu-us-ca on freenode]]. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|Contact page]]. {{{#!IRC [02:01] #startmeeting [02:02] * DarkwingDuck kicks his server out the door [02:02] Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11August28 [02:02] DarkwingDuck: you should probably chair since these are your items :) [02:03] Well, before I added them today, there was no items :) [02:03] Okay, Moving meeting information over to loco.ubuntu [02:03] IIRC the Community Council along with Ubuntu at large likes using the loco.ubuntu for information. [02:04] As far as I can tell, it seems like a nice little tool and if people actually go to the page and click "Attend" we can have a count of who is here and who isn't [02:04] Like a like or +1 button? [02:05] I thought there was... [02:05] Looking at the meeting I have setup for the 11th. [02:05] we did a trial of this (and still used the wiki too) a few meetings ago: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-california/120/detail/ [02:05] unfortunately for our past two meetings the loco directory has been completely down due to server problems, so I'm not entirely confident we want to rely upon it exclusively yet :\ [02:06] * DarkwingDuck nods [02:06] they claim it's fixed, but I'd rather see prolonged evidence of this [02:06] I'll set it up for the next few meetings and see how it goes. [02:06] Anyone have any issues/problems with this? [02:06] Who is here anyway? [02:06] DarkwingDuck: there is a way to add an agenda item, but not mark yourself as attending [02:07] o/ [02:07] \o [02:07] pleia2, Yes, I say that... Must add a +1 attended button. [02:07] "Bother," said Pooh. [02:07] say/saw [02:07] Ubuntu's table was the shiniest at the Picnic! [02:07] DarkwingDuck: submit a bug? :) [02:07] thanks aaditya :) [02:07] Wait, are we past announcements? [02:07] pleia2, Or, write the module and submit it :D [02:08] Have not gotten there. [02:08] Ubuntu *did* have the nicest looking table [02:08] DarkwingDuck: yeah, you do that [02:08] It most certainly rocked [02:08] Why is server installing -generic-pae and not -server??????? [02:08] I like the idea of trying to use the loco directory for meetings, alongside the wiki for a couple months [02:08] Sorry [02:08] see how it goes [02:09] Okay, I have setup for the 11th then. [02:09] DarkwingDuck: should probably set yourself as chair though, that's solano stroll day and that's until 6PM [02:09] I think it's too much trouble / making extra work for little to no benefit / confusing for attendees [02:09] not sure jdeslip and I will be home in time [02:09] eps: the wiki is easier? [02:09] http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-california/196/detail/ [02:09] When/if the wiki is working [02:09] eps: a lot of people can't even log into the wiki :( [02:09] I like loco. because of the tracking value. :D [02:10] * DarkwingDuck is a sucker for stats and tracking [02:10] The wiki is a "must run" service. The loco directory is not. [02:10] "must run"? [02:10] ... [02:10] * DarkwingDuck is confused. [02:10] Ubuntu's reputation depends on the wiki working. Nobody cares about the poor little locos. [02:11] eps: they are run by the same server admins and are both very valuable resources, the wiki is down more often than the loco directory [02:11] I mean, now that the wiki has been upgraded it has improved, but it was really horrible stability wise for almost a year [02:11] so I don't really understand how you can say "Ubuntu's reputation depends on it" - it didn't this year :) [02:12] The wiki is the public face of Ubuntu. loco is the other end of the beast. [02:12] I still get massive errors trying to save to the wiki [02:12] but, I digress... [02:12] a lot of people have trouble with wiki syntax too, loco directory you just click "add agenda item" and don't need to worry about formatting or edit conflicts [02:13] Anything else on the l.u.c? [02:13] Did it ever occur to you that some people consider tracking a negative? [02:13] How? [02:13] Tracking our events, meetings and everything is key to understanding out exposure [02:13] eps: we have to have our meetings be public [02:13] they are tracked already, that is not changing [02:14] It's just the work put into the tracking :) [02:14] yeah, work done by me [02:14] Yeah, I should start doing more along that line Lys sorry :. [02:14] :/ [02:14] *Lyz [02:14] dang, I can't type tonight. [02:14] Okay, next item... [02:15] I am please to be hosting a Global Jam here in San Diego [02:15] woohoo san diego [02:15] It will be in the evening of the 3rd. [02:16] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/1198/detail/ [02:16] IT will be at Cafe Libertalia [02:16] We will be doing Upgrading and Testing at the Jam. [02:17] Assuming that I can get my server back online... [02:17] We will have a local mirror so we don't gunk up the bandwidth. [02:17] We will also have something online. [02:17] cool [02:18] So, we get a Jam. :) [02:18] Any questions/comments? [02:19] Okay, Announcements? [02:19] aaditya, Did you have something? [02:19] the linux picnic was awesome! [02:19] Woot! [02:19] I uploaded photos of our table to our flickr account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-us-ca/sets/72157627534061734/ [02:20] and blogged about it here: http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=4949 [02:20] Generations henceforth shall speak of the glorious picnic [02:20] fedora had a table this year too :) they had streamers and balloons and OLPCs [02:20] fedora: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/6087641260/ [02:21] Well fedora was more trying to buy folks love [02:21] people do love those little green laptops [02:21] Ubuntu had genuine awesomeness at the table [02:21] DarkwingDuck: just the picnic, that's all! [02:21] I liked the animals [02:21] :) [02:21] Solano Stroll is coming up on September 11th: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/SolanoStroll2011 [02:21] Oh, another note... [02:22] Awesome! [02:22] jdeslip and I have started getting our "need stuff" lists together [02:22] oops, one error on that page, fixing [02:22] proper loco directory link is http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/1208/detail/ [02:22] San Diego, starting the 20th will be holding b-monthly Ubuntu Hours. [02:23] *bi-monthly [02:23] Oh, let it be noted I got those streamers from the Win7 party from along time ago. Nothing like taking sumthin' from the machine- to change the machine [02:23] Twice a month rather [02:23] cool [02:24] How many cookies does that recipe yield? [02:24] eps: "These recipes made about two dozen Android cookies, I doubled the recipe to get the four dozen I brought to the picnic." [02:25] any other announcements? [02:25] Any comments/concerns? [02:25] oh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAppDeveloperWeek is coming up Sept 5-9 [02:26] that's over in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat [02:26] Oh, and for those Kubuntu/KDE users out there... [02:26] I'll be hosting a Bug Jam and a Doc Jam online [02:26] I'll announce those on the ML [02:27] When I hash out the timing. [02:27] Anyway, if there is nothing else... [02:27] Thank you all for attending. [02:27] #endmeeting }}}