== Sunday, March 10th, 2013, 7:00pm (1900) PT == === Agenda === 1. SCaLE11x summary If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Agenda items added within 24 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|collaborate]] and avoids last minute surprises. Our meetings are held for about 60 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|#ubuntu-us-ca on freenode]]. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|Contact page]]. {{{#!IRC [02:01] #startmeeting [02:01] Meeting started Mon Mar 11 02:01:21 2013 UTC. The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [02:01] Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired [02:01] ok, who all is here for the meeting? :) [02:01] #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13March10 [02:01] Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13March10 - Ubuntu Wiki] [02:01] agenda ^^ [02:01] * eps waves [02:02] #topic SCaLE11x summary [02:02] o/ [02:02] scale was well done! [02:03] so first we had Ubucon on Friday, Richard Gaskin did a great job with that [02:03] then the booth! [02:04] http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/8507370683/in/set-72157632856093439 [02:04] Title: [IMG_0169 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!] [02:05] it looked nice, I didn't help with anything but setup ;) [02:06] eps: any comments, as a volunteer? [02:06] We needed more DVDs to hand out. [02:07] * pleia2 nods [02:07] that should be organized earlier next year, sending a last minute note to the list to see if anyone could burn them was not optimal [02:07] * grantbow nods [02:08] On the DVD front I want to mention LoCo's might have more resources soon.... mhall119's is proposing some more resources including DVD's/Swag and Funds for LoCo's [02:08] bkerensa: that would be great :) [02:09] we did get 150 DVDs specifically for this conferences, but it really isn't enough for a 2k person conference [02:09] nope [02:09] what's a good ratio? [02:09] we've typically given out 300-400 at scale [02:09] We kind of got blindsided by the "best swag" contest -- apparently they only decided to do it about three days before. [02:09] and it's getting bigger [02:09] so 1 disk per 5 attendees? [02:10] I believe they are thinking of follow Mozilla Reps ratio for swag.... So if you had 2k people they would try and reach at least 50% of attendees with resources [02:10] eps: as a not-company, it will always be hard for us to compete there [02:10] so 1000 CD's [02:10] bkerensa: yeah, that would be much better [02:11] a USB copy station might help too [02:11] this is of course all subject to Jono's +1 -> Rick Spencer (??) -> Jane? [02:11] a la... what's that software name again? [02:11] Of the half dozen or so other direct competitors, only Fedora was in our league. [02:12] We did OK. [02:13] Remember 'Buntu Stand? :-) [02:13] :) [02:14] I like the idea of create on demand, because that would let us provide Kubuntu, etc. if people want it. [02:14] yeah, that would be nice [02:14] buntu stand! [02:15] I was looking but can't find the branch right now [02:15] https://launchpad.net/buntustand [02:15] there [02:15] Title: ['Buntu Stand in Launchpad] [02:15] I was doing something similar with Toaster for the olpcsf.org with XO-1's [02:16] similar in a broad sense [02:16] give stuff to people with self-serve machines [02:16] buntu stand was mostly for burning CDs in a distributed way as I recall [02:17] for the XOs I was trying to do bootable usb sticks but ran into security issues during implementation [02:17] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Toaster [02:17] [403] Title: [Error reading title] [02:17] * pleia2 gives darthrobot a cookie [02:18] grantbow: is that where the project stans now? [02:18] stands [02:18] now that I'm better at python it may be something I'm intersted in [02:18] it should be easier to give away free software using free software [02:18] stalled [02:18] (I don't have an XO, but I'm sure there are plenty floating around for borrowing :)) [02:19] join the email list and I'll write a summary there soon [02:19] it's kind of off-topic [02:19] will buntu stand work with DVDs? [02:20] presumably with the right hardware it would be fine [02:21] aren't usb sticks more usable these days? [02:21] oh, and, hi :) [02:21] tedski: unfortunately we don't have the budget to give everyone usb sticks [02:21] I think so, especially with grub2. http://rww.name/articles/grub2iso/ [02:21] Title: [Booting ISOs from GRUB 2] [02:21] hi tedski [02:21] i'd think a touch screen kiosk where they could insert their own usb stick [02:22] sounds good, want to help? :-) [02:22] i'm brainstorming right now [02:22] our budget is $0, plus what volunteers can provide :) [02:22] :) [02:22] CD/DVD media are inexpensive enough to give away [02:22] what's the need-by date? [02:22] i don't even know what event we're talking about [02:22] 2014 [02:22] scale12x? [02:22] yeah [02:23] in los angeles [02:23] Or release parties, or the Linux Picnic (if there is one). [02:24] I haven't heard anything from linux picnic folks, usually they need to book by now [02:24] I fear it's dead again [02:24] we were talking about scale11x which just finished [02:24] Or Software Freedom Day. [02:24] yeah, it would be nice to have it for all these things, so i guess there isn't really a need-by date [02:24] the idea for toaster was born during an SFD [02:24] :) [02:25] alright, well I think we pretty much covered scale11x then [02:25] so, i guess the happy medium is to have the kiosk offer to dd to your flash drive or spit out a free cd [02:25] The point being that the effort would be worth the time investment. [02:25] SFD is Sept 21st. http://softwarefreedomday.org/ [02:25] Title: [Software Freedom Day - SFD Home] [02:26] tedski: yeah, that would be nice, it would probably be driven by a laptop though [02:26] so kind of poor mans kiosk (since we're poor :)) [02:26] grub2 booting allows for multiple images on a single flash drive but is more complicated [02:26] and doesn't always work on some hardware [02:26] yeah [02:26] pleia2: i was just thinking it'd be a good re-use of my old netbook with a usb burner and a laser cut case [02:26] or a tablet [02:27] tedski: yeah, totally! [02:27] Reliability is important. [02:27] grantbow: with usb and dvd? [02:27] so, we're still in the budget [02:27] usb unless you have a usb dvd to burn with [02:27] I thought about tablet because it's touchable, but not sure how to burn a dvd from them (or plug in a usb stick) [02:27] since they lack ports for such things [02:28] true [02:28] so laptop it is [02:28] can someone take an action item to continue this discussion on list? (and tedski - are you on the mailing list? :)) [02:28] Would a PXE boot server be useful? [02:29] i am not on the mailing list... let me remedy that [02:29] shiva plug maybe [02:29] but, i will definitely donate the aspire one [02:29] and possibly a touchscreen for it [02:29] we are getting closer to the "in-a-box" proposals for install servers and/or LUG servers I've discussed with Rick in the past [02:30] and that we've discussed for partimus.org a little [02:30] so a little bird told me that buntustand can support having a front end, so a tablet could presumably be used as that, the back end would be the laptop you plug stuff into [02:30] nice [02:30] this is sounding pretty spiffy, I'm excited :) [02:31] time to make dinner [02:31] * tedski & [02:31] * grantbow waves [02:31] #action pleia2 to bring buntustand discussion to list [02:31] ACTION: pleia2 to bring buntustand discussion to list [02:31] so, thanks to everyone who helped at scale11x :) [02:32] +1 [02:32] I'm glad I didn't have to do much ;) [02:32] I was quite sick that weekend [02:32] Special thanks to nhaines [02:33] +1 - great phone demos [02:33] oh yes, he sacrificed his phone for the weekend! [02:33] people really loved being able to see it, with all the buzz that had been around over it [02:35] #topic other business [02:35] so, we use posterous for cross-posting to twitter, identica and facebook page [02:36] 1. it's been unreliable lately - I sent 2 posts recently and totally didn't pay attention to the fact that they didn't actually post :( [02:36] 2. it's going away april 30th anyway [02:36] any social media gurus have recommendations? [02:36] the facebook page thing may be impossible, posterous is the only service If ound that could cross-post to pages (personal accounts are easy) [02:37] WordPress can cross post [02:37] to facebook pages too? [02:37] yes [02:37] sweet [02:37] it may be good to have an us-controlled version of this anyway [02:37] It should be in the Jetpack plugin "Socialize" or something they call it [02:38] ok cool, I'll give you a nudge later this week if I have questions [02:38] thank you! [02:38] k [02:38] #action pleia2 to look into WP plugin for social media crossposting [02:38] ACTION: pleia2 to look into WP plugin for social media crossposting [02:39] SF Ubuntu Hour coming up on Wednesday [02:40] I'm not running the debian dinner, but it's just a BART ride away at 7:30: http://bad.debian.net/list/2013-March/003537.html [02:40] Title: [ANNOUNCEMENT: B.A.D. Meeting For March 2013] [02:40] so I'll probably go to that, anyone is welcome to tag along (or just go to that ;)) [02:41] because every Ubuntu user is a Debian user ;-) [02:41] hooray for Debian! [02:41] anyone else have anything before we wrap up? [02:42] who attended the UDS last week? [02:42] first online one [02:42] * eps did [02:44] Much as I wasn't thrilled by the 6 a.m. start time, it was way better than Budapest. [02:45] anyone else have anything before we wrap up? [02:45] hopefully the UDS in May-ish will be better attended since we can plan accordingly [02:45] (of course I'll be out of the country) [02:46] ok, thanks everyone for coming :) [02:46] pleia2: thanks for chairing [02:47] #endmeeting [02:47] Meeting }}}