== Sunday, September 8th, 2013, 7:00pm (1900) PT == === Original Agenda === 1. None If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Agenda items added within 24 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|collaborate]] and avoids last minute surprises. Our meetings are held for about 60 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|#ubuntu-us-ca on freenode]]. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|Contact page]]. {{{#!IRC [02:01] #startmeeting [02:01] Meeting started Mon Sep 9 02:01:05 2013 UTC. The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [02:01] Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired [02:01] ok, who all is here for the meeting? [02:01] * eps waves [02:01] * philipballew is here for the meeting [02:01] :) [02:01] meee [02:02] great, welcome everyone [02:02] as usual, our agenda is a bit bare :) [02:02] #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13September08 [02:02] Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13September08 - Ubuntu Wiki] [02:03] oi [02:03] a couple weeks ago I posted some upcoming events to the list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2013-August/002270.html [02:03] Title: [[Ubuntu-US-CA] Upcoming global events in September] [02:03] but we don't seem to have much traction on those for september [02:04] Did anyone do anything else besides a G.J. in the past few weeks? [02:04] philipballew: global jam is next weekend [02:04] pleia2, right, I knew that... [02:04] we don't have anything scheduled [02:04] (it's a holiday weekend for me, so no go here) [02:04] FSD is the next weekend also [02:05] it's the weekend after next :) [02:05] yes! [02:05] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2483/ [02:05] Title: [Software Freedom Day 2013 | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal] [02:05] I'm running an openstack workshop that weekend, so I'm MIA for that too! [02:05] I can add an event to the loco portal for SFD even if its not in CA? [02:05] 9 people from 3 LoCos participating worldwide, and Canonical is a sponsor. [02:06] I will be speaking on Ubuntu at a SFD in Tijuana. [02:06] philipballew: have the MX team add it, or join the MX team and add it for them [02:06] http://devfest.gdg.mx/ [02:06] Title: [DevFest 2013 y Software Freedom Day 2013] [02:06] but please don't put it in ours, it's confusing :) [02:06] pleia2, I have clearance for MX so I can probably just do it. [02:06] LoCo's are to confusing already... [02:07] it makes sense for the MX team to have it in their list of events, not so much for us (though you are welcome to invite folks on our list, some are nearby!) [02:07] I was supposed to ask Sameer about opportunities for us to help at SFSU's software freedom day, oops [02:07] * pleia2 adds to todo list for real now [02:07] #action pleia2 to ask Sameer about opportunities for us to help SFSU's SFD [02:07] ACTION: pleia2 to ask Sameer about opportunities for us to help SFSU's SFD [02:08] mm [02:08] http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/2013/USA/CA/San%20Francisco/San%20Francisco%20State%20University [02:08] Title: [2013/USA/CA/San Francisco/San Francisco State University - Software Freedom Day Wiki] [02:08] yeah, I might ask some people from the LoCo to cross with me if they want. [02:09] peaking of previous action items, I also went ahead and followed up with the loco council about scheduling our meeting for reverification now that our wiki is pretty much done [02:09] I'll let the team know once we have a date for the meeting [02:10] perfect. [02:11] in October we have the 13.10 release [02:11] Xubuntu 13.10 <3 [02:11] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule [02:11] Title: [SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule - Ubuntu Wiki] [02:11] the 17th, I'll actually be in town so I hope to plan something [02:11] help appreciated :) [02:11] I should be in San Francisco and would love to go to the release party :) [02:11] bkerensa: great! [02:12] I will be in San Diego and will not be there. [02:12] no loco portal entry for that event yet, hopefully they'll get that up soon [02:12] * pleia2 might reminder nudge them [02:13] looks like we have a couple ubuntu hours coming up [02:13] What's this about a Google+ Hangout? http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/2501-ubuntu-hour-san-francisco/ [02:13] Title: [Ubuntu Hour San Francisco | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal] [02:14] eps: that's just a like button :) [02:14] or something [02:14] it's not specific to that event, just one of the crazy buttons all events have on them now [02:14] this wednesday... usual place? [02:15] james-partimus: yes, at the roastery in downtown san francisco [02:16] I think I can make that one [02:16] cool [02:16] Any events going on in Santa Clara/MV in Oct? [02:16] :) [02:16] and looks like MichaelPaoli has one in berkeley on september 19th http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/2527-ubuntu-hour-berkeley/ [02:16] Title: [Ubuntu Hour Berkeley | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal] [02:16] pleia2: Oh, so it won't be like vUDS? ;-) [02:16] eps: the wifi at the coffee shop isn't good enough for video streaming :) [02:17] bkerensa: nothing on the schedule, but you're welcome to mail the list as well to see if anyone wants to meet up [02:18] eps: Starbucks' will be after they switch from AT&T to Google [02:18] here's hoping :) [02:19] that's all I really had meeting-wise [02:20] anyone else have anything before we wrap up? [02:22] You could plug BALUG's October meeting. ;-) [02:22] haha [02:23] http://www.balug.org/#Meetings-upcoming [02:23] Title: [Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG)] [02:23] I am speaking on october 15th, it will be awesome ;) [02:23] Nobody shows up at those meetings lol [02:23] balug has been pretty well attended when I've gone [02:23] not today lol [02:23] that's berkeleylug :) [02:24] different lug [02:24] oops [02:24] balug is bay area lug, meets in chinatown in SF [02:24] has dinner + presentations, which is a very nice format [02:24] Sounds awesome [02:25] next week they're having a presentation by Peter Linnell of SUSE on Open Build Service (OBS) [02:25] Thats a great service [02:25] (unfortunately I'll be out of town) [02:25] pleia2, is always on the move [02:26] hah, I've been home for a whole 4 weeks! :) growing roots [02:27] ok, I think we can wrap up [02:27] thanks everyone [02:27] #endmeeting }}}