<> == Sunday, February 8th, 2015, 7:00pm (1900) PT == === Original Agenda === 1. Bug Jam reports from San Diego and San Francisco 1. Look ahead to [[CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale13x]] If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Decisions on agenda items added within 48 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|collaborate]] and avoids last minute surprises. Our meetings are held every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|#ubuntu-us-ca on freenode]]. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|Contact page]]. {{{#!IRC 03:00:00 #startmeeting 03:00:00 Meeting started Mon Feb 9 03:00:00 2015 UTC. The chair is DonkeyHotei. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 03:00:00 03:00:00 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 03:00:10 whoops 03:00:46 So go ahead and #chair me and we'll get this started. 03:00:55 #chair nhaines 03:00:55 Current chairs: DonkeyHotei nhaines 03:01:01 #chair elky ianorlin 03:01:01 Current chairs: DonkeyHotei elky ianorlin nhaines 03:01:03 o/ 03:01:05 #unchair DonkeyHotei 03:01:05 Current chairs: DonkeyHotei elky ianorlin nhaines 03:01:17 Thanks. And speaking of, yes, it's time for another meeting. :) 03:01:17 o/ 03:01:23 o/ 03:01:28 o/ 03:01:31 o/ 03:02:19 Welcome all, to our last meeting before SCALE. The agenda can be found online here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15February8 03:02:19 Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15February8 - Ubuntu Wiki] 03:02:33 And offline on the copy you printed out last week, which is now out of date, by the way. 03:02:55 printed? 03:02:59 I would like to officially state that I would rather be watching Better Call Saul and I resent you all for making me wait. 03:03:07 Okay, so first up on the agenda. 03:03:14 #topic Bug Jam reports from San Diego and San Francisco 03:03:28 not sure philipballew is here 03:03:49 I guess there was some kind of Ubuntu Global Jam meeting in San Diego last week. philipballew, would you care to share a few words? 03:03:55 Im not sure either DonkeyHotei 03:04:11 nhaines, I probably can sure 03:05:22 Me and Mikey met up and went over some bugs to that we have seen and we worked on testing a few of those and stuff like that. So yeah, it was pretty much the best meeting ever, 03:06:34 Did you report new bugs or triage existing ones? 03:07:29 hum, 03:07:47 I dont think we reported any so we must have triaged then. 03:08:09 Makes me sound like a Dr. 03:08:11 And was it just the two of you that made it or did you see any newcomers as well? 03:08:20 I think I should go by Dr Phil now 03:08:32 Just the two of us 03:08:35 You and I 03:08:53 Okay, well, thanks for that report. 03:09:05 Just an hour ago, the Ubuntu Global Jam in San Francisco at Ghandi wrapped up. 03:09:20 We have a few people who were there. Who wants to tell us about it? 03:09:31 me i guess 03:09:41 yeah, I dont own a camera, but just picture us working in a starbucks and you get the idea 03:10:39 so over the course of the jam about 12 of us worked on finding bugs in the installer for xubuntu. 03:11:00 most if not all of us found something I believe, and quite a few bugs got raised 03:11:25 i ran a live session and not the installer 03:11:54 That's good to hear! Was everyone working on Xubuntu? 03:11:54 (I found one as soon as i booted up the iso on my netbook; the installer didn't show on the screen. if it happens for you, just hit the space bar and it will start the install) 03:12:11 nope, there were lubuntu images for the PPC macs that showed up 03:12:17 i found 3 bugs, 2 of which i reported, and the other 1 pleia2 said was a known issue 03:12:19 there were 2 of those there somehow 03:12:57 anyone else want to chime in with what they did? 03:12:57 pleia2 brought one set of lubuntu-ppc discs, not expecting 2 machines to need them 03:13:24 If you continously swap them really fast I'm sure they work fine that way. 03:13:37 one of the ppc machines had a radeon and the other had nvidia 03:13:56 did the raedon fail to install? 03:13:57 Sounds like perfect for range testing then. 03:14:19 I'm not sure what the ppc outcomes were 03:14:22 the radeon seemed to work great, but the live session was a no-go on nvidia 03:14:52 Sounds like really good news for the initial Xubuntu experience. Fantastic work, everyone. 03:15:03 How was the food? 03:15:10 anyway, there was pizza, and cookies made by lyz and a big cheers to the Gandi.net folks for hosting us 03:15:54 pleia2's cookies were delicious but i don't think penguins are meant to be ubuntu-orange 03:16:11 DonkeyHotei: obviously if they've been in the California sun and gotten a tan. 03:16:18 elky: were there any newcomers who hadn't done bug work before? 03:16:45 nhaines: i think donkey brought some newbies, and i think lyz's partimus colleague was new to it too 03:17:28 Fantastic. Any last thoughts before we move on? 03:17:29 chris peeples arrived late and never did figure out what to do 03:18:23 Hopefully he was able to see what everyone was working on and was encouraged to join in again at the next event. 03:19:02 oh, there were photos too on lyz'z flickr. if someone can find that link... 03:19:34 she promised a blog post with photos so keep an eye out for that 03:20:39 i think we can move on though 03:20:47 not uploaded yet 03:20:58 I was just checking her Flickr stream. 03:21:15 this is one from early in the jam https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/16475907882/ 03:21:15 Title: [Small but committed group here at the San Francisco #Ubuntu Jam :) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!] 03:21:19 Looks good! https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/16475907882/ 03:21:19 Title: [Small but committed group here at the San Francisco #Ubuntu Jam :) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!] 03:21:20 https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/16475907882/ 03:21:21 Title: [Small but committed group here at the San Francisco #Ubuntu Jam :) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!] 03:21:25 haha 03:21:40 So we'll harass her to make a photo set later. :) 03:21:46 she will 03:22:17 And just a reminder that with Ubuntu on her phone, she could have uploaded these photos directly to Flickr! 03:22:28 elky: thanks so much for your report. :) 03:22:36 #topic Looking ahead to SCALE 13x 03:23:16 So SCALE's coming up pretty soon here. In just under 2 weeks the fun begins. 03:23:23 she had ubuntu on a tablet, not a phone 03:23:58 I've been receiving packages from Canonical all week, and so far we've received everything but hardware. 03:24:24 Thanks to the Ubuntu community fund, we're going to have a lot of swag available: http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhaines/images/events/2015/scale13x/swag.jpg 03:24:24 Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [273506] 03:25:11 We have 375 Ubuntu desktop DVDs, Ubuntu polo shirts for each booth volunteer, a bunch of Ubuntu pictogram t-shirts to give away as prizes. 03:25:30 90 lanyards, and 50 each of lapel pins, sticker sheets, and pens. 03:26:34 nice 03:26:57 And I'll use some of the money I received to buy bottled water for booth volunteers and candy for the booth, plus a couple bottles of hand sanitizer. 03:27:46 In addition, Canonical is planning to provide phones running Ubuntu. I'm going to lean on my contacts this next week, but we'll probably end up with Nexus 4s running the same software as the retail devices. 03:28:16 In addition, System 76 is providing laptops to use as display systems. 03:28:57 are we sure everything will fit? 03:29:04 I don't have the floorplan available as a linkable graphic, but we're in booth 85 which is one of two booths that are the first you encounter when you enter the smaller ballroom. 03:29:45 ianorlin: I'll draw up plans later this week, but we won't have too *little* hardware, and that's a good thing. 03:30:20 George Mulak also offered to provide a projector, so we will be able to run a slide show, phone demo reels, and so on. 03:30:45 and I offered to bring a desktop with vms of flavors 03:30:50 And Jorge Castro is planning on bringing an Orange Box and being on hand to talk about Ubuntu Cloud, and hopefully Snappy Ubuntu Core. 03:31:00 i'd suggest 86_64ing the candy in favor of something healthier 03:31:45 I'm fairly certain the butterscotch mints we usually buy are almost entirely nutritionally null. 03:31:50 (like 86ing but more modern) 03:32:07 But I'll probably buy the candy a couple days before, so I'm open to suggestions. 03:32:25 I believe Lyz was going to send down some Ubuntu books for giveaways. 03:32:37 I'll follow up with her on that. 03:33:10 We have a large number of booth volunteers, and that means we may all just be able to enjoy the show! 03:33:40 what's the count so far? 03:33:49 I shot some video in January that I want to put up demonstrating the phone interface, so I hope to edit that and get it online toward the end of the week. 03:34:25 We have six booth volunteers, not counting myself. 03:35:05 * ianorlin counts 5 not including nhaines on the wiki 03:35:17 Yes, one isn't listed on the wiki. 03:35:30 ah ok 03:35:41 wiki needs updating then 03:35:58 nice 03:36:50 And of course, José Antonio Rey will be joining us as well, and I'm grateful for that. :) 03:37:11 So it's looking good and I expect a smooth conference. 03:37:49 Ubucon is unafilliated but last I spoke with Richard Gaskin, everything sounded like it was going to be fantastic. Assuming the booth's all set up on Thursday night, I'll be spending some time there on Friday morning! 03:38:05 Any questions or comments about SCALE? 03:38:15 sounds good so far 03:38:56 i am now 98% sure i won't be there 03:38:57 Great. Thanks to everyone who's volunteered to work the booth. It looks like we have guaranteed full coverage! 03:39:41 Okay, so that's all I have to say about that so far. 03:39:45 #topic Other business 03:40:04 Does anyone have any other announcements or business they'd like to discuss before we wrap things up? 03:40:26 rww and elky even have matching accents, it's cute 03:40:35 I'd like to thank Gandi for hosting the QA jam today, it was awesome :) 03:40:37 Haha, good to know! 03:40:43 isn't next meeting end of scale ? 03:40:53 Hers is Australian, mine is UK+CA.US which apparently = Australian 03:41:02 DonkeyHotei: that's awful clever of us 03:41:06 rww: I hear that Gandi was fantastic and super coooperative. 03:41:28 they were 03:41:29 ianorlin: unless someone else wants to chair the meeting, we usually do not hold a meeting the weekend of SCALE. 03:41:52 oh, did i do the wiki wrong 03:41:57 I am not sure many would show up 03:42:01 elky: nope, we'll fix it. 03:42:06 k 03:42:24 Usually no one at SCALE makes it because everyone's tired and then two days later SCALE flu sets in. 03:42:43 I might technically make it back in time but would be exhuasted 03:42:50 and probably have lots of other things to do 03:42:53 do we have anything coming up shortly after scale to discuss? 03:42:58 if not, i vote for cancelling it 03:43:01 Nothing known. 03:43:06 nothing on agenda 03:43:08 So yes, I propose we cancel it. 03:43:33 +1 03:43:40 #vote Nonbinding consensus: Should post-SCALE meeting of February 22nd be cancelled? 03:43:40 Please vote on: Nonbinding consensus: Should post-SCALE meeting of February 22nd be cancelled? 03:43:40 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 03:43:45 +1 03:43:45 +1 received from nhaines 03:43:49 +1 03:43:49 +1 received from elky 03:43:51 +1 03:43:51 +1 received from ianorlin 03:44:15 +1 03:44:15 +1 received from rww 03:44:16 this vote is counter-intuitive 03:44:28 +1 for a negative? 03:44:28 +1 for a negative? received from DonkeyHotei 03:44:45 so a week or a fortnight after the 22nd? 03:44:51 elky: fortnight. 03:44:54 yay 03:45:03 #endvote 03:45:03 Voting ended on: Nonbinding consensus: Should post-SCALE meeting of February 22nd be cancelled? 03:45:03 Votes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 03:45:03 Motion carried 03:45:22 Okay, since there were no objections, we're going with traditions. 03:45:46 Anything major goes to the mailing list that weekend, and we'll have our next meeting as scheduled on March 8th. 03:46:07 I'm looking forward to SCALE, and meeting some of you there! 03:46:18 I'll post links to training material on the mailing list. 03:47:01 And I'm going to see if I can lean on Canonical and get that nifty Ubuntu phone instruction brochure artwork that was in the gift boxes at the bq event. 03:47:16 And with that, we're off. Have a great week, everyone! See some of you at SCALE! 03:47:23 #chair DonkeyHotei 03:47:23 Current chairs: DonkeyHotei elky ianorlin nhaines 03:47:24 #endmeeeting 03:47:36 Want to bring us out, DonkeyHotei? 03:47:37 lol 03:47:49 #endmeeting }}}