||<>|| == Sunday, March 8th, 2015, 7:00pm (1900) PT == === Agenda === 1. [[CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale13x|SCaLE 13x wrapup and post-mortem]] If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Decisions on agenda items added within 48 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|collaborate]] and avoids last minute surprises. Our meetings are held every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|#ubuntu-us-ca on freenode]]. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|Contact page]]. {{{#!IRC 02:01:20 #startmeeting 02:01:20 Meeting started Mon Mar 9 02:01:20 2015 UTC. The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 02:01:20 02:01:20 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 02:01:32 #chair nhaines elky ianorlin 02:01:32 Current chairs: elky ianorlin nhaines 02:01:51 Welcome to the Ubuntu California meeting for March 8th, 2015. 02:02:01 The agenda for this meeting is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15March8 02:02:01 Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15March8 - Ubuntu Wiki] 02:02:09 Who's around tonight? 02:02:19 me 02:02:47 o/ 02:02:59 o/ 02:03:25 Glad you guys could make it. :) 02:05:21 so we only have one agenda item 02:05:37 Before I begin, I'd like to announce that the celebration of life memorial for Eric P. Scott will be held on March 18th. 02:06:13 I've RSVPed 02:06:16 If anyone wasn't on the mailing list and wants details, get in touch with me or another LoCo team lead and we'll get you that information. It's important to RSVP. 02:06:45 Okay, so as elky said, we have just the one agenda time tonight. 02:07:19 As is traditional, we like to do a post-mortem evaluation of our major events, and two weeks ago was SCALE 13x. 02:08:02 I'm happy to say that basically everything came together in time for a successful event. Probably our best one ever. 02:08:19 yes the booth had almost too many people at once 02:08:28 * pleia2 hands nhaines a #topic 02:08:37 Oh yes. 02:08:52 #topic SCaLE 13x wrapup and post-mortem 02:09:25 So the LoCo had a lot of volunteers and a lot of sponsors this year. 02:10:29 did the phones, orange box thing, etc, all show up? 02:10:34 Sponsorship wise, Canonical stepped up to pay for my accomomdations plus all of the booth incidentals such as candy and miscellaneous cables and a replacement network switch. 02:11:23 They also donated two Nexus 4s running Ubuntu, and Canonical employees who were doing a talk at SCALE complete with an Orange Box demo did in fact also carry the Orange Box to our booth. 02:11:54 They also donated 375 Ubuntu desktop DVDs instead of the usual 100. 02:12:22 * ianorlin wonders if orange cables would look nice at the booth 02:12:30 mhall119 also did a nice blog post here that had details http://mhall119.com/2015/03/my-scale-13x-and-ubucon-review/ 02:12:30 Title: [My SCaLE 13x and UbuCon review | Michael Hall] 02:12:57 This means that we were able to supply Ubucon with 75 discs for attendees, and thanks to a misplaced box, we even still have an additional 75 discs remaining. 02:13:51 And of course the usual amount of tshirts and swag to give out. Lanyards, sticker sheets, pens, buttons, and so on. 02:14:31 Canonical also supplied polo shirts for all of the booth volunteers, so now we have lots of nice shirts to wear when representing Ubuntu at smaller events throughout the year. :) 02:15:30 System 76 donated laptops to use as display models for our booth. Stuart Langridge gave me his bq Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition phone to show off at the booth all weekend. 02:16:22 And George Mulak arranged for our multimedia display. Mike Newsham from TierraTek, Inc. donated the fanless system driving the display and Eäär Oden from Video Resources donated the television and stand for us. 02:17:14 And aside from just being generally awesome, jose brought an extra Ubuntu tablecloth. 02:17:25 So with all these sponsors, we managed to have a really professional looking booth this year. 02:18:10 And of course, to stand in front of the booth and greet attendees we had a lot of volunteers who worked long hours all throughout SCALE and were amazing ambassadors for Ubuntu. 02:19:21 yay 02:19:35 * elky applauds nhaines and the other volunteers 02:19:43 Myself and ianorlin were there, as well as George Mulak, Luis Caballero, jose , Matt Mootz, Daniel Gimpelevich, Ian Santopietro. 02:20:21 Plus, we also had visits from Michael Hall, Marco Ceppi, Dustin Kirkland, and Jorge Castro. 02:20:49 All of whom took time out of their speaking schedules to stay at the booth and greet attendees. :) 02:21:11 Michael Hall has a great wrapup post. Mine is forthcoming as are additional booth photos. 02:21:31 oh wow I realised I havne't posted any of my few pics 02:22:35 in spite of not attending, I tried to keep an eye on social media to share things on G+, Twitter and FB about the event 02:22:41 Linux Action Show livestreamed across from our booth all day Sunday, and so in addition to a few minutes of booth setup about 55 minutes in, there's also an interview with me discussing some of the new developments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrwaHGhFU68&t=11029 02:22:41 Title: [SCALE13x: Linux Action Show LIVE from the Floor - YouTube] 02:22:52 so there are photos here and there from attendees on our social media outlets 02:23:12 pleia2: we had little in the way of reception down there and even less free time, so thanks so much for doing that. :) 02:23:35 yeah, I know how crazy it can get :) 02:24:32 I want to additionally call out George Mulak and Luis Caballero for doing all the power and networking work. 02:25:19 My job during setup ended up being "this table should go there" because by the time I turned around to see about infrastructure, they had it done. jose helped out with that too. 02:26:06 Other than that, it was a usual SCALE. There were tons of questions about Ubuntu for phones, and thanks to the dev devices we were able to answer pretty much everything that came our way. 02:26:29 The Orange Box was a huge draw, and so were the phones, and the laptops were well-received. 02:26:52 Big thanks to ianorlin for bringing a system with all of the Ubuntu flavors, even though we ended up not utilizing it. 02:27:17 That's most of the details about SCALE. Does anyone have any thoughts about how it went? 02:27:22 althuogh now it would have to run one more vm because of ubuntu-mate being an offical flavor 02:27:41 or at least once is realesed in a month 02:27:58 I agree with what nhaines said 02:28:32 I'm sorry to have missed it :) next year! 02:28:46 pleia2: it was definitely a good year. :) 02:29:04 sounds like your trip to oman was worth missing it for though 02:29:11 oh, re: Ubucon, there's a video of the sessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi9OnotrDX4 02:29:11 Title: [Century CD - SCALE 13x - YouTube] 02:29:35 volume is pretty good as I scanned through 02:29:54 https://www.youtube.com/user/rcmnet/videos has a lot of ones broken out into individaul sessions 02:29:54 Title: [rcmnet - YouTube] 02:29:58 ah, nice :) 02:30:10 I even got pulled into a panel discussion about security. :) 02:30:15 although some of them don't have the best audio 02:31:57 Okay, so the only issue that really came up during SCALE was that one volunteer showed up before the announced setup time on Friday (we had already fully set up the booth) and rearranged all the power. 02:32:21 So when we arrived a half hour from show start, we had to redo all the power. 02:33:09 oh dear 02:33:45 And thanks to Luis and Ian being awesome, I found out I believe on Saturday night or Sunday, because they got it sorted immediately. 02:34:56 So we just have to be a little careful to coordinate better when we have a set up or half set up booth. :) 02:35:21 Okay, so then I do want to talk about Ubucon a little bit if no one has any other comments about SCALE. 02:35:31 (As in the exhibit booth.) 02:35:53 yes sounds like a good idea 02:37:13 So Ubucon was put together and run by Richard Gaskin, to overwhelming success. 02:37:49 Over the past two years he's done three Ubucons pretty much single-handedly and they've been better and better all the time. 02:39:12 This year, Canonical donated about 100 t-shirts to the Ubucon attendees, and 75 Ubuntu DVDs via Ubuntu California. 02:39:35 This was, obviously, well received. 02:40:38 In the future, Richard and I will be working closely together to begin coordinating Ubucon and the Ubuntu booth together to make sure we're maximizing things like sponsorship, topics, and speakers. 02:41:03 nahines sounds liek a good idea 02:41:20 schedule online, and perhaps on a page of it's own on the scale website would help a ton for promoting it on social media 02:41:42 I could link to the full day schedule, but it was a bit non-trivial to pick out (especially on mobile) 02:42:00 pleia2: that's a good idea. 02:42:20 so I was just all "go to century CD, it'll be great" ;) 02:42:22 I spoke with Richard about ways the LoCo could be supporting Ubucn better. 02:42:52 The LoCo gives great speaker support, but we might be opening a call for volunteers as far as designing a backend for the Ubucon site. 02:43:16 I registered ubucon.net a while back, but let it expire this year when I saw the existing site wasn't being updated (I was forwarding it) 02:43:35 So that should significantly help with social media visibility, and then of course ubucon.org could open up to other Ubucon teams. 02:43:53 When I first designed the site, I thought carefully about the URLs I used to try and make that a seamless transition. 02:44:42 So there are a lot of opportunities for LoCo members to help out--not just Ubucon, but the global community at large. 02:45:01 So more about that in the near future, but for now I just wanted to highlight the stellar work Richard Gaskin has done. 02:45:37 yay Richard \o/ 02:45:52 yasy \o/ 02:46:18 So hopefully in the future we can take a little bit of that from him, and there are some exciting ideas that were bounced around. 02:46:35 The Canonical community guys were very helpful about that too when we were boucing around idea. 02:47:13 Ubucon has big buy-in from SCALE. The last thing I have to mention is that they were allocated a double-sized room this year and it was still basically at capacity the entire day. 02:47:27 Are there any last comments about Ubucon or SCALE in general? 02:47:47 nice 02:48:43 Okay then, I'll follow up with a blog post and an email soon, and any new comments can easily go to the mailing list then. 02:49:19 But it was a pretty big success and we were able to prove our general booth strategy. Thanks to the entire team for working together seamlessly with each other, other LoCos, and Canonical. 02:49:31 # Other business 02:49:54 Are there any announcements or other business anyone would like to discuss before we end the meeting? 02:50:15 ideas for upcoming evets? 02:50:18 no March Ubuntu Hour in SF this week (I'll be at a conference, and didn't make arrangements otherwise) 02:50:51 will probably resume in April 02:51:22 which is also when vivid is realeased 02:52:06 I might have a talk lined up at a LUG once my Ubuntu book is published. So that'll be fun. 02:52:29 pleia2: have you managed to find a vervet plush yet? 02:52:33 Otherwise, things are looking pretty quiet. SCALE's the big event at the beginning of the year. 02:52:49 pleia2: no pressure or anything though. 02:52:56 elky: he was at the qa jam :) with crazy hair 02:53:09 oh i totally missed it sorry! 02:53:41 https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/15994455745 02:53:41 Title: [Vivid is all ready for his first #UbuntuHour | Flickr - Photo Sharing!] 02:53:43 nhaines: hehe 02:53:47 \o/ 02:54:07 http://princessleia.com/images/journalpics/022015/ugj_sf_2015_vervet.jpg 02:54:07 Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [222822] 02:54:23 iso testing vervet 02:54:58 that was a good day 02:55:07 I'm glad, I had fun too :) 02:55:10 my bug got fixed recently yay 02:55:10 Definitely a huge success. :) 02:55:17 elky: nice! 02:55:23 elky: proof positive that these work! :) 02:55:27 All right, any other comments before we end the meeting? 02:55:51 I'm all set, well done scale-peoples :) 02:55:59 Thanks, pleia2. :) 02:56:07 [ incrementing meeting attendance counter ] 02:56:59 Okay, thank everyone for coming. We'll have our next meeting on Sunday, March 22nd at 7pm PDT. 02:57:30 Which reminds me, if you didn't set your legacy clocks ahead an hour... do that so they match with your Linux clocks. It's Daylight Savings Time in California! :) 02:57:58 Thanks, everyone! 02:58:00 #endmeeting }}}