||<>|| == Sunday, October 21st, 2018, 7:00pm (1900) PT == === Agenda === 1. Upcoming events 1. Announcements Our meetings are held every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|#ubuntu-us-ca on freenode]]. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|Contact page]]. {{{#!IRC 19:05 < nhaines> #startmeeting 19:06 < nhaines> Welcome to the Ubuntu California meeting for October 21st. 19:06 < nhaines> Tonight's agenda can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/18October21 19:06 < nhaines> #topic Upcoming events 19:06 < nhaines> Are there any upcoming events we should keep an eye on? 19:08 < nhaines> The Southern California Linux Expo's call for papers continues until October 31st, and UbuCon could use more talks! 19:08 < nhaines> You can find more information about submitting a talk here: https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/17x/cfp 19:08 < nhaines> If you would like your talk to be considered for UbuCon, please make sure to pick that as your track when you submit. :) 19:08 < nhaines> #topic Announcements 19:09 < nhaines> Ubuntu 18.10 was released last week. It contains a new theme, updated drivers, newer LibreOffice, and a wide assortment of nifty server stuff! 19:09 < nhaines> In addition, Canonical released a report on new Ubuntu installation statistics collected since Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. You can read that here: https://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/statistics 19:10 < nhaines> Are there any other announcements for the group? 19:11 < nhaines> #topic Agenda 19:11 < lynorian> nhaines: what do you need to do for submitting a talk? 19:12 < nhaines> lynorian: That is described in detail on the link provided. Mainly, you need a bio and a talk title and abstract. If you have any questions that aren't answered on that page, let me know. 19:12 < nhaines> It's a talk submission system, so it does walk you through pretty much everything. 19:12 < nhaines> There is no agenda for tonight's meeting. 19:13 < nhaines> #topic Other business 19:13 < nhaines> I'm going to make a note to get a meetingology bot in here. I can probably host it if necessary, if we can't get an official one. On my to-do list now. 19:13 < nhaines> aidian: how are you? :) 19:13 < aidian> haha, fine, thanks! 19:14 < aidian> mind if i state my bit now? 19:14 < nhaines> The floor's all yours! 19:14 < aidian> brilliant. :) 19:14 < aidian> I'm here as an officer of the Linux Users' Group of Davis, in Davis, CA. 19:15 < aidian> I found some flyers for this group that got hidden away by the previous president, Bill Kendrick 19:15 < nhaines> We're glad you found us! We used to have a bunch of members in that area. 19:16 < aidian> indeed! we have a pretty big membership still, but admittedly our active membership has diminished quite a bit. the linux advocacy scene has.. changed a lot. 19:17 < nhaines> We're seeing that here and in fact, worldwide in the Ubuntu Local Community teams. 19:17 < nhaines> It's been a wild ride! Lots more work to do, even if it's different. :) 19:17 < aidian> yeah. that's why i figured i should reach out. we're really trying to be more active. we're writing new advocacy and outreach materials and doing more public work. 19:18 < aidian> we had our first booth at the davis farmer's market in something like a decade just this month. 19:18 < nhaines> Oh, that's fun. How did that go? 19:19 < aidian> it didn't go too badly at all, especially for a first go with new administration. 19:19 < aidian> it was a great time, we had probably 25 people come over five hours 19:19 < nhaines> That's not a bad turnout. Plenty of time to spend with each person! 19:20 < nhaines> Is there a report or blog post about that anywhere? 19:20 < aidian> yeah, not too bad for being down in the socio-political ghetto end of the market 19:20 < nhaines> Location, location. :) 19:21 < aidian> i haven't posted pictures to our website (www.lugod.org) yet, but there are some on our facebook page 19:21 < aidian> https://www.facebook.com/groups/lugod/ 19:21 < nhaines> Thank you. I'll check that out. 19:21 < nhaines> Are you subscribed to our mailing list? 19:21 < aidian> i am! it reminded me to be here tonight. 19:22 < nhaines> That's good! Usually reminders happen during the week, but I've been exceptionally busy lately. Not a great excuse, but at least it's true. 19:22 < aidian> believe me, i feel you. 19:23 < aidian> what i really wanted to do was talk about advocacy resources, though. we're looking for anything and everything we can use to share and promote linux and foss in general. 19:24 < aidian> since i found a stack of flyer for this group, they'll be on our table at monthly meetings and at our next market stall on november 10th. 19:24 < aidian> (provided you're ok with that, of course) 19:24 < nhaines> I appreciate that! We do talk about refreshing those from time to time, but it never seems to happen. 19:24 < nhaines> If you could maybe email a photo of the flyers so I can make sure they're still accurate, that'd be nice. My email is my nick @ubuntu.com 19:25 < aidian> shall do next time i raid our bin o' flyers. 19:25 < nhaines> Great. :) 19:26 < nhaines> Anything else to add? 19:26 < aidian> nope, just if anyone wants to talk about sharing existing or creating new printable flyers or other promotional material that we can display, give me a shout 19:26 < aidian> i'm on freenode at this nick, in #lugod, and reachable at [email address redacted by request] 19:27 < aidian> ...which i probably should have spam shielded in that line, but too lat enow. 19:27 < aidian> anyways, that's all. thanks a lot. 19:27 < nhaines> I'll redact it from the meeting log if you wish. :) 19:28 < nhaines> Thanks for being here! 19:28 < aidian> would be appreciated :) 19:28 < aidian> cheers 19:28 < nhaines> That'll wrap it up for this meeting. Our next meeting will be on November 4th, 2018. 19:29 < nhaines> It will be at 7 pm PST, and do note that yes, Daylight Savings Time ends that morning. :) 19:29 < nhaines> Until then! 19:29 < nhaines> #endmeeting }}}