== Who == Ubuntu California LoCo Team == What == Ubuntu Linux Release Party! We'll be meeting up at Zito's Pizza at the Orange Circle at 5:00 to relax, discuss the latest version of Ubuntu Linux, brainstorm ideas, and enjoy being a part of the open source community. Afterward, those that are interested will head back to Chapman to work on some bug squashing and have a mini installfest. == Where == [[http://www.zitospizza.com/loc_glassell.html|Zito's Pizza]] is sort of tucked away in an alley, look a bit higher than normal to see the sign that marks the entrance. See the below map. for exactly where it's located. [[http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=101214667906760927554.0004507574a4bea20cb77&t=h&z=18|Chapman University]] == When == 5:00pm Saturday, November 8th, 2008