||<>|| = Picn*x 20 = * Date: Saturday August 27, 2011 * Time: 11AM - 4PM * Location: [[http://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/Departments/CommunityServices/Parks/BaylandsPark.aspx|Sunnyvale Baylands Park]] * Picnic Registration (required to attend): http://www.linuxpicnic.org/guests/rsvp.pl * Blog post by Elizabeth Krumbach: [[http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=4949|Ubuntu California at Picn*x 20 and Android cookies]] * Photo set: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-us-ca/sets/72157627534061734/]] == Resources == [[http://www.linuxpicnic.org/twiki/bin/view/Picnix20/HowToSetUpReservedTable|HowToSetUpReservedTable]] [[http://www.linuxpicnic.org/twiki/bin/view/Picnix20/TableLayout|TableLayout]] - Tables 3H & 3I Elizabeth Krumbach * Color fliers in stands (source: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-california/+junk/flyers) * Ubuntu California banner * Official Ubuntu banner from Canonical * Official Ubuntu tablecloth (and plastic tablecloth to go underneath to protect it) * Penguin, Narwhal and Ocelot stuffed toys * 25 official pressed Ubuntu CDs * Clear packing tape * Cheap, plastic orange table cloths * Bungee cords for holding banners * Fresh cut flowers in a vase Jack Deslippe: * Canopy * Printed ubuntu-ca-infosheet-bw.svg from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-california/+junk/flyers Still need: * If you can bring your laptop, load up ISOs for burning to USB sticks and blank CDs * Other giveaways? We had magazines last year == Volunteers == Sign up here and/or in the LoCo Directory entry for the event: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/1102/detail/ * [[jdeslip | Jack Deslippe]] * [[lyz|Elizabeth Krumbach]] * [[Grantbow|Grant Bowman]]