#title Solano Stroll, Berkeley - California Team ||<>|| ||<>|| === Description === The Solano Stroll [[http://www.solanoavenueassn.org/strol.htm|event]] is a ~ mile long street fair held once a year in Berkeley California on Solano Ave. There are over 500 vendor and non-profit booths. Attendees are ordinary folks from the Berkeley/SF-Bay area who may or may not have a technical background. It is, thus, a good opportunity to advertise Ubuntu to a general audience. ## These empty tables all over the place are to make sure that stuff that's floated to the right (i.e. pictures) stays in its section and doesn't overlap into the next one - Thanks for the code rww & Flannel |||| === Location === ||{{http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs269.snc1/9627_665637929106_1512931_40707632_1699875_n.jpg|Vivek and Jack at Solano Stroll|width=320}}|| * Sunday September 13th 10am - 6pm - 1174 Solano Ave, Berkeley, CA * Berkeley LUG's [[http://www.berkeleylug.com/?p=361|event]] info * Solano Ave Association [[http://www.solanoavenueassn.org/strol.htm|event]] info |||| === Booth Activities === ||{{http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2610/3919998647_aca9bd8cd1.jpg|Chris, Jack and Courtney at Solano Stroll|width=320}}|| * Conversed with Many Berkeley/Bay-Area citizens about what Linux/Ubuntu is and why it rocks. * Handed Out Over 170 Ubuntu CDs * Handed Out Over 300 Linux Flyers and Cards * Displayed New [[http://www.berkeleylug.com/?page_id=2|Linux Banner]] |||| === Volunteers === ||{{http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2631/3919998881_e2d8571453.jpg|Aaron, Grant, Courtney and Mark|width=320}}|| * [[Grantbow|Grant Bowman]] * [[jdeslip|Jack Deslippe]] * [[VivekAyer|Vivek Ayer]] * Many Others! === Discussion elsewhere === * Ubuntu IRC Meetings: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/09July26|July 26]], [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/09August09|Aug 9]] * Berkeley LUG's [[http://groups.google.com/group/berkeleylug|google group]] === Media === * [[http://www.berkeleylug.com/Contributions|Pictures and sources]] for 10 foot banner and tri-fold brochure inspired by the [[http://lbproject.sourceforge.net|Linux brochure project]] * [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/gidgetkitchen/archives/date-posted/2009/09/14/page2/|Mark's Flickr Album]] * [[http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2311913&id=1512931&l=e12d415e91|Vivek's Facebook Album]]