* Activities during the [[CameroonianTeam/Events/SoftwareFreedomDay|Software Freedom day]] * Theme of the Conference held in Yaounde: Free software, what interets for Cameroon and Africa countries ? * IRC chat on #ubuntu-cm with folks from Yaounde, Douala, Limbe and even abroad (germany, switzerland) . [[http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2009/09/19/%23ubuntu-cm.html | The log]]. * In the press (french):[[http://www.journalducameroun.com/article.php?aid=2797 | Le logiciel libre fêté à Yaoundé ]] * Pictures of [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/ongola/sets/72157622499399916/ | SFD in Yaounde]]