= Approval Application for Ubuntu Canada (ubuntu-ca) = || [[LoCoTeams|Home]] || [[LoCoTeamList|Teams List]] || [[LoCoTeamJoining|Join a Team]] || [[LoCoTeamHowto|Start a LoCo Team!]] || [[LoCoTeamMentoring|Team Mentoring]] || [[LoCoFAQ|FAQ]] || [[LoCoTeamContacts|Contacts]] || Ubuntu Canada is a currently growing group of Ubuntu users in Canada, mostly centred around Victoria, Toronto and Montreal. Currently led by CoreyBurger in Victoria, Ubuntu Canada has had some ups and downs, being one of the earliest loco teams to form and one of the earliest to have interest wither away. Ubuntu Canada has a number of very experienced members, including CoreyBurger, DanielRobitaille and DaveSullivan, all of whom have extensive connections and have done extensive work in the larger Ubuntu community. One SFD is down and a few conference attendences, we hope to grow our list of press contacts and conference attendences over the next year or so. == Key Details == * '''Date''' - Oct 26, 2006 * '''Team Contact''' - Corey Burger (corey.burger@gmail.com) * '''Membership''' - ~50 as of October 2006 * '''Mailing List''' - ubuntu-ca on lists.ubuntu.com * '''IRC''' - #ubuntu-ca on Freenode == Roadmap == Here you should provide a list of things you plan on doing. Include links to where these are discussed online and on mailing lists. * ''Generate better list of press contacts'' - the creation of a list of press contacts which can be contacted with Ubuntu news is in the works. Current efforts can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianPress - Led by Corey Burger * ''More conference attendence'' - details are still being worked out as to exactly which, but the list is being compiled at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Conferences * ''SFD 2007'' - a larger, wider presence is planned next year. * ''Local Advocacy'' - Begin a poster campaign at the SFU (http://www.sfu.ca) Burnaby campus and discuss possibility of placing gratis CDs at various locations with student society (http://www.sfss.ca) and the on-campus "PIRG" (Public Interest Research Group - http://www.sfpirg.ca). - Kyle Vanditmars (And at the University of Victoria: http://uvic.ca, http://uvss.uvic.ca, http://www.vipirg.ca - Alyssa Knox) * ''Translate Ubuntu into Ojibwe'' - translation effort for a common indigenous language. This is just beginning (the "it would be cool if..") stage at present; watch UbuntuOjibweTranslators, https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-oj, and https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-oji for updates. - Led by Tony Yarusso * ''Install Fests in Quebec province'' - Led by FabianRodriguez. Watch UbuntuAtInstallFests. * ''Guerilla marketing'' - SimonLaw is good at handing out CDs and stickers wherever he goes. == Experience == List here acivities that the group has already done. Again provide links to online discussions, reviews, blog entries etc: * ''SFD'' - both Victoria and Toronto held events coinciding with SFD this year, led by CoreyBurger and DaveSullivan respectively. Both events were successes. Futher info can be found at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ca/2006-September/001036.html * ''FSOSS'' - the Toronto chapter represented Ubuntu at FSOSS at Seneca College this year, lead by DaveSullivan. Report is upcoming. * ''Creation of logo'' - Ubuntu Canada now has a logo, courtesy of Madpilot aka BrianBurger * ''Relaunch of website'' - the website was relaunched and is currently hosted by CoreyBurger. It can be viewed at [[http://www.ubuntu-ca.org/|ubuntu-ca.org]] or ubuntu.ca. The website has been built and is currently maintained by BrianBurger.