## page was renamed from CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010-08-22/Log {{{ All right. 7pm. Meeting time! someone link the agenda? Mass call... highvoltage Kulag txwikinger3 txwikinger ve2dmn bbrent IdleOne willwh BobJonkman J2 mylesbraithwaite zul johanbr ryanakca ZykoticK9 egerlach kenjy scarper FiReSTaRT komputes Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010-08-22 hello Hi, IdleOne. Interested in a meeting? :) sure thing * IdleOne looks at agenda I'm somewhat around, but will lurk for the most part. Introductions while we're getting settled... I'm Darcy. I'm in Waterloo. And I guess I'm chairing this thing. johanbr: Sure thing. thanks for chairing, dscassel I'm Tony. I'm in St. Paul, Minnesota - I'm just a wannabe Canadian. :P (Seriously, pondering immigration hoping to settle in Thunder Bay.) No problem. :D yay for forced volunteerism Hey tonyyarusso! I'm Jeff from Mississauga/Guelph I'm Leigh, I'm one of the folks behind HackLab.TO in Toronto, and one of the Ubuntu Women co-leaders Guess I should introduce myself. I'm John in Montreal meeting agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010-08-22 hypatia: and all around pretty cool chick :) IdleOne: i am not a small bird :p you know I mean that with respect Heh. ^_^; anyway, moving along :p Anyway! Ubuntu Global Jam! yes! Is next weekend! We're having a bug jam in Kitchener. I really hope other people can run them too. It doesn't take much, although it's getting to be somewhat short notice... sorry for being late... church business :( * hypatia will likely be out of town, but if other toronto folks want to run one, hacklab may be able to host it Just get a bunch of people together in a room with wifi and work on stuff. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jams * hypatia will run cottageJam Glad you could make it, txwikinger. Awesome. :D * txwikinger is Ralph Janke.. based in Kitchener Yeah, I'm missing the Kwartzlab one. txwikinger will be running it without me. * hypatia adds SoOnCon to the agenda Oh, yeah, that's a good idea. We ought to do something there. I will try to get the people in Quebec to be on IRC if they are doing something the same time I will also contact some other LoCos... why is it a global jam if we don't communicate with each other? * txwikinger wonders what SoOnCon is when we get to it :) :) Also, if you're running a Jam (and please do), add it to the LoCo directory. http://loco.ubuntu.com/ * dscassel segues and announce it on the mailinglist so we can co-ordinate a bit LoCo Directory! http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ca cool you added the missing information :) Actually, I updated stuff this morning, so we can strick from the agenda, really. er, strike. I added links to the launchpad page as well. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ca sweet The LoCo council has been hot on getting this stuff updated for a couple months now. http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/08/22/loco-directory-useful-if-kept-up-to-date/ Yeah.. good LD's pretty simple to use, and if you put your events there, it's so much easier for me (or whoever) to add them to the monthly reports or publicize them, etc. Moving on... Also.. we have started report pages on the wiki. please anybody feel free to add to them * hypatia is having wiki signon issues AGAIN... can someone else add SoOnCon to the wiki :( * hypatia glares at SSO dscassel: quick and dirty.. what was the mass call all about? :P ok.. hypatia I do it thanks txwikinger Done. btw hola dscassel/hypatia/txwikinger :) FiReSTaRT: Ubuntu-CA meeting. :D dscassel: did i miss anything important? :D https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010-08-22 Not too much... Global Jam next weekend. Use the LoCo directory for events. Website! txwikinger: What do we still need to do? I am not sure.. I lost a little track of that http://ubuntu-ca.jankeconsulting.ca/drupal6/ txwikinger: on the topic of locos communicating, would it be possible to set up webcam feeds at the events and have a webpage linking to them all? If we think everything is in the state we want it to be to start, we need to put a ticket into rt to have the DNS changed just a random idea to give a bit of realtime interactivity... johanbr: Yes..good idea.. I will see if we can organise that in the time remaining dscassel: what would be the definition of the word "jam" in our context? my musical talent goes below 0 :P FiReSTaRT: pretty much the same Kwartzlab (where the Kitchener Jam will be) has a webcam and a ustream channel here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kwartzlab we are meeting to have some fun doing stuff for Ubuntu Just need to turn it on for the Jam. johanbr: the Hackerspace Synchronous Hackathon folks do that, i'll find out what they use... i think just ustream.tv No audio, though. dscassel: cool dscassel: beat me to it :p so basically doing something positive for ubuntu (whether it's hunting bugs, cleaning up code or just straight out promo)? FiReSTaRT: yes sure FiReSTaRT: Bugs, code, translations, testing, etc. Or getting toegether and goofing off. the last option sounds good :D Jams now do bug hunting, patch reviews,translations, documentation improvements... anything I forgot? (Goofing off was endorsed by jcastro himself in his "how to run Jams" sessions). FiReSTaRT: just needs someone (or group) to roganise something that everybody can go txwikinger: installer testing... yes Anyway, website... I don't have a problem if some people participate with us remotely, but I would prefer soemlocal event too Okay, Jams. It's kind of important. iirc, the lucid release party in toronto basically bombed the one in santiago was the bare minimum It really is better if you can get people in a room. You can do stuff over IRC with people any time, really. so one thing to put on the agenda for future meetings is organizing a good release party actually a brainstorm jam wouldn't be such a bad idea either :P FiReSTaRT: The LoCo Council Team has revamped lots of pages on the wiki for that FiReSTaRT: Publicize, publicize, publicize. So there is already lots of material available Also.. Jono Bacon's book about COmmunity building is a good reference it is available as free pdf yeah, i'd like to do more promo for the next release part in toronto that is Anyway, it's 7:30 and we're drifting from the agenda. I should get us back on track. Website! my apologies ladies and gents :) Yes let's put Release party on next month' meeting's agenda Absolutely. I think we need to put the planet on the website i officially second the motion :P I'd be all for that. That is what I remember might be still missing I don't think we need it to launch, though. That should be the first thing. Any volunteers for that I can put a ticket on rt if you want me too for getting the DNS changed I think we should put the call out for a website team. We need editors, designers and developers. * FiReSTaRT hides in a corner [can barely add content if the cms is already up and running] There were a lot of people interested in helping a few months ago... +1 * hypatia is happy to help with editing Anybody interested? hypatia: cool. I'll help with content and editing... Didn't ZykoticK9 want to help too? I'll send out a message on the ML looking for people. +1 stone1343: great! i'm planning on being at kwartzlab for the jam cool stone1343..looking forward to see you Next up, LUG outreach... Kind of a long-term project... I want to get in contact with LUGs around the country. hey guys "Speak of the devil and he appears" ;) Let them know we're here, and the sort of things we do. We can help them publicize. They can help us get people involved. good idea! i can "help" with website too, if you need people One idea was if you have a LUG nearby, you can become a liaison of sorts. so do you need ppl to find their local LUG? ZykoticK9: Absolutely. ;) stone1343: Yeah. If there is one, get in contact. Suggest running Jams, parties, etc. and see who's interested. ok, can do The other thing is I've started going through old LUG lists and seeing which ones still exist. And there's not a lot, but I'll post a list to the ML and start emailing. maybe we can distribute this work a little? Yeah. Good idea. If it's just me, it'll take forever. oops, I was doing some shopping, meeting over? i was supposed to get in touch with one of the people here to organize a proper LUG for toronto highvoltage: Nope, still going. Can you adopt a LUG? :) highvoltage: still in progress i can certainly contact OCLUG (Ottawa) about any events/etc (already do really) ZykoticK9: Yeah, that's the idea. dscassel: adopt a lug!? gonna double-check my contact lists and the odd man out will be (mike, mark, something like that) lol * highvoltage catches up and reads agenda I see a Mississauga LUG and a Meetup group, I'll try to contact them highvoltage: Current agenda item. Getting in touch with LUGs... ah. I don't know the LUGs in Quebec yet, but I'll look into it! highvoltage: Ask Fabian... he knows what is going on.. especially in Montreal stone1343: Yeah. MUMU. I've talked to Victor a bit. And BobJonkman is involved with them. yeah I've been meaning to visit montreal and have a beer with him. maybe I'll do that this weekend Fabian == MagicFab Anyway, I'll write up my thoughts on this to the mailing list as well... GTALUG is still pretty active... anyone here attend it? hypatia: Isn't mylesbraithwaite involved in that? Anyway, Monthly Reports! dscassel: i think so We did one! Hurray! Of course, the month is almost over, so we have to do another one. good job dscassel! I have already put things into August txwikinger: do you have the link handy? Ottawa Ubuntu hour happened in August with 3 in attendance cool i'm going to start one in toronto, as i'm going back to school in sept and will have more time https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/TeamReports ZykoticK9: please add those things txwikinger, will do "Ubuntu LAN Party" what was that? ZykoticK9: You should add listings for the Ottawa Hour to the LoCo directory. Someone in kwartlab organised a Game party txwikinger, very cool! and created an archive with all kinds of games that work on Ubunut * highvoltage would like to do an Ubuntu Hour in Sherbrooke somewhere in September ZykoticK9: Free software LAN party! I gotta get on egerlach to write his blog post. I think eventually this is supposed to grow into a DVD highvoltage: Awesome. dscassel, i had trouble with LoCo Directory a while back - can anyone add to it, or does it require admin privileges of some sort? dscassel: Yes The Waterloo LAN party shifted out a week to avoid conflicts, which means there isn't one for August. It'll be September 1. that would be fun to do in conjunction with a release party too Waterloo Ubuntu Hour, I mean. :P Is KWLUG on that Mondyay? hypatia: Yeah. Eric wanted to start small to work some bugs out, but we're hoping we can have a nation-wide LAN party at some point. :D that would be rad :D guys i really thing the 10.10 on 10.10.10 is a Great promotional tool - we really should try to capitalize on it (realize on agenda for next meeting) txwikinger: No, probably not till the 12th. ah ok ZykoticK9: Definitely. :D dscassel: yes.. 13rd .. I checked it 13th Okay. SoOnCon, the Southern Ontario Hackerspace conference. Hosted by Kwartzlab. :D sorry guy, i show up late / xchat crash / leave early = fail for me. Talk to you all soon. ZykoticK9: Later. Thanks for dropping by. :) hypatia: What did you have in mind? When will that happen? let me look up the date, it's the first weekend in oct 2/3 right, so there'll be a party friday night, the event saturday, and then a bus down to toronto for nuit blanche 1/2 yup on saturday there will be talks, workshops, hardware hacking it'd be nice to do some kind of mini-install-fest type thing focused on tools for hardware hacking? like arduino dev toolchain or something like that? there's somewhat of a hardware focus, but the event is also about Free Software, security, digital rights, etc KDE has a nice simulation tool too Sounds good to me. there will be more info up on http://sooncon.ca shortly I also found some pcb creation software from an Uni in Germany * hypatia needs to do some wikigardening there txwikinger: gEDA? No.. some different Fritzing I'll talk to the Kwartzlab guys. See if they have any suggestions. cool i'll send a note to the mailing list when i get the wiki updated But yeah, I think we should definitely be involved. No reason not to, given that it's Kwartzlab and we're here. and there will be toronto, hamilton, etc folks too and usually a few out-of-towners as well Yeah, good way to connect with folks other than the usual crowd. cool Awesome. Well, it's 8 and we're at the end of the agenda. Anyone have anything else they'd like to bring up? Seeing none, I'll move to adjourn. second Have a good night folks! Great meeting. Thanks for coming out. }}}