IRC log of the meeting on 14 November 2010. Times are EST (UTC-0500)

(07:00:22 PM) dscassel: Meeting time!
(07:00:29 PM) dscassel: Agenda is here:
(07:01:05 PM) dscassel: Feel free to introduce yourselves.  I'm Darcy and I'm going to be facilitating.  I'm in Waterloo, ON.
(07:01:44 PM) ZykoticK9: George from Ottawa.  Hello all.
(07:01:57 PM) BobJonkman: I'm Bob, in Elmira, just north of Waterloo
(07:02:18 PM) hypatia: I'm Leigh, I'm in Toronto, and have been a bit of a flake lately :)
(07:02:37 PM) dscassel: Mass call! [thor] jaguar rgreening txwikinger FiReSTaRT kenjy RobotGrrl billybigrigger ilan IdleOne Kulag sipherdee willwh cxo SmartSsa zul Infoverload starcraftman
(07:02:56 PM) dscassel: Hi ZykoticK9! Did you guys have the Ubuntu Hour last week?
(07:03:02 PM) RobotGrrl: Hi ^^
(07:03:16 PM) RobotGrrl: ooooh this is a meeting? nifty!
(07:03:16 PM) ZykoticK9: dscassel, yup - only 3 people showed up though (my fault for not advertising)
(07:03:17 PM) FiReSTaRT: yo yo yo
(07:03:20 PM) dscassel: Hi RobotGrrl. We're settling in for a bit of a meeting.
(07:03:26 PM) RobotGrrl: nice!! :D
(07:03:32 PM) BobJonkman: 3 people is good.
(07:03:40 PM) dscassel: ZykoticK9: Awesome. :D
(07:03:45 PM) hypatia: wooo meeting
(07:03:51 PM) cxo: huh?
(07:04:16 PM) dscassel: cxo: Meeting!  We're going to talk about Ubuntu Canada stuffs.
(07:05:17 PM) dscassel: If you've never been before, let us know where you're from and (briefly) what you do, Ubuntu-wise.
(07:05:27 PM) FiReSTaRT: im just gonna step out for a quick smoke before we REALLY get into it :)
(07:05:30 PM) ***FiReSTaRT brb
(07:05:38 PM) dscassel: Sure.
(07:06:12 PM) vikram [~vikram@unaffiliated/vikram] entered the room.
(07:06:16 PM) cxo left the room ("Leaving").
(07:06:43 PM) vikram: Yup, from Ottawa, just a hacker. , and yes, that was me who left :)
(07:07:13 PM) vikram: Long time Redhat/Fedora convert
(07:07:33 PM) dscassel: vikram: Welcome!
(07:08:15 PM) dscassel: vikram: ZykoticK9 runs the monthly Ubuntu Hour in Ottawa, if you've never been.
(07:08:27 PM) dscassel: I'll give people a minute or two more to wander in.
(07:08:54 PM) ***BobJonkman waits impatiently for the cookies to be brought out
(07:09:19 PM) vikram: I've been writing a lot of GTK code recently. And been keen on the idea of formerly contributing to Ubuntu, if it could pay the bills
(07:09:48 PM) dscassel: BobJonkman: I didn't bring any cookies. But if you're willing to share...
(07:10:11 PM) dscassel: vikram: Ah, everyone's fondest dream. :)
(07:10:20 PM) dscassel: Anyway, let's get this thing going...
(07:10:27 PM) vikram: Very work in progress app that I have high hopes for, one day,
(07:10:34 PM) dscassel: Like I said, agenda here:
(07:10:42 PM) dscassel: Re-approval!
(07:11:10 PM) dscassel: We submitted our application and wait patiently for an official response.
(07:11:16 PM) ***FiReSTaRT back
(07:11:27 PM) dscassel: Looks good, though.  We have several votes in our favour so far. No complaints.
(07:11:49 PM) hypatia: awesome
(07:11:50 PM) dscassel: The application is here, incidentally:
(07:12:19 PM) dscassel: I was hoping we'd hear back by the meeting, but it may be a day or two yet.  I'll post to the ML when I hear officially.
(07:12:49 PM) dscassel: Administrivia!
(07:13:10 PM) dscassel: Our illustrious leader 2006-2010, Corey Burger actually stepped down a while ago.
(07:13:22 PM) ***FiReSTaRT looking over the application in its final form
(07:13:40 PM) dscassel: He said he'd stick around and help with the reapproval process.
(07:14:01 PM) dscassel: And now, he's quietly slipped away.
(07:14:28 PM) dscassel: txwikinger and I have stepped in to take the role of "LoCo contact."
(07:14:32 PM) hypatia: woot
(07:14:54 PM) dscassel: And I want to emphasize that it's "contact" and not "team leader" or anything like that.
(07:14:59 PM) FiReSTaRT: looking good.. i don't see why we wouldn't get approved
(07:15:24 PM) dscassel: Our job is to act as contact for the LoCo council, so they don't have to go trying to find people.
(07:15:51 PM) FiReSTaRT: how are we gonna select our new jefe?
(07:16:19 PM) BobJonkman: Do we need a Grand Poohbah?
(07:16:24 PM) dscassel: FiReSTaRT: We just did. Kind of. Like I said, we're more of an autonomous colective.
(07:16:32 PM) dscassel: :)
(07:16:54 PM) dscassel: Ideally, people just kind of get on with things.
(07:17:03 PM) FiReSTaRT: ahh ok.. i thought it was an interim measure.. not that i feel an overwhelming need for someone on top.. it was more like idle curiosity
(07:17:33 PM) hypatia: i think if it doesn't work, we can talk elections
(07:17:37 PM) hypatia: but let's see how they do? :)
(07:18:33 PM) dscassel: As far as I can tell, all a LoCo does, nationally, is run a website and maintain a few channels of communication.
(07:18:33 PM) FiReSTaRT: hypatia: won't hear any argument from me (another indicator that we're ok without a single head)
(07:18:38 PM) KombuchaKip left the room (quit: Quit: Leaving.).
(07:19:23 PM) dscassel: I'd like to see groups spring up on a local level.  And I'm not too picky about how they run themselves, either.
(07:19:31 PM) dscassel: So long as everyone plays nice.
(07:19:55 PM) FiReSTaRT: darcy: was it michael who wanted to run the show in toronto or am i way off?
(07:20:11 PM) dscassel: Michael? Is this recent?
(07:20:27 PM) FiReSTaRT: darcy: actually pretty stale.. probably at least 6 months old
(07:20:36 PM) dscassel: Is that genii?
(07:21:31 PM) FiReSTaRT: darcy: not sure.. i know i added him on the msn at the time but we never really got into it and haven't talked here
(07:21:35 PM) dscassel: Right now, hypatia is pretty much heading up Ubuntu Toronto, by virtue of the fact that she's here and she ran a release party. :)
(07:21:55 PM) FiReSTaRT: again, no arguments from me
(07:22:14 PM) hypatia: the current toronto plan is to alternate between hacklab and linuxcaffe
(07:22:33 PM) dscassel: I don't want people to get territorial or anything, either.  We should be able to work together.
(07:22:44 PM) dscassel: (I hope, anyway)
(07:23:33 PM) FiReSTaRT: good plan.. actually i like the idea of being out and about, with the only real constraint being suitable locations
(07:23:48 PM) dscassel: Anyway, I'm going to be contacting the people with team admin status on Launchpad and see if they still want to participate.
(07:23:52 PM) FiReSTaRT: that's especially true for release parties where you REALLY need rj45 for installs
(07:23:56 PM) dscassel: And do a little bit of clean-up if they've moved on.
(07:24:29 PM) dscassel: We'll probably set up an admin team that we can add people to, but we can talk about that more next meeting.
(07:25:04 PM) hypatia: we did that with ubuntu women, it wasn't too tricky
(07:25:20 PM) dscassel: Yeah, the website team is like that too.
(07:25:32 PM) dscassel: (ubuntu-ca-website, that is)
(07:25:42 PM) BobJonkman: Speaking of Website...
(07:25:52 PM) dscassel: Indeed...
(07:25:55 PM) dscassel: Website!
(07:26:00 PM) hypatia: woooo website!
(07:26:11 PM) dscassel: Uh, no update, really.  Still waiting on our ticket.
(07:26:46 PM) BobJonkman:
(07:26:53 PM) dscassel: Kinda frustrating. People I've talked to are sympathetic, but we're not the only ones waiting around.
(07:27:13 PM) FiReSTaRT: gotta love the red tape
(07:27:54 PM) dscassel: As a reminder, our future website is at this temporary address:
(07:28:15 PM) dscassel: Looks like the twitter feed broke at some point.
(07:28:31 PM) dscassel: Anyway...
(07:28:53 PM) dscassel: If there's nothing else, last item on the agenda tonight...
(07:28:58 PM) dscassel: LUG Outreach!
(07:29:32 PM) dscassel: I sent a message to the mailing list, talking about what I'm thinking on this one.
(07:29:37 PM) ***FiReSTaRT eagerly waiting for darcy to start some discussion on mailing list and with individuals :P
(07:30:05 PM) FiReSTaRT: darcy: on a bit of a side-note, it looks like i'm not on it for some reason... ill add myself to it
(07:30:12 PM) dscassel: FiReSTaRT: Oh, yeah... It's been a busy few weeks.  The next few aren't goign to slow down, either. :)
(07:31:17 PM) dscassel: Basically, if there's a LUG where you are, sign up on their mailing list and maybe attend a meeting.
(07:31:48 PM) dscassel: Let them know that we exist and we can help them publicize any tangentially Ubuntu-related events.
(07:32:15 PM) dscassel: And it would be nice if they'd join our ML, IRC and forum, so they can help people or get help as needed.
(07:32:26 PM) ***FiReSTaRT is pretty sure that hypatia knows that we exist :P
(07:33:04 PM) dscassel: FiReSTaRT: I mean TLUG or GTALUG.  Things like that.
(07:33:14 PM) hypatia: FiReSTaRT: i'm aware, yes
(07:33:50 PM) KombuchaKip [] entered the room.
(07:34:33 PM) dscassel: Anyways... The Linux community is really disconnected AFAICT. I know about my LUG, but not much more than that.
(07:34:37 PM) dscassel: Let's see if we can change that.
(07:34:52 PM) ***vikram sees no Canadian flag on
(07:34:55 PM) FiReSTaRT: that is a good idea and there isn't much info on the ecosystem out there
(07:35:25 PM) BobJonkman: I think the whole tech community is disconnected from each other.  
(07:35:32 PM) dscassel: vikram: is problematic.  We're trying to move to a different site so we can mess with the theme, etc.
(07:36:08 PM) BobJonkman: There are small movements afoot to fix that.  Gotta be profitable for someone...
(07:36:11 PM) ***FiReSTaRT on th elist
(07:37:33 PM) vikram: We have something called CodeFactory in Ottawa, Have you heard of it?
(07:37:46 PM) dscassel: There was CLUE (  And I haven't ruled out working with them somehow.
(07:37:57 PM) dscassel: Don't seem quite as active lately...
(07:38:17 PM) vikram:
(07:38:29 PM) vikram: I've given some Linux Boot Camp presentations there
(07:38:44 PM) vikram: (rather open source boot camp)
(07:38:49 PM) hypatia: i don't think CLUE really exists anymore
(07:39:04 PM) hypatia: ottawa also has the ModLab
(07:39:20 PM) dscassel: hypatia: I know Russel's still around doing stuff, but yeah.
(07:39:20 PM) hypatia:
(07:40:25 PM) dscassel: vikram: Maybe they'd be willing to let you give a presentation?
(07:41:13 PM) dscassel: I'm going to try to figure out how to do a "getting involved in Ubuntu" talk.  I'll be happy to share whatever I come up with.
(07:41:49 PM) hypatia: sweet!
(07:43:16 PM) dscassel: That's all I had... If there's nothing else...?
(07:43:20 PM) BobJonkman: The re-approval application says something about reviving LinuxFest-- does that tie in?
(07:43:46 PM) dscassel: BobJonkman: Yeah, definitely.
(07:43:50 PM) BobJonkman: tie in with outreach, &c?
(07:43:59 PM) dscassel: I'm still sad about Linux fest.
(07:44:15 PM) BobJonkman: Me too. FSOSS didn't seem a suitable alternative
(07:44:34 PM) dscassel: No. I'd like to go, but it's not a user conf.
(07:45:26 PM) BobJonkman: I heard someone talking about SoOnCon2011 already ;-)  Any Ubuntu tie-in to that?  
(07:45:39 PM) dscassel: BobJonkman: txwikinger is the one involved in the LinuxFest stuff.  He's being a bit coy about it (early days), but he might be willing to let you know what's going on there.
(07:46:36 PM) dscassel: BobJonkman: Yeah, we'll probably do something.  I'm likely going to be there, anyway.
(07:47:00 PM) dscassel: It's a different focus, though.  But there are lots of Ubuntu users there.
(07:47:02 PM) dscassel:
(07:47:45 PM) hypatia: sooncon was awesome :D
(07:47:58 PM) BobJonkman: Whoa!  2012!!
(07:48:07 PM) vikram: haha
(07:48:10 PM) dscassel: Yeah. :D
(07:48:12 PM) hypatia: 2012 is SoOnCamp, which will also be epic
(07:48:28 PM) hypatia: 2011 is going to hopefully be held in downtown toronto at...drumroll....
(07:48:34 PM) hypatia: the bell lightbox
(07:48:37 PM) hypatia: o_0
(07:48:42 PM) dscassel: 2011 will be in Toronto. 2012 has taken over the front page due to epicness.
(07:48:54 PM) hypatia: nerd camping ftw
(07:49:09 PM) vikram: and whats with the logo even
(07:49:09 PM) dscassel: :D
(07:49:27 PM) dscassel: vikram: You're still looking at
(07:49:33 PM) dscassel: Don't look at it.  It's painful.
(07:49:35 PM) vikram: no
(07:49:45 PM) dscassel: Oh, that.  I have no idea, actually.
(07:50:06 PM) dscassel: I think it was just meant to look cool laser-etched on ABS plastic and side-lit by LEDs.
(07:50:59 PM) dscassel: (That tends to be the sort of aesthetic this crowd goes for. :)
(07:51:03 PM) vikram: I have a 1hr presentation to give to an Engineering Management class at the University of Ottawa this Wednesday on Using and Producing open sauce. Could throw some Ubuntuism into the mix
(07:51:23 PM) dscassel: vikram: Awesome.
(07:51:28 PM) dscassel: Mm, open sauce.
(07:51:40 PM) hypatia: vikram: cool!  have you seen the "Producing Open Source Software" book the svn folks wrote?
(07:51:58 PM) vikram: I've heard of it. Havent read it
(07:52:13 PM) hypatia: it's great :)
(07:52:50 PM) vikram: My talk will be very much about $$ related things. Politics, Legal issues. All the yucky stuff actually :)
(07:54:40 PM) hypatia: that's a lot of what that book is about
(07:54:41 PM) hypatia: :)
(07:54:59 PM) hypatia: also worthawhile:
(07:56:06 PM) willwh: hi guys
(07:56:09 PM) willwh: sorry I'm late!
(07:56:17 PM) dscassel: Hi willwh, just wrapping up. :)
(07:56:25 PM) willwh: bah
(07:56:29 PM) dscassel: Anything you'd like to add before we close it down?
(07:56:40 PM) willwh: nope :)
(07:56:48 PM) dscassel: (Feel free to stick around, of course :)
(07:56:58 PM) vikram: I'll embed subliminal "Use Ubuntu" slides inbetween pages. Given the crowd is usually made up of Apple users. They might not even get it
(07:57:20 PM) dscassel: Okay, I'll formally end the meeting.  Thanks everyone. :)

CanadianTeam/Meetings/2010/2010-11-14/log (last edited 2013-05-31 00:03:04 by 206-248-137-186)