## page was renamed from CanadianTeam/Meetings/2011-06-14/Log {{{ [16:05:13] Meeting time... [16:05:15] I have two meetings at the same time [16:05:22] --> dscassel_ (~dscassel@ has joined #ubuntu-ca [16:06:26] Mass call! genii-around kavurt pillow billybigrigger Guest95519 kenjy ryanakca BobJonkman KombuchaKip sipherdee bregma IdleOne komputes txwikinger cyphermox james_w Drossel jburkholder willwh Jeruvy MagicFab zeroedout FiReSTaRT Kamondelious Mobidoy ZykoticK9 [16:06:40] dscassel: What can I do for you? [16:06:58] o/ [16:07:03] Meeting time, if you're interested. :) [16:07:21] Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2011-06-14 [16:07:56] Feel free to introduce yourselves... [16:08:00] dscassel: I'll be voyeuristic, but can't guarantee I have much to contribute. [16:08:10] s'cool. [16:09:21] Anyway, I'm Darcy, in Waterloo and I'm one of the contacts for Ubuntu Canada. [16:10:04] Im Hakim Sheriff, in Montreal, and I distribute free "prowered by Ubuntu" stickers for System 76 [16:10:23] Hi! Fabian here -> mostly U-Quebec contact - these days playing a lot with kvm, GLPI and Zentyal [16:11:17] Hi, my name is Alishams Hassam. I'm a director at Free Geek Vancouver. Trying to get the gtalk plugin to work with natty so i'll be here on and off [16:13:00] I'll be in and out too [16:13:13] zeroedout: Cool. I've been talking to the Free Geek Toronto guys about their space being a hub for Ubuntu activities there. :) [16:13:26] I'm Klich Koken, from Halifax, NS. I'm long time linux user, but i use ubuntu since hardy. [16:14:59] dscassel: sweet! Currently we do something called Open Help Night (formerly Windowless Wednesdays), ever wednesday where people come in with Ubuntu issues and techs from the community come to help fix/install ubuntu. [16:15:26] I haven't had a chance to chat up the FG toronto guys much, but I hear they're doing well [16:15:31] Good to see new (to me, anyway) people out. :D [16:17:31] Okay, so ... Events! [16:17:33] glad to be here :) [16:18:03] Vancouver is having its Natty release release party on Friday. [16:18:10] http://www.meetup.com/ubuntuvancouver/events/17545545/ [16:18:37] (You need to sign up for meetup.com and join the ubuntuvancouver event to see it. I hope it's nothing naughty. [16:19:41] This Sunday is the first Car-Free Sunday in Waterloo. [16:20:06] There was some talk about us setting up a booth or something, but I have a feeling it's not going to happen this month [16:20:16] (I haven't done any prep for it at lease) [16:20:19] least) [16:20:49] But there'll be more in July and August. [16:21:12] Aside: zeroedout, have you been out to any of the Ubuntu Vancouver events? [16:22:01] I've been to a couple, trying to make it for this one [16:22:06] Cool. [16:22:18] I've heard good things, but I don't know too much about what actually goes on out there. [16:23:01] Anyway, the ubuntu Global Jam date has been set. It's Sept. 2-4. [16:23:12] We'll be doing one in Kitchener, as usual. [16:23:18] the last one I went to was just people getting together and chatting about ubuntu and general geekery. Had some issues with the last event... but this isn't the time or place :) [16:23:27] And I'll be trying to get the Free Geek Toronto guys to do one there. [16:23:36] MagicFab, re: yocto-reader isn't that an MS error? Perhaps that would explain the problem ;) [16:23:42] But it would be cool if we could get more of them across the country. [16:24:30] zeroedout: Okay :) [16:25:52] On jams, one thing we've been talking about here in KW is that the Global Jam happens awfully late in the cycle. [16:26:22] MagicFab, my bad, clearly says "Apache/2.2.17 (Ubuntu)" at the bottom. [16:26:26] We were thinking about maybe doing an earlier Jam, where we can get people contributing earlier in the cycle. [16:27:12] Hi everyone! My name is Eric Beaurivage and I'm from Montreal, QC. My plan is to get more involved into Ubuntu with Ubuntu-QC and... I am a bit late to introduce myself for this meeting. [16:27:27] Welcome, sipherdee :) [16:27:51] Greetings! [16:27:53] You should talk to MagicFab re: ubuntu-qc if you haven't already. [16:28:18] hakimsheriff, me wants stickerz :) Coming to next Ubuntu Hour ? dscassel don't worry I 've taken care of sipherdee's *free* time already [16:28:41] Awesome. :D [16:28:45] Yes dscassel, we know each other and he already is a great help to get me started. [16:29:03] MagicFab, Maybe, if i manage to convince my dad, [16:30:15] MagicFab: I'm planning on being in Montreal the last week in August. I'm hoping I can get out to the Outremont ubuntu Hour. [16:30:24] dscassel: Car free Sunday here in Vancouver as well, I believe. [16:30:46] KombuchaKip: cool. It seems like a good opportunity to get out and interact with "normal" people. :) [16:31:05] dscassel: Yes, we'll have Ubuntu Vancouver out and about. [16:31:29] dscassel, ring me whenever in town, I'll gladly match my schedule to yours [16:31:36] That's cool. [16:31:40] MagicFab: Great. Will do. [16:33:40] Anyway, last thing on the agenda: [16:34:04] There are a bunch of sessions coming up in the #ubuntu-classroom IRC channel. [16:34:48] If you get an app called Lernid (there's a PPA out there if you want to google for it), the experience is a bit more streamlined and you get slides. [16:35:07] <-- genii-around (~quassel@unaffiliated/genii) has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:35:11] Anyway, the first week of sessions is ubuntu developer week, July 11-15 [16:35:36] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek [16:36:31] It's for people looking to get into developing on ubuntu, or developing Ubuntu itself. [16:38:08] If you think you can run a session, I'd encourage you to go to the wiki page. [16:38:25] The second one is Ubuntu Community Week, July 18-22. [16:38:37] That's organized by Ubuntu Vancouver's own Randall Ross. [16:38:58] And it'll be about getting more involved in the community, building community, helping users, etc. [16:39:04] The sort of stuff we're talking about here... [16:40:31] I can't run a session yet but I will be online to contribute to the talks from July 12th. [16:41:02] sipherdee: That helps. There'll be a -chat channel where you can help answer questions. [16:42:06] Jono has a blog post about the various weeks and things coming up this cycle: http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/06/01/six-months-of-rocking-ubuntu-events/ [16:43:39] And that's all I got. [16:43:42] questions? [16:45:22] I got enough informations with the links you posted. Thanks for the meeting! [16:45:53] Awesome. [16:46:14] I'll be around for a while if anybody has anything. [16:46:37] Thanks for coming out. :) [16:47:18] And think about running an Ubuntu event in your town! Ubuntu Hours are easy, and anyone can do them. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour [16:47:48] lol, this was pretty interesting actually. hope to be around for more (or at least idle) }}}