## page was renamed from CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013-05-30 <> (Note: there is no [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ca/|Ubuntu-ca LoCo event]] for this meeting) == Meeting information == * #ubuntu-ca: Ubuntu CA Weekly Meeting 2013-05-30, 30 May at 22:04 — 22:58 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-ca/2013/ubuntu-ca.2013-05-30-22.04.log.html]] == Meeting summary == === Stickerz! === The discussion about "Stickerz!" started at 22:10. * ''ACTION:'' azend to look more into sticker prices * ''ACTION:'' azend to design a sticker for print and get acceptance from the group * ''ACTION:'' azend to send out an email about stickers he gets a chance === Posters === The discussion about "Posters" started at 22:17. * '''Banner designs''' (22:22) * Posters must be in convenient sizes for the printer. Sizes will be decided on later * ''ACTION:'' BobJonkman1 to post an email to the meeting list to ask about what sizes posters should be === Ubuntu CA Role Call === The discussion about "Ubuntu CA Role Call" started at 22:45. * BobJonkman1 brought up that KWLUG has assembled a list of people within their region that they are connected to http://www.kwlug.org/node/403 * ''ACTION:'' azend to send out an email seeing who is still alive. Results will be talked about next meeting == Vote results == == Action items == * azend to look more into sticker prices * azend to design a sticker for print and get acceptance from the group * azend to send out an email about stickers he gets a chance * BobJonkman1 to post an email to the meeting list to ask about what sizes posters should be * azend to send out an email seeing who is still alive. Results will be talked about next meeting == Action items, by person == * BobJonkman1 * BobJonkman1 to post an email to the meeting list to ask about what sizes posters should be * **UNASSIGNED** ** azend to look more into sticker prices ** azend to design a sticker for print and get acceptance from the group ** azend to send out an email about stickers he gets a chance ** azend to send out an email seeing who is still alive. Results will be talked about next meeting == People present (lines said) == * azend|irssi (90) * BobJonkman1 (41) * meetingology (9) * genii-around (8) * bregma (3) * txwikinger (2) * IdleOne (1) == Full Log == 22:04 #startmeeting 22:04 Meeting started Thu May 30 22:04:01 2013 UTC. The chair is azend|irssi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 22:04 22:04 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 22:04 o/ 22:04 Hello everyone! 22:04 O/ 22:04 Our first weekly meeting! 22:04 Is everyone excited for a meeting! :D 22:05 I appologize for the slow 22:05 I'm experiencing high amounts of packet loss and I'm still new to meetingology 22:06 azend|irssi: Not to worry. SInce no-one was expecting a meeting, no-one has high expectations. Or any expectations, for that matter. 22:07 It'll be good practice for the next meeting. 22:07 Which might be next week?? 22:07 :P 22:08 is there an agenda? 22:08 So, did everyone read last meeting's notes? 22:08 #chair 22:08 Current chairs: azend|irssi 22:09 Last week's topics were: Stickers and posters 22:10 * BobJonkman1 loves stickers 22:10 #topic Stickerz! 22:11 I looked into getting some stickers from the same place as Diyode has purchased in the past 22:11 bregma: I don't think we have an agenda for today. 22:11 bregma: I'm faking it 22:11 I saw that Diyode has paper stickers and vinyl stickers 22:12 we do 22:12 I've got a paper sticker on my laptop, which is good enough there. But paper stickers on my phone wear out 22:12 the vinyl stickers are a lot better and are made of automobile grade vinyl 22:12 The sticker paper stays, but the printing wears off 22:12 the paper ones are ok but they aren't as nice 22:13 BobJonkman1: they sent us those by accident 22:13 Do you have an idea of the cost? 22:14 I think it was around $50 without tax or shipping for 250 22:14 250 or 300 22:14 They're based out of toronto so we could technically just go up and grab them 22:14 that would be for a nice sized oval sticker 22:14 and the ubuntu canada logo 22:14 Gord Campbell is in Toronto; he might be able to do that. 22:15 Gord was talking about setting up a Linux Hour for 1 July in Toronto... 22:15 I volunteer myself to get the logo preped for print 22:15 azend|irssi: Got a design? 22:15 BobJonkman1: yes. 22:15 BobJonkman1: it's just the ubuntu-ca logo 22:15 perhaps with a subtitle beneath it 22:16 #action azend to look more into sticker prices 22:16 * meetingology azend to look more into sticker prices 22:16 #action azend to design a sticker for print and get acceptance from the group 22:16 * meetingology azend to design a sticker for print and get acceptance from the group 22:17 #action azend to send out an email about stickers he gets a chance 22:17 * meetingology azend to send out an email about stickers he gets a chance 22:17 #topic Posters 22:18 I also brought up that we should make up some generic posters and other marketing materials last week to provide for groups around canada 22:18 These may take a bit longer but I can post what I have 22:19 I designed a poster for the last ubuntu release party that I could distribute 22:20 It was made in non-free software so I'll export it to an SVG or something and post it to the mailing group 22:20 or to the ubuntu loco page 22:22 #subtopic Banner designs 22:22 Are you thinking of huge posters like you have at Diyode? http://pix.ie/ubuntuca/3245549/in/album/465654 22:22 Or more of a handbill, 8.5" x 11" 22:22 BobJonkman1: that would be cool but I don't think it would be of much use to most people 22:23 I'm thinking like 8.5"x11" and maybe 11"x17" 22:23 The latter is getting more and more common in some cheap commercial printers 22:24 BobJonkman1: what do you think the posters should have on them? 22:25 Sorry not to check in, had electrical work here to finish. I'll check backscroll 22:25 Hi genii-around! Bye genii-around! 22:26 We could draw up some simple ones like for ubuntu release parties and ubuntu hours 22:26 azend|irssi: Posters should probably have some contact info, and maybe meeting info. 22:26 genii-around: it's mostly me being stupid and me talking to myself 22:26 BobJonkman1: true 22:26 I wonder how we could incorporate that 22:27 just out an inkscape svg? 22:27 That would work better if we were more consistent about dates and times for meetings (I'm thinking of the monthly meeting, which has bounced all over the calendar in the last couple of years) 22:27 If the place is here in Toronto, I'll throw in a few bucks if you like and ship em if i get to keep a few for the release-parties here 22:28 awesome 22:28 We've been a little more consistent with contact people, mostly dscassel here in KW, genii-around in TO, and other people running the local chapters. 22:29 azend|irssi: I'm also thinking 11x17 for posters btw 22:29 * BobJonkman1 points at azend|irssi as Dear Leader for Ubuntu-ca-guelph :) 22:29 azend|irssi: Glad to make your acquaintance! 22:30 BobJonkman1: if I hand out the design files, people can put their own dates and contact information on them 22:30 Hi genii-around :) 22:30 I think I've seen you around before 22:30 o/ 22:30 is there an inkscape file or something for the poster(s)? 22:31 * txwikinger takes over North Dumfries and Brant 22:31 bregma: that's what we're discussing 22:31 I would like for us to have some promotional materials 22:33 #info Posters must be in convenient sizes for the printer. Sizes will be decided on later 22:34 Does anyone have any ambitions to be come ubuntu canada poster famous and make us some posters? :D 22:35 I think I'll postpone the vote for poster sizes to next week so that we can get more input on what may be convenient. 22:35 * BobJonkman1 has the design skills of a brick. 22:36 Can someone send an email to the list discussing the idea of posters and asking what size they should be? 22:37 I can guess at what sizes most peoples printers may be but that may prove to not be very effective 22:37 azend|irssi: I can do that. It would be good if I can point people to an initial logo or something. 22:37 It would be nice to get some confirmation before continuing 22:38 Helloo... :) 22:38 There are some logos (bitmaps) on the Ubuntu wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam?action=AttachFile 22:38 BobJonkman1: It think we would be better off using that vector you found the other day 22:39 * BobJonkman1 wishes he could remember where that was 22:39 I'll check my logs later 22:39 #action BobJonkman1 to post an email to the meeting list to ask about what sizes posters should be 22:39 * meetingology BobJonkman1 to post an email to the meeting list to ask about what sizes posters should be 22:40 Does anyone have anything else to say on the topic? 22:42 #meetingtopic Ubuntu CA Weekly Meeting 2013-05-30 22:42 whoops 22:42 almost forgot :P 22:43 alright 22:43 Is there anything new to talk about? 22:44 I would personally like to do a call out to see which groups in the ubuntu-ca community are currently active 22:44 perhaps pull in some of the lurkers and get them active 22:44 As far as I know, Vancouver is pretty active, but doesn't do much nationally. 22:45 MLUG (or MUMU) still meets every month in Mississauga, but doesn't do much nationally either. 22:45 #topic Ubuntu CA Role Call 22:45 BobJonkman1: that's cool 22:45 we should build a list somewhere 22:45 And it looks like Gord Cambell is trying to get Ubuntu-ca-TO doing something too. 22:46 awesome 22:46 It sounds like we're on the edge of getting some new blood in here 22:46 There's a list of local chapters (in various states of activity) on the Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam#Canadian_Team_Chapters 22:47 I've added those chapters to the header file, so a list of local chapters shows on every page on the Wiki. 22:47 But you're right, some are so inactive as to not exist. 22:47 BobJonkman1: I would like to assemble a list of linux groups in the area as well 22:48 I'm not sure that this spot is the right place 22:48 but maybe somewhere nerby 22:48 nearby 22:48 Even just a list of Ubuntu CA connections 22:48 Here's a start: http://www.kwlug.org/node/403 22:48 Possibly another stale list, tho. 22:48 BobJonkman1: awesome 22:49 submitted in 2006 :P 22:49 Used to be http://www.cluecan.ca/ was the authoritative source for LUGs 22:50 #info BobJonkman1 brought up that KWLUG has assembled a list of people within their region that they are connected to http://www.kwlug.org/node/403 22:50 I've done a bit of updating to the KWLUG list more recently than 2006 :) 22:51 #action azend to send out an email seeing who is still alive. Results will be talked about next meeting 22:51 * meetingology azend to send out an email seeing who is still alive. Results will be talked about next meeting 22:51 Anything else to talk about? 22:51 Ah, just found ClueCan's list: http://www.cluecan.ca/flexinode/table/1 22:52 BobJonkman1: anything you can think of? 22:52 Nope, I'm all idea'd out. 22:52 * genii-around washes out the coffeepot 22:53 Mmm, coffee! 22:53 Oh, I'd like to push this petition again while there's some people breathing in here: http://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/bell-canada-crtc-stop-bell-canada-cellpipe-7130-vdsl-8-00-forced-modem-rental-fee 22:54 :) 22:54 Darn you bell :) 22:54 genii-around: Without having looked myself, is this a push to get Bell to adhere to VDSL2 standard? 22:55 BobJonkman1: No, although that would be good too. Right now you cannot purchase an outside VDSL@ modem that works with their linecards, then they force you to rent theirs ... you are not allowed to purchase theirs. 22:57 genii-around: When a third-party like Teksavvy tries to use Bell's VDSL2 connections, do they force you to rent a modem from Bell as well? Or will they sell you a (non-standard, crippled) modem? 22:57 I hate rogers and bell but, before I descend into craziness, I think it's time to draw an end to this meeting 22:57 Thanks everyone for coming out! 22:57 I hope to see you all soon! 22:57 Thanx for the meeting, azend| 22:58 Thanks azend|irssi for running the meeting 22:58 BobJonkman1: teksavvy has their own DSLAM which are true VDSL2/VDSL2+ standard so a regular modem works 22:58 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)