The CanadianTeam. == Key Details == * '''Date''' - 2010-10-21 * '''Team Contact''' - [[dscassel]], [[|txwikinger]] * '''Membership''' - 200+ members * '''Mailing List''' - ( * '''IRC''' - #ubuntu-ca * '''Website''' - == Experience (2008-2010) == === Team Reports === 2010: [[CanadianTeam/TeamReports/10/July|July]], [[CanadianTeam/TeamReports/10/August|August]], [[CanadianTeam/TeamReports/10/September|September]] === Conference participation === * Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2008 speakers from the Ubuntu Canada community: txwikinger * Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2009 speakers from the Ubuntu Canada community: txwikinger, hypatia * Ontario Gnu/Linux Fest 2009: Ubuntu Table demoing Ubuntu and Kubuntu Karmic Release Candidates * SoOnCon 2010 speakers: txwikinger === Release Parties === {{}} {{}} * [[|Kitchener/Waterloo Karmic Koala Release Party]] * [[|Laurel Russwurm's blog]] * [[|Darcy Casselman's blog]] * Photos: [[|1]] [[|2]] * Ottawa Karmic Koala Release Party * Toronto Karmic Koala Release Party {{}} {{}} * [[|Kitchener/Waterloo Lucid Lynx Release Party]] * Ottawa Lucid Lynx Release Party * Toronto Lucid Lynx Release Party * [[FiReSTaRT]] was our ambassador to the Lucid Lynx Release Party in Santiago, Chile {{}} {{}} * Ottawa Maverick Meerkat Release Party * Kitchener/Waterloo Maverick Meerkat Release Party * Toronto Maverick Meerkat Release Party === Ubuntu Hours or other regular meetings === * Monthly meeting of [[ | MUMU - Mississauga Ubuntu Meetup]] * Ottawa monthly [[Hour|Ubuntu Hour]] * Waterloo monthly Ubuntu Hour === Participation and Collaboration with other Open Source Groups and Projects === * Active participation in [[|KWLUG]] * [[|Kwartzlab]] * [[|Waterloo Libre Software Group]] at the University of Waterloo * [[|hypa7ia]] is currently one of the leaders of Ubuntu Women. * [[]] is an old Ubuntu Beginners member providing support with a smile (among other things). :) * [[|txwikinger]] is active contributor to Kubuntu * [[|Avaneya]]: A free, commercial, cerebral, science-fiction edutainment game for GNU. === Software Freedom Day === * Organised and hosted [[|Software Freedom Day event for Waterloo Region]], Ontario * [[|Lothlaurien's blog post]] * [[|txwikinger's blog post]] * [[|Flyer from the event (PDF)]] * [[|We made buttons!]] {{}} === UDS participations === * Karmic Koala: * Lucid Lynx: * (physically): txwikinger * (remotely): dscassel * Maverick Meerkat * (physically): * (remotely): txwikinger * Natty Narwhal * (physically): * (remotely): txwikinger, dscassel, hypa7ia === (Stackexchange) === * Several members of Ubuntu Canada provided a lot of support in the creation and initiation of * [[|txwikinger]] is active moderator and in the top 5 contributors. == Roadmap == === Events === * In collaboration with other open source groups in the area, planning to start a non-profit organisation aiding open source and creative commons projects to hold local and regional events. * Ubuntu LAN Parties (Playing free software games on Ubuntu, [[|successful BETA]]) - Future different cities playing against each other * Speaking at [[|KWLUG]] * Increased Global Jam participation * Natty Narwhal release parties * [[ | Google calendar]] to collate all Ubuntu-ca activities. * Events outside of the province of Ontario. === Outreach === * Creation and maintenance of registry for local open source and creative commons groups throughout Ontario, and later throughout Canada. * Contacting Canadian LUGs and encouraging them to hold Ubuntu events, stay in touch. * Participation in organization created for aiding open source and creative commons events in order to leverage synergies. * Helping to resurrect [[|Ontario Linux Fest]]. === Online === * Switch the website from Canonical hosting, update theme and keep it updated. * New website, pending Canonical DNS switch: [[]] * Get more people blogging about Ubuntu Canada on the Planet and elsewhere. * Encourage city teams to set up Twitter/ feeds. Use #locoteams and #ubuntuca hashtags. * [[|UbuntuWaterloo on]] === Advocacy === * Advocating Ubuntu at local multicultural festivals, etc. * Brainstorm effective advocacy techniques. Recruit people suited to speaking with the public.