How do I get involved?

Simply by participating in any way you choose; there's no membership process, applications, or anything of the like. Becoming a Ubuntu Toronto Member is all about showing up.

Our meetings are open to everyone. If you'd like to get Ubuntu help, come to our meetings. If you have ideas on how we can make Ubuntu appeal to new users and Torontonians, come to our meetings. For more information, visit our Meetings page.

What do I do at a meeting?

There's plenty you can do. Meetings generally consist of discussions on topics that are "open agenda." Alternative viewpoints are always welcome and encouraged.

Getting involved with Ubuntu Toronto, or any part of the Ubuntu community, is all about initiative. The Ubuntu community is sometimes referred to as an 'anarchy,' in that there is no immediately visible structure, but we are all working toward a common goal. Everyone has their own ideas, which we build upon and turn into projects. Who knows, your idea could be next! If you have an idea for a project and have some time to spare, we encourage you to start it up and take the lead! Or, if you don't have so much time to spare, you can always share your ideas with the team and perhaps we can work on it together.

If you have questions or concerns about our gatherings, drop us a note on the Ubuntu Canada mailing list and let us know. There's usually plenty of helpful people reading and replying to the mailing list.

CanadianTeam/Toronto/Website/Get_Involved (last edited 2008-08-06 16:21:16 by localhost)