== Supporters & Marketplace == We believe in “free” as in speech, ideas, math, and choices—not as in “free lunch”. Everyone has the right to eat; people should be paid for their time and services, yet many volunteer, too. In terms of the organization behind Ubuntu, that's true of the main sponsor of the software that we introduced in the About Us page. Mark's company is Canonical (UK), and it is a for-profit service company that specializes in large-scale Ubuntu installations, so yes, you can buy support packages from it and its affiliate companies for reasonable prices. The GTA-area affiliate businesses are linked to below, including some that will support individual end users. However, Mark is on record as saying that Ubuntu itself will never be a commercial software company that asks you to pay a fee for the operating system, or for applications that are included. Nor will there be a difference between the main versions of Ubuntu and any that could be developed by his company. The Ubuntu Foundation (with $10M from Mark) is there so that the free software will not be dependent on any commercial enterprise. If you don't have money to spare for support, perhaps you could donate time? Time is valuable, and remember: if you're downloading the software and installing it yourself, you are spending time and materials in terms of the CD media. This is, after all, how many people become computer-literate: they can't necessarily pay $100/hr for home tech support, and learn it themselves so they are dependent on no one. Put your organization or business here! Logos and three-sentence ads are available for nominal donations of money, equipment, or time; links and 1 or 2-sentence descriptions are free, for information-sharing purposes with our visitors. '''linuxcaffe''' - Our ever-popular host for meetings and events; the owners are quite active members of our team, and laptops are rentable at extremely affordable prices. They also have a library of linux books. http://www.linuxcaffe.com '''Toronto FreeNet.org''' - While quantites last, whole refurbished systems (donated by the City of Toronto) + 6 months of Internet access, can be purchased. These computers can be as functional out-of-the-box as most brand-new traditional PC's, particularly because they have Linux pre-installed, but can cost approx. 5% of the usual price. http://www.torfree.net/ '''Razor Computers''', Beaches area, Toronto. - An independent systems builder from whom you can buy individual hardware components or whole systems with Ubuntu pre-loaded, or co-existing with Windows. Customer service/honesty levels are excellent; highly recommended for individuals by many outside reviewers. [[http://www.razorcomputers.ca]] '''Linux Network Care''', Toronto, Ontario - Specializes in providing Linux based solutions for small, medium and corporate sized businesses. '''OpenTrend Solutions, Ltd.''', Toronto, Ontario - System administration and support, also for businesses. '''Starnix Care, Inc.''', Toronto, Ontario. - Have provided Open Source and Linux support in the US and Canada since 1998. '''Nexlinks Solutions Inc.''', Cambridge, Ontario - An independent IT services company installing and supporting full open source solutions. == Comments == Please add your comments regarding this page here. * Ubuntu phone support is $250/yr (9 to 5) for desktops. Very affordable if you ask me. (AndrewHunter)