== Ubuntu Vancouver: Monthly Meeting ==
=== When ===
Thursday 9 October, 2008 at 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
=== Where: ===
'''Free Geek'''
>1820 Pandora Street
>Please enter by the back door, off the alley.
=== Activities ===
* Welcome & Introductions
* Comments on the [[http://freegeekvancouver.org/en/node/449|Introduction to Ubuntu Workshop (17 September 2008)]]
* Final planning for Intrepid Ibex release costume party at The Hackery (Sat. Nov. 1)
* Follow up to previous commitments: Handout for new Ubuntu users
* Interesting videos?
* Upcoming workshops (Installfests, Intro to Ubuntu, Linux Clinic help)
* Anything else that is brought forward during the meeting.
=== Minutes ===
* 11 people attended. This is the best turnout we've had for the last few months. Thank you!
* Feedback from the workshop indicated that it was good.
* Attendee indicated that he would like to see and installation of Ubuntu. Recommended the Install Fest.
* Kim to put together outlines for Intro II and Intro III workshops.
* Rosco to put together evaluation form for attendees to fill out after workshops. Looking for more feedback.
* Intrepid Ibex release (costume optional) party
* Saturday 1 November, 7:30 - whenever
* To be held at the Hackary,304 Victoria Drive. Just a block from Free Geek
* Bring your own/potluck munchies, pop, etc.
* Donations ($5 recommended) to cover cost of pizza.
* Free Geek to supply three computers, one CD duplication machine and two install/demo machines.
* Scheduled Install Fest for 6 November and Intro to Ubuntu Workshop for 20 November.
* Ifny wants a handout (list of resources) for new Ubuntu users. Nobody volunteered to do it, but since it's such a small task I (Kim) should probably put one together.