'''How to install Canon Pixma ip1500 driver for ubuntu karmic koala (9.10) and lucid lynx (10.04)''' 1. download the driver from Canon: {{{ wget http://software.canon-europe.com/files/soft22415/software/iP1500Linux.tar.gz}}} 2. Extract it: {{{ tar -xzf iP1500Linux.tar.gz}}} 3. Install alien: {{{ sudo apt-get install alien}}} 4. Convert rpm to deb using alien: {{{ cd iP1500 sudo alien *i386.rpm}}} 5. Install the deb files: {{{ sudo dpkg -i *.deb}}} 6. Create symlinks: {{{ cd /usr/lib sudo ln -s libpng12.so.0 libpng.so.2 sudo ln -s libtiff.so.4 libtiff.so.3 sudo ln -s libxml2.so.2 libxml.so.1}}} Note: ''symlinking libxml1.so.1 is not needed if you have libxml1 installed (step 3). libxml1 is required to use bjcups (pixma management application)'' Update 2010-07-17 by pwyll72: I had to modify the symlinks as follows for lubuntu 10.04 (probably applicable to Ubuntu 10.04 as well: {{{ cd /usr/lib sudo ln -s /lib/libpng12.so.0 libpng.so.2 sudo ln -s libtiff.so.4 libtiff.so.3 sudo ln -s libxml2.so.2 libxml.so.1}}} Furthermore, if at some point, printing develops a problem where some parts of a page are printed but others (like text) are left off, it may be the case that the symlinks need to be updated. Also, the note above about symlinking libxml1.so.1 is unclear to me, I only see a libxml.so.1 Update 2011-05-29 by rqau: For ubuntu 11.04, if libpng12-dev is not installed, use synaptic to install. Then modify the symlinks as follows: {{{ cd /usr/lib sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng12.so.0 libpng.so.2 sudo ln -s i386-linux-gnu/libtiff.so.4.3.3 libtiff.so.3 sudo ln -s libxml2.so.2.7.8 libxml.so.1 7. If you want to add quality and dpi options, edit the ppd file: {{{ cd /usr/share/cups/model sudo cp canonpixmaip1500.ppd canonpixmaip1500.ppd.backup gksudo gedit canonpixmaip1500.ppd}}} add the following lines: {{{ *OpenUI *CNQuality/Quality: PickOne *DefaultCNQuality: 3 *CNQuality 2/High: "2" *CNQuality 3/Normal: "3" *CNQuality 4/Standard: "4" *CNQuality 5/Economy: "5" *CloseUI: *CNQuality }}} and replace {{{ *OpenUI *Resolution/Output Resolution: PickOne *DefaultResolution: 600 *Resolution 600/600 dpi: "<>setpagedevice" *CloseUI: *Resolution}}} by the following: {{{ *OpenUI *Resolution/Output Resolution: PickOne *DefaultResolution: 600 *Resolution 300/300 dpi: "<>setpagedevice" *Resolution 600/600 dpi: "<>setpagedevice" *Resolution 1200/1200 dpi: "<>setpagedevice" *CloseUI: *Resolution}}} 8. Turn the printer on, and restart cups: {{{ sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart}}} or if you get an "command not found" try: {{{ sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart}}} 9. Add the printer to cups: For gnome just use System>>Administration>>Printing and click add printer. Canon Pixma iP1500 should be available. Update 2011-05-29 by rqau: In ubuntu 11.04, I did not see iP1500 available, but I was able to install by browsing for the ppd file described above in /usr/share/cups/model. 10. If printing works you can also use management application from Canon - bjcups. It lets you do the same things as in Windows. {{{ bjcups -P [printer_name] }}} Voila! Goodluck. based mainly on uxworks :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=248745&highlight=ip1500 ---- HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersCanon