##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #language en ||<>|| == About me == {{attachment:profile.jpg||width=200}} My name is Carla Sella I'm married and have a Son that's 8, I work in the IT Department of an Italian firm in Schio, Vicenza - Italy, a very small city in northern Italy not so far from Venice. My passion and hobby is Linux. At home I stared with Mandrake Linux (now Mandriva), I then passed to Kubuntu, Fedora Core (as at work I had a Red Hat server) and then finally now it's quite a long time (do not exactly remember how long it is) that I've been using Ubuntu. At work, and not only, I've used almost all Windows operating systems, from DOS to Windows 8, and from Windows Server NT to Windows Server 2008, I've been so lucky to use Linux, Xenix, SCO UNIX and MAC OS X. I'm the typical person that likes hacking on computers, operating systems and programming and I like all that is Linux related, especially Ubuntu Phone and convergence :P. I used to program in COBOL developing some applications for my company's management software (well that was quite some time ago), but now day's I'm mainly only System Administrator. I also know quite well the world of virtualization as my company's servers are all virtual machines on VMWare platform. In the past, as a hobby, I have developed a web site for my husband's modeling group and a program in Delphi for the management of modeling competitions. I'm member of the AViLug Linux User Group (http://avilug.it). I am administrator of the Ubuntu Italian Testing Team, member of the Laptop Testing Team, Ubuntu Italy, Ubuntu Core Apps Test Writers and Ubuntu QA Team. == Contact Information == ||IRC || Letozaf_ || || Email || carla.sella@gmail.com || || Launchpad || https://launchpad.net/~carla-sella || == Contributions == I have been contributing to Ubuntu testing ISO's, kernel and running tests on my Laptop since 2010, more or less (I do not exactly remember as I have first tried to contribute back in 2009 with translations). I am member of the Ubuntu QA Team and Ubuntu Laptop Testing Team. I have collaborated with Ubuntu QA Team carrying out various tests on ISO's, applications, kernel, and on my laptop. I have written some manual test cases. I have been collaborating with Nicholas Skaggs and various app core developers on writing autopilot tests for Ubuntu phone core apps. I realized, just peeking around to find what I have been doing for Ubuntu, so I could write it here, that I am among Ubuntu top 20 testes :P : http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/testers/top20 I also contribute to Ubuntu trying to convert Windows users to using Ubuntu and holding talks about testing in Ubuntu. == References == http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/05/people-behind-ubuntu-quality-carla.html http://web.archive.org/web/20131119043924/http://iloveubuntu.net/explore-world-brave-ubuntu-testers-carla-sella-sergio-meneses-javier-lopez-howard-chan-and-jackson http://www.slideshare.net/carlasella/ubuntu-qa-team-come-testare-ubuntu http://www.slideshare.net/carlasella/testing-2014-pn http://www.avilug.it/doku.php/news/20130303ubuntu_global_jam (https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/ci7j6irfntd7vqic5vlvcrqjulk) == Future Goals == Get more involved in Linux as at work most servers, unfortunately, are Windows servers, so I have no chance to work with opensource and linux. My goal is to enjoy myself working on linux and open source, I am fascinated by the collaborative environment open source offers and I love hacking on linux and learning more and more about it. I do believe that the only limiting factor of the linux operating system is it's user ;). I must admit that having been to the UDS-R has made me discover what a wonderful community Ubuntu has. Before being to UDS-R I had not really realized how fantastic this community is, so now I would really be honored to be part of it. == Testimonials == '''Note:''' If you have anything nice to say about this person, please do add it below along with @ SIG @ (no spaces). The @ SIG @ command will sign your name and date/time it after you "Save Changes". Carla has been a wonderful addition the quality community! I've enjoyed working with Carla for several years now, tackling different projects and pushing quality inside ubuntu forward. Carla has always impressed me with her perseverance and can-do attitude. She's never backed down to a challenge and sees things to completition. Carla is always ready to help, and willing and able to learn whatever skills needed to do so successfully. It's been a pleasure working with and getting to know Carla. I would ask you look favorably upon her application as someone who has been a solid proven contributor to ubuntu for several years. -- -- [[LaunchpadHome:nskaggs]] <> Carla, is one of the best quality tester I ever seen. I'm a developer who work for Ubuntu Touch Core Apps, Carla here, is a quality tester for Ubuntu Touch Core Apps. She wrote lots scripts for automatic-testing, those scripts are very helpful for our developers when we were commiting changes. Well done Carla, Thank you for your great contribution :) -- -- -- [[LaunchpadHome:qqworini]] <> Carla was instrumental in getting the Ubuntu Touch Core Apps to include many of the functional tests that now regularly prevent bugs from being introduced into the system. In particular, I've worked with her on the Music and Clock apps, and can say with certainty that her help with the Music app's test suite has prevented countless errors from being propagated. She welcomes challenges and asks questions when things are unclear. In this regard she is an excellent member of the QA team. However, she is also an excellent member of the Ubuntu community at large. I strongly recommend her for membership. -- [[LaunchpadHome:vthompson]] <> Carla is an important member of the awesome community I found when I first started testing touch app projects. I have worked with many of the automated tests she wrote for these projects, so I know how valuable she is for Ubuntu because of her good technical skills and her good attitude towards improving quality. I'm confident she will keep contributing many nice things to free software and I give her my full support for becoming an Ubuntu member. -- [[LaunchpadHome:elopio]] <> I met Carla in Ubuntu Italy LoCo team, where she does a lot of work to help new italian contributors to get in touch with international QA team. Also, I had the pleasure to work with her in developement of Ubuntu Touch Core Apps, where her work in quality team allows developers to write good code and be sure that no regressions are introduced. She deserves her Ubuntu membership for sure -- [[LaunchpadHome:rpadovani]] <> I met Carla some years ago, when - with other few people - we founded a local Linux User Gruop, called [[http://www.avilug.it | AVi LUG]]. Carla was our first President, very active with many different talks and other initiatives. After one year or two I suggested her to join ubuntu-it LoCo, she is english mother tongue (born in South Africa!), a natural born translator. But translating was too easy for her, and so she joined the italian test team, and then the Ubuntu QA Team. Among other many different things, I remember she made a [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/GruppoPromozione/UbuntuJam/GlobalJam2013 | Ubuntu Global Jam]], talking about tests, how to do them, and how to partecipate the QA Team. She certainly deserves the Ubuntu Membership. -- [[LaunchpadHome:dcavedon]] <> I had the pleasure of working with Carla when she volunteered to write the autopilot test suite for the clock app. I admire her passion to increase the test coverage of applications in Ubuntu and catch regressions early. This is quite evident in the presence she has across all core apps like clock, music, calendar etc. And as always, she is amicable and helps out whereever she can which are some of the qualities we look forward to from the ubuntu community. I fully endorse her application for Ubuntu Membership. -- [[LaunchpadHome:nik90]] <> Let me update my testimonial because it's been three years since I last wrote here, and Carla keeps doing a great job every day to make this a happy community. I can just say: Thank you! your support through good and bad times has been invaluable. I'm cheering for you to be elected on the LoCo council, and help all our teams around the world to overcome all the challenges that the next years will bring. Also let me make some unrequested advertisement: anybody reading this should definitely try the snap that Carla maintains in the store: sudo snap install kurly :) -- [[LaunchpadHome:elopio]] <>