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> = Re-Approval Application for Catalan LoCo Team (ubuntu-cat) = ||{{attachment:ubuntucat_deg.png}}|| The Ubuntu Catalan LoCo Team is a very active, growing group of people that supports and spreads Ubuntu amongst the Catalan speaking community. It is the most important resource of information about Ubuntu in this language. We are a very heterogeneous and varied group of people focused on spreading the free software philosophy, specially Ubuntu. We are in a continuous improving process, and have several projects in mind that will be done by our different workgroups in the near (or not-so-near) future. == Key Details == * '''Date''' - ''April 20^th^, 2010'' * '''Team Contact''' - Rafael Carreras * '''Membership''' - 330 members at the info list * '''Mailing Lists''' * '''info''': http://llistes.cpl.upc.edu/mailman/listinfo/ubuntucat-info * '''equip''': http://llistes.cpl.upc.edu/mailman/listinfo/ubuntucat-equip * '''Launchpad groups''' * '''[[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntaires|ubuntaires]]''' * '''[[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu.cat|Catalan LoCo Team]]''' * '''[[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu.cat-org|Catalan LoCo Team Organization]]''' * '''Official Page:''' http://www.ubuntu.cat/ * '''Forum:''' [[http://cat.ubuntuforums.org/]] ([[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=206|direct link]]) * '''Planet:''' [[http://planet.ubuntu.cat]] * '''IRC Channel:''' #ubuntu-cat at irc.freenode.net * '''Identi.ca group:''' [[http://identi.ca/group/ubuntaires|!ubuntaires]] * 4 Ubuntu members in our main team: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SiegfriedGevatter|Rainct]], RafaelCarreras, JosepGallart and [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JosepS%C3%A0nchez/English|Josep Sànchez]]. == Roadmap == * May 22^th^ and 23^th^, 2010 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/LucidLynx | Release party 10.04]] - Lucid Lynx Release Party in València. == Experience == * April 16^th^ and 17^th^, 2010 - Participation in [[CatalanTeam/JornadesGuifiNet | SAX 2010 Guifi.net Conference]] by [[http://guifi.net | Guifi.net]] in spite of their General Assembly, with a speech and install party. Speech video: [[http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/6247376|Part 1]] [[http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/6246840|Part2]]. Pictures: [[http://picasaweb.google.com/josepgallart/Sax2010UBUNTU#|1]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157623758410603/|2]] * April 6th, 2010: Ubuntu presentation in Sabadell in a dinner-chat about free software. [[http://picasaweb.google.com/josepgallart/SoparTertuliaElSeminariDeProgramariLliureAlCasalIndependentistaIPopularCanCapablanca?feat=directlink#|Pictures]] * March 27^th^, 2010 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/Activitats/UbuntuGlobalJam032010 | Ubuntu Global Jam]] at the "Campus Nord" (Northern Campus) from the UPC (Catalan Politechnical University) in Barcelona. Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157623587659717/|1]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/siscogarcia/sets/72157623715825432/|2]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexm/sets/72157623767232393/|3]]. * January 28th, 2010: Ubuntu 9.10 presentation and install party (January 30th) at the Library of Caldes de Montbui. * January 23^rd^, 2010 : Install party at Cooperativa Germinal. Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexm/sets/72157623594917384/|1]] * December 12^th^, 2009 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/Reunions/ConversesTempestaIdees | Ubuntaire's (Catalan Loco member) summit]]. Our first summit to discuss about the Loco and how to improve it. * November 7^th^, 2009 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/KarmicKoala | Ubuntu 9.10 Release Party]] - Karmic Koala. Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/siscogarcia/sets/72157622631857891/|1]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexm/sets/72157623015046813/|2]]. * October 3^rd^, 2009 - [[CatalanTeam/Activitats/UbuntuGlobalJam102009 | Ubuntu Global Jam]] at [[http://citilab.eu|Citilab]] in Cornellà del Llobregat. Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexm/sets/72157622384284789/|1]]. * September 19^th^, 2009 - Participation at [[http://dlp.caliu.cat | Software Freedom Day 2009]]. Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/siscogarcia/sets/72157622418176932/|1]] * July 4^th^, 2009 - Install party and several mini-sessions at [[http://jornadespl.org|Free Software Sessions 2009]] at [[http://ub.edu|Universitat de Barcelona]]. Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157620778766189/|1]]. * May 25^th^ to 29^th^, 2009 - Collaboration at [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSKarmic|UDSKarmic]] - [[CatalanTeam/UDSKarmic| Organization page]]. * May 8^th^ and 9^th^, 2009 : [[CatalanTeam/JauntyJackalope|JauntyJackalope]] (8.10 Release Party) in Terrassa (Vallès Occidental). Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/siscogarcia/sets/72157617997478394/|1]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/lliurealbir/sets/72157618078939394/|2]]. * November 11^th^, 2008 : [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallIntr%C3%A8pid|Install-Intrèpid]] (8.10 Release Party) in Amer (Girona). Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157610557993843/|1]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexm/sets/72157610791817335/|2]]. * November 11^th^, 2008 : IlerdaIntrepid (8.10 Release Party) in Lleida (Segrià). Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/siscogarcia/sets/72157609704668648/|1]]. * November 11^th^, 2008 : [[CatalanTeam/IntrèpidHorta|Install-Intrèpid]] (8.10 Release Party) in València (L'Horta Nord). * September 13^th^, 2008 : First Freevial anniversary. Questions sprint. Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157607271263226/|1]] * July 5^th^, 2008 : LocoTeam participation in [[http://www.jornadespl.org:VII|Free Software Sessions 2008]]. * May 18^th^, 2008: Loco's First anniversary family trip. Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157605129184833/|1]]. * April 26^th^, 2008 : [[CatalanTeam/HardyHorta|HortaHardy]] - Hardy Heron Welcome Party @Valencia! Pictures: [[http://ubuntu.vcubells.net/les-fotos-de-la-festa-hardyhorta/|1]]. * April 26^th^, 2008 : [[CatalanTeam/HolaHardy|HolaHardy]] - Hardy Heron Welcome Party @Catalunya! Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157604827199746/|1]]. * January 26^th^, 2008 : [[CatalanTeam/Activitats/Gutsy/Valencia|FestaGutsy]] - Gutsy Gibbon Welcome Party @València! Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157603804294316/|1]], [[http://ubuntu.vcubells.net/les-fotos-de-la-festa-de-ca-revolta/|2]]. * October 20^st^, 2007 : Gutsy Gibbon Welcome Party in Olot. Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157602588720651/|1]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexm/sets/72157602676703215/|2]]. * October 18^th^, 2007 : [[CatalanTeam/GrescaGutsy|GrescaGutsy]] - Gutsy Gibbon Welcome Party @València! [[http://ubuntu.vcubells.net/les-fotos-de-la-segona-festa/|Pictures]] * September 15^th^, 2007: Collaboration in the [[http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/Catalonia|Software Freedom Day 2007 in Barcelona]]. * May 20^th^, 2007 : [[CatalanTeam/InstallParty|InstallParty]] - First LoCo Install Party, due at the UPC. Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157600238136676/|1]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexm/sets/72157602672937734/|2]]. * May 5^th^, 2007: [[Jordi67|Jordi Alins]], LoCo member of the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/En/SpreadGroup|Spread Workgroup]], is attending the UbuCon in Seville, with a lecture about the '''Ubuntu diffusion between adult population, from a constructivistic pedagogic perspective'''. * April 19^th^, 2007 : [[CatalanTeam/FestaFeisty|FestaFeisty]] - Our first release party: Festa Feisty, at the Les Corts Cultural Center! Pictures: [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/papapep/sets/72157600151702145/|1]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexm/sets/72157602674910139/|2]], [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/lliurealbir/sets/72157600109153835/|3]]. */February 17^th^, 2007 : [[CatalanTeam/Trobada07.02|Trobada07.02]] - First Team encounter./ * Previous work put in our original [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/ApprovalApplication|LoCo Aproval Application]] === Mailing Lists === We have two different mailing lists: * [[http://llistes.cpl.upc.edu/pipermail/ubuntucat-equip/|equip]] (team): this one is an, open to everybody, organizational purpose list, to help the team manage the daily tasks without messing in the info list. * [[http://llistes.cpl.upc.edu/pipermail/ubuntucat-info/|info]] (technical help): as the description states, is where people ask for help with their Ubuntu problems. === Forum === [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=206|cat.ubuntuforums.org]] With 2959 threads so far. === Planet === * High activity planet with 4 weekly news and 24 blogging sources. [[http://planeta.ubuntu.cat]] * Not so high activity planet, youth ubuntaires, 13 blogging sources. [[http://joves.ubuntu.cat/planeta/]] === Web === * New Drupal-based website: http://www.ubuntu.cat * Main communication channel with the community. * Map with the [[http://www.ubuntu.cat/mapa_ubuntaires|community members location]] and [[http://www.ubuntu.cat/mapa_activitats|another one]] with the events locations, linking to its information. * Points to forum, mailing lists, irc channel and wiki, to allow new people to know just one only reference point for all the Loco resources. === ajuda.ubuntu.cat === * Catalan translation of the help.ubuntu.com site from version 8.10 upwards. Not completed, but improving. === IRC Channel === Logs from the IRC channel are in [[http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/]]. === Fornightly Meetings === * IRC : We have an online meeting the 1^st^ and 16^th^ of every month at 22:00h (local time) where we talk about our current projects and Team status. We maintain a wiki copy of all our [[CatalanTeam/IRC/Logs|meeting's logs]] for easy reading and consulting. == Catalan Remix ISOs == Every release we present a set of ISOs including Catalan as default language complete with all language packages. [[ftp://ftp.caliu.cat/pub/distribucions/ubuntu-cat/]] [[http://ftp.caliu.cat/pub/distribucions/ubuntu-cat/]] == Artwork == Active artwork team development: LoCo logo, desktop backgrounds, document templates, party announcements, t-shirt designs, sticker designs, pin designs, CD covers... [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/Grafisme]] Latest Lucid designs: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/Grafisme/Samarretes/10_04]] You can buy some items at cost price at [[http://www.cafepress.com/ubuntu_cat|Cafepress web shop]]