Primera reunió amb en Jorge Castro
Log de la reunió sobre l'UDSKarmic amb en JorgeCastro.
1 (22:05:23) <alex_muntada> jcastro: welcome :-)
2 (22:05:28) <jcastro> \o/
3 (22:05:46) <RainCT< hey again
4 (22:05:58) <RainCT> dholbach is not going to be here?
5 (22:05:59) <alorma> Uhm ol?
6 (22:06:09) <jcastro> he said he would try to make it, but it's late where he is at
7 (22:06:14) <alorma> i de que é sal reunio?
8 (22:06:21) <papapep> alorma: aquí en anglés
9 (22:06:27) <jcastro> he's briefed me with what to do though
10 (22:06:49) <alorma> Ok
11 (22:07:06) <alex_muntada> jcastro: ok, so you drive the meeting ;-)
12 (22:07:13) <jcastro> ok
13 (22:07:30) <jcastro> the first thing I would like to do is get everyone's name and email who wants to help with UDS
14 (22:07:35) <jcastro> locals I mean
15 (22:08:15) <papapep> we send you a mail?
16 (22:08:19) <alex_muntada> sure, should we sent it to you or do we make a wiki page?
17 (22:08:20) <papapep> or we do it here?
18 (22:08:24) <jcastro> sure, or you can just tell me now
19 (22:08:32) <jcastro> tell me now and I can make the wiki page
20 (22:08:48) <alex_muntada> ok, then people... make a line :-D
21 (22:09:11) <alex_muntada> noone?
22 (22:09:20) <arualavi> Ivà Burgos iva dot burgos at ubuntu dot cat
23 (22:09:21) <RainCT> jcastro: what does "help" mean exactly? :)
24 (22:09:23) <jcastro> name and like, wiki page address will do the trick
25 (22:09:34) <alex_muntada> Alex Muntada alexm at alexm dot org
26 (22:09:37) <jcastro> RainCT: things like helping us find clubs, answering people's questions about the area
27 (22:09:51) <jcastro> putting things in the wiki about places to eat, things like that
28 (22:10:04) <jpds> Jonathan Davies jpds at ubuntu dot com
29 (22:10:10) <arualavi> uh-oh, I tihnk i don't know so much about that :-)
30 (22:10:18) <RainCT> ah well, I can't help much then.. but anyway: Siegfried Gevatter rainct at ubuntu dot com
31 (22:11:03) <jcastro> heh
32 (22:11:19) <alex_muntada> that makes 4 people
33 (22:11:23) <alex_muntada> anyone else?
34 (22:11:29) <tsdgeos> i'm just a lurker, but if *really* need help
35 (22:11:35) <tsdgeos> Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde dot org
36 (22:11:46) <papapep> Josep Sànchez Mesegue - josep dot sanchez at ubuntu dot cat
37 (22:12:23) <jcastro> ok so I've added the first few here:
38 (22:12:25) <papapep> but we are really dispersed, geographically speaking
39 (22:12:41) <papapep> and many of us live outside Barcelona
40 (22:13:09) <jcastro> I'll put a comment column so you can put info there
41 (22:13:27) <jcastro> like "I live outside barcelona so don't bother me unless you're lost and have no place to sleep" or whatever. :)
42 (22:13:51) <tsdgeos> i'm 20 min walking from convention center (it's the one near Zona Universitaria, right?)
43 (22:13:58) <jcastro> ok, so now that that's out of the way
44 (22:14:04) <jcastro> feel free to add more names or whatever
45 (22:14:24) <jcastro> really, what we need is to find a place for the Ubuntu Allstars, I believe Daniel has been in contact with some of you about that right?
46 (22:14:33) <alex_muntada> right
47 (22:14:57) <alex_muntada> i have a brief list of needs that he sent to us a few days ago
48 (22:15:04) <jcastro> excellent
49 (22:15:18) <jcastro> ok, the one other thing that we would like is more local information for participants
50 (22:15:31) <jcastro> so I was thinking of something like a google map or something linked to from that part of the wiki
51 (22:15:41) <jcastro> so people can find restaurants and whatnot during the week
52 (22:16:03) <alex_muntada> that's a good idea
53 (22:16:19) <jcastro> so under Local Information
54 (22:16:21) <tsdgeos> the problem is that that convention center is almost in the middle of nowhere
55 (22:16:25) <jcastro> maybe we can link to your LoCo page
56 (22:16:36) <alex_muntada> the venue is kind of near some universities and there are a few cheap places to eat
57 (22:16:40) <jcastro> so people at least know you guys are around
58 (22:16:58) <jcastro> tsdgeos: yeah, that's ok, as long as people have a way of finding out that they're in the middle of nowhere
59 (22:17:07) <jcastro> things like, public transportation tips, etc.
60 (22:17:08) <alex_muntada> about 10-15 minuts walking
61 (22:17:51) <alex_muntada> I think we can manage to gather information and make it to a map
62 (22:17:53) <arualavi> well, hmm, barcelona, you have tons of informations about that topic
63 (22:17:54) <jcastro> yeah so what some people did in mountain view
64 (22:18:08) <jcastro> is on the map they put stuff like "this restaurant was not good" and "there is a laundromat here"
65 (22:18:22) <tsdgeos> there is no laundromats in barcelona
66 (22:18:31) <tsdgeos> well, maybe there's 2 in the whole city :D
67 (22:18:33) <jcastro> aha! See, I am already learning
68 (22:18:46) <jpds> Wow, I had no idea the hotel and palau were so close:
69 (22:18:55) <jcastro> alex_muntada: yeah so basically feel free to put info on the bottom of that page, or create a new page, or whatever.
70 (22:19:15) <tsdgeos> jpds: it's the "same thing"
71 (22:19:35) <alex_muntada> jcastro: ok
72 (22:19:37) <jpds> tsdgeos: Ah, neat.
73 (22:20:04) <jcastro> so really, just getting your names and asking about a page with local info is all I have to talk about
74 (22:20:31) <alex_muntada> jcastro: about the summit itself, do you need help with that?
75 (22:20:42) <jcastro> we have people crewing throughout the summit
76 (22:20:50) <jcastro> but usually there is plenty to do
77 (22:20:51) <alex_muntada> meaning so-called "slaves"
78 (22:20:56) <jcastro> heh
79 (22:21:02) <jcastro> well, slaves get cool tshirts!
80 (22:21:10) <jcastro> so what we can do, as the dates get closer
81 (22:21:16) <jcastro> we will have that list of attendees
82 (22:21:23) <jcastro> and we'll have a column on there "willing to crew"
83 (22:21:26) <jcastro> and you can check the box
84 (22:21:56) <alex_muntada> ah, then it's ok
85 (22:22:24) <jcastro> any questions for me?
86 (22:22:29) <alex_muntada> yes, one more
87 (22:22:30) <jpds> jcastro: Hmm, how about a 'how to get from airport to hotel guide' with public transport links?
88 (22:22:40) <jcastro> jpds: that would be a great idea as well
89 (22:22:45) <alex_muntada> jpds: sure :-)
90 (22:23:30) <alex_muntada> jcastro: if we need to arrange the venue for AllStars, we'll probably need some legal stuff done
91 (22:23:46) <alex_muntada> who should we contact to make the deal?
92 (22:23:48) <jcastro> alex_muntada: yeah, plus usually we have to send them money to prepay and all that
93 (22:24:03) <alex_muntada> should we make it ourselves then?
94 (22:24:05) <jcastro> whomever was talking to daniel should just mention it to him
95 (22:24:14) <jcastro> I am unsure, ask him first
96 (22:24:21) <jcastro> I am not sure if we definitively picked a place
97 (22:24:29) <alex_muntada> ok, I'll ask him, don't worry anymore
98 (22:24:41) <jcastro> cool
99 (22:24:54) <jcastro> ok so I guess we should meet again about say, a month out?
100 (22:25:02) <alex_muntada> well then, I'm done with questions for now
101 (22:25:35) <alex_muntada> one month seems fine
102 (22:25:41) <jpds> It sounds great.
103 (22:25:52) <jcastro> ok, and as always, if you guys have questions feel free to mail me or ping me on irc
104 (22:25:57) <jcastro> I'm usually always idling somewhere
105 (22:26:02) <alex_muntada> the Catalan LoCoTeam will be discussing the UDS before that, so I hope we have good news by then
106 (22:26:02) <jcastro> this is going to be lots of fun!
107 (22:26:13) <papapep> jcastro: no doubt we'll do it :)
108 (22:26:26) <jcastro> oh, by all means do link your loco page to the bottom section
109 (22:26:40) <jcastro> might as well advertise to everyone coming in that the ubuntu-catalan team is in the house
110 (22:26:56) <alex_muntada> :-)
111 (22:27:07) <jcastro> ok then, I guess that's it!
112 (22:27:08) <jcastro> thanks guys!
113 (22:27:17) <papapep> jcastro: thx to you jcastro
114 (22:27:25) <jpds> No problem, have fun at the Wings. :)
115 (22:27:39) <jcastro> jpds: they already played, we won! (in overtime)
116 (22:27:40) <alex_muntada> thank you :-)
117 (22:28:05) <alex_muntada> jcastro: one last question (I'm always asking anyway :-P )
118 (22:28:19) <alex_muntada> who decided on Barcelona?
119 (22:30:52) <papapep> done, then?
120 (22:31:53) <alex_muntada> think so
121 (22:32:07) <papapep> doncs au...:D
122 (22:32:49) <jcastro> alex_muntada: I have no idea who picks what and how
123 (22:33:31) <alex_muntada> then I'll keep asking :-)
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