About Me

I was born in the beautiful port city of Liverpool where my Dad is from and still lives to this day. We moved to Ireland when I was a year old and I remained there until moving to the USA in 2012. I've worked as a general operator for various electronics companies in the Cork City area, was a founding member of one of the first Irish comic books and the very first to be published with a full colour cover. I have worked and helped out with local theatre groups in Cork City, Graffiti being the most well known. At the moment I'm finding my place in the great pacific north west and contributing to the Linux gaming site, Rootgamer.com as well as running the Gaming on Linux community on Google Plus with 34,000+ members https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107473457673091339260. I'm also a beer homebrewer with a passion for craft beer and food photography.

I have been a very active supporter of Ubuntu since Ubuntu 9.10 though I had started using Ubuntu earlier, spreading the word around the various social media sites.

Ubuntu to me is almost a way of life, it's helping people get access to education and resources all over the world and it is a wonderful thing to watch. Having a free alternative is incredibly important in the modern world and I think going forward we'll see open solutions start to take the lead over their proprietary counterparts. I love all Linux but Ubuntu stands out because it's making Linux and free software accessable to everyone and not just technology loving geeks like myself.

Contact Information










One of my first contributions was writing a basic but effective installation guides for Ubuntu 9.10 that can be found here: https://chedean.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/ubuntu-9-10-guide.pdf. I have also been a contributor to the unofficial Ubuntu Manual Project, working on the Thunderbird section for Ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04 LTS. You can check the credits for those releases here: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/manuals/getting-started-with-ubuntu/11.10/en_US/screen/Getting%20Started%20with%20Ubuntu%2011.10.pdf and here: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/manuals/getting-started-with-ubuntu/12.04/en_US/screen/Getting%20Started%20with%20Ubuntu%2012.04.pdf. I also run a Flipboard magazine called Ubuntu News that you can subscribe to and read here: https://flipboard.com/@chedean/ubuntu-news-8nb3comny?utm_campaign=widgets&utm_medium=web&utm_source=magazine_widget it is growing nicely and I hope it's contributing in some way to the future of Ubuntu.

Future Goals

My main focus is finding ways for Ubuntu to match the advertising might of the big tech companies. We can't match their budgets but we can really start to push social media to our advantage, get as many quality videos out as possible for all the Ubuntu varients and the Ubuntu Phone. Spread them and encourage others to spread them all over social media, build and support new communities like gaming on Ubuntu, Ubuntu Steam users, Ubuntu Phone users and so on. Start flipboard magazines for the different official Ubuntu flavours, encourage and nuture art contributions including wallpapers, posters and maybe a newsletter or website showing them off and giving the contributors a central place to show off their work and spread it to social networks. The future looks brighter everyday.


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Che Dean (last edited 2015-03-15 00:59:08 by dean-che)