
Members Present

Agenda Items

The following agendas were proposed for this meeting:



Date Added

Which Meeting

Nathan Handler (nhandler)

Ubuntu Chicago Bike Ride

July 5, 2010

July 6, 2010

Nathan Handler (nhandler)

Ubuntu Chicago T-Shirts

July 5, 2010

July 6, 2010



The following is a break down of the entire meeting by agenda items.

Ubuntu Chicago Bike Ride

Presented by: nhandler

The team will be having a bike ride (5-10 miles) in Geneva starting around noon on Sunday, July 18.

02:07 < nhandler > Alright, so first topic on the agenda is a bike ride. I was hoping nixternal or swoody would be around, but no such look
02:07 < nhandler > *luck
02:07 < nhandler > Basically, the plan is to have a 5-10 mile ride in Geneva starting around noon on the 18th. 
02:07 < ddecator > and i'm not in the city, so i have input :(  
02:07 < ddecator > have no*
02:07 < nhandler > I'll nag Rich to send out an email with more details
02:07 < nhandler > ddecator: We will definitely miss you
02:08 < ddecator > -shrug- i would have had to borrow a bike anyway
02:09 < nhandler > But basically, if either of you know any people who might be interested in a casual ride, please put them in contact with us or tell them to show up ;)
02:09 < nhandler > Any questions/comments?
02:09 < ddecator > nope 

Ubuntu Chicago T-Shirts

Presented by: nhandler

We need to decide whether we want to have basic t-shirts, or have someone come up with a design for us.

02:09 < ddecator > nope
02:10 < nhandler > The other topic was making tshirts
02:11 < ddecator > i still like the idea
02:11 < nhandler > The question is, do we settle for a basic design with our team logo, or do we try to get someone in the community to design something?
02:12 < ddecator > i think we could put out an email seeing if anyone is interested in coming up with a design
02:12 < nhandler > That email would probably need to go to someone other than the loco (we don't have any artistic people here really)
02:13 < ddecator > darn..
02:13 < ddecator > idk any artistic ppl..
02:14 < nhandler > Anyone have any involvement with the art team?
02:15 < ddecator > ...
02:17 < nhandler > Well, I guess I can try poking someone there
02:17 < nhandler > Any other items for discussion?
02:17 < ddecator > none here 


An email with details about the bike ride will be sent out once we have more info. Members are also encouraged to try and contact artistic people they know who might be willing to design a t-shirt for the team.

ChicagoTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2010-07-06 (last edited 2010-07-07 02:40:33 by c-68-42-246-17)