<> {{attachment:UbuntuHouston_thin.png}} || '''Launchpad ID''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~ccheney|ccheney]] || || '''IRC''': || '''calc''' or '''ccheney''' on ''irc.freenode.net'' || || '''Email''': || <> || || '''GPG''': || [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8B1AE688|8B1AE688]] || === Background === I started using computer sometime around 1983 with the Atari 400. It wasn't until I got internet access in early 1995 that I found Linux which my ISP was using. I started using Linux in March 1995 with Slackware 2.1 which came with Que's Using Linux book. I tried several distributions over the years and ended up sticking with Debian in July 1998 with the release of 2.0 "hamm". I became a Debian Developer in July 2000 and maintained many packages over the years including the KDE desktop environment. When Canonical announced the Ubuntu distribution based on Debian around August 2004 I switched my machines over to it. Recently, I have joined Canonical, working on OpenOffice.org, on June 11, 2007. === About Me === I graduated with a Computer Science major and Math minor from Sam Houston State University in May 2003. I live in The Woodlands, Texas which is a suburb of Houston.