|| '''Launchpad ID''': || [[https://launchpad.net/people/cjo20/|ChrisOattes]] || || '''IRC''': || '''Seeker`''' on ''irc.freenode.net'' || || '''Email''': || <> || || '''Website''':|| http://cjo20.net|| || '''Blog''':||http://cjo20.net/blog|| = About me = I am 23 and I am currently living near London. I have been using Linux since late 2004, starting with Fedora Core and then briefly changing to Debian before starting to use Ubuntu in April 2006. I discovered the Ubuntu IRC community in November 2006, and I have been one of the channel operators in #ubuntu-uk for the past 18 months. I try to contribute as often as possible within the channel, both by being active within the meetings and by trying to help anyone with support requests. I am also active in the operator channel, where I try to help by notifying ops of potential problems and trying to contribute ideas in discussions. I have also recently been made an operator in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic = Mootbot = I have implemented an Eggdrop bot (which goes by the name of "[[ScribesTeam/MootBot| MootBot]]") to be used in meetings with the aim of making the process of chairing the meeting and compiling minutes easier. It does this by picking out important parts of the meeting - Topics discussed, ideas that have been suggested and any decisions made. Sample output from the bot can be found [[http://people.bath.ac.uk/cjo20/ubuntu-uk.20070110_2102.html|here]] There have recently been problems with the hosting for Mootbot, and I aim to develop the bot further once the hosting has stabilised, either by simply adding more features, or by converting it to a more usable platform (e.g. Supybot). = Ubuntu Scribes = As a result of [[ScribesTeam/MootBot| MootBot]]'s success in the UKTeam meetings, I decided to help start the ScribesTeam (after much prodding from NikButler) with ausimage. The aim of this team is to provide a repository of high quality logs and summaries from as many meetings within the Ubuntu community as possible. This will hopefully provide somewhere people can go an review past meetings with relative ease. The first meeting of the ScribesTeam was very successful, and hopefully word of what we are trying to do will spread quickly. = Advocacy = I try to promote Ubuntu wherever possible. So far I have managed to get several people to install Ubuntu, including my parents and work colleagues. = Future Work = I am currently in the process of rewriting MootBot, with the aim of basing it on a framework that is not commonly described as "Swiss cheese". I also hope to implement some much-needed upgrades; sadly I am not able to spend as much on my time on this as I would like. = Testimonials = * JoeyStanford: Chris' work on Mootbot has been a real boon to the Ubuntu and Launchpad communities. Many groups have found this most interesting and helpful resource an asset to keeping the rest of the community informed better than simply reading an IRC log. The Scribes team has proven to be very useful to several communities. = Wiki Pages = I have contributed to the following wiki pages: * [[UKTeam/MeetingNotes]] * ScribesTeam * [[ScribesTeam/MeetingNotes/]] * [[ScribesTeam/MootBot]] * [[ScribesTeam/MeetingLSLocations]]