== Contact Information == Email: zulcss@gmail.com IRC: zul on irc.freenode.net Launchpad: http://www.launchpad.net/people/zulcss == About Me == I am a 30 year old, open source software ethuniasist. I have been using Linux in one form or another (Slackware, RedHat, Debian, Mandrake, Gentoo, Ubuntu) since Linux 2.0 came out and I have to say that Ubuntu is the best one by far. During the day I work as a Systems Engineer at Dinmar Consulting, and at night I relax by working on Ubuntu. I currently live in Ottawa, Ontario with my lovely wife and guniea pig which still does not have a name yet (the guinea pig, not the wife). == Interests == My interests include the following (in no particular order): * Linux kernel. * Bug hunting/resolving. * Embedded Systems (handhelds) * Spending time with my wife == Ubuntu and Me == I been using since Hoary was released. I was using Gentoo at the time and was looking for a change. I was tired of recompiling ebuilds and waiting ebuilds to finish and started looking around. I still used Gentoo on my server, so I decided to try Ubuntu and was impressed. Soon after I started submitting patches for Ubuntu's kernel to Fabbione and have been doing so ever since. Here is a short list of things I have contributed to Ubuntu: * Kernel Team * Submitted Kernel patches for improvements in hoary, breezy and dapper. * Kernel Bug triaging. * Submitted patches for external drivers in breezy and dapper. * Hanging out on #ubuntu-kernel offering support. * Bug Squad * Bug hunting * Fixing and uploading to universe * Bug triaging * Main/grub * I do some bug triaging for grub. I have a couple of patches that I would like to include in dapper+1. Including LVM support, animated gfx-boot out of the box and a cleaner stage2 boot. * Also I fiddle around with grub2 which I get the chance to. * Of course kernel team related activities. * Laptop Team * Testing dapper on Canonical sponsored laptop Dell Latitude X1. * MOTU * I am a member of the MOTU team and if I remember one of the first ones to join the team (although I could be wrong) * Advocacy/Support * I advocate using Ubuntu whenever I can. :) == Other Open Source Work == I have contributed to other projects as well besides Ubuntu: * Gentoo * Gentoo developer. (zul@gentoo.org) * I mainted the net-irc ebuilds for Gentoo. * I also maintained both apache1 and apache2 for Gentoo (including the related apache modules found in gentoo's ebuild tree). * I was a member of the SPARC porting team, tested ebuilds for the SPARC proccessor. * Open Xchange * I contributed several patches to Open Xchange for various improvements to their web based interface that was accepted. I did this on behalf of a client that I was working for at the time. * Corel Linux/Xandros * I was also one of the first beta testers when Xandros first came out. == Looking Forward == I would like to join the core developer team since I believe I believe that I can contribute alot more than what I am doing now with my experience and knowledge. I will continue to do my best and work with both the community and the core developers. Also I have a couple of ideas for an Embedded version of Ubuntu, I think that would rock (Imagine UbuntuCE ;).