About Me

Started on Ubuntu with 12.04, and now use Ubuntu almost exclusively with 14.04 64bit. For work reasons, I still have to have a Windows machine handy. I had no formal introduction to Ubuntu, just stumbled upon it during random web crawling. I was looking for a substitute OS to install over my windows PC that was badly ravaged by a virus.

I am not a programmer or computer expert by trade, but I'm learning! I'm interested in Android application development and that consumes most of my time when I'm not on Stack Exchange.

Contact Information


clayton_d on irc.freenode.net



Stack Exchange



Enigmail plugin -> download my OpenPGP key here


profile for Clayton on Stack Exchange

To further my ultimate goal of making Ubuntu and Linux more accessible to new users, I have joined the Ubuntu Documentation Project Team in hopes of contributing to official Wikis and Guides.

I also seek out 'Newbie' questions frequently on AskUbunutu.com.

Future Goals

Develop Android applications and Ubuntu applications that can interact.


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If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.

Clayton_D (last edited 2014-05-03 02:20:54 by c-69-138-169-167)