||<>|| == About Me == Started on Ubuntu with 12.04, and now use Ubuntu almost exclusively with 14.04 64bit. For work reasons, I still have to have a Windows machine handy. I had no formal introduction to Ubuntu, just stumbled upon it during random web crawling. I was looking for a substitute OS to install over my windows PC that was badly ravaged by a virus. I am not a programmer or computer expert by trade, but I'm learning! I'm interested in Android application development and that consumes most of my time when I'm not on Stack Exchange. == Contact Information == || IRC || clayton_d on irc.freenode.net || || Launchpad || [[https://launchpad.net/~clayton-dobbs|clayton-dobbs]] || || Stack Exchange || [[http://stackexchange.com/users/1841194|Clayton]] || || Email || [[https://www.enigmail.net|Enigmail plugin]] -> download my [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x59C113C7C708D19C1611C5FB32DA207D7D5CBE0A&op=index|OpenPGP key here]] || == Contributions == {{http://stackexchange.com/users/flair/1841194.png?theme=dark|profile for Clayton on Stack Exchange|width=208 height=58}} To further my ultimate goal of making Ubuntu and Linux more accessible to new users, I have joined the Ubuntu Documentation Project Team in hopes of contributing to official Wikis and Guides. I also seek out 'Newbie' questions frequently on [[http://askubuntu.com|AskUbunutu.com]]. == Future Goals == Develop Android applications and Ubuntu applications that can interact. == Comments == '''Note:''' This section is for comments, but they must be enabled in your settings preferences. {{{#!wiki comment This is just a wiki parser using a div class="comment" to contain its output. 1. Please add an @SIG with your comment 1. Empty }}} == Testimonials == '''Note:''' This section is for existing Ubuntu members to leave testimonials. People who aren't Ubuntu members can leave a comment above in favor of the application. If you know me and have something nice to say, please leave a comment here.