
This document describes the policy for updating cloud-init in a stable, supported release.

cloud-init is initialization software used for standing up cloud instances. It can help setup, configure, and customize an instance during boot.

In order to closely align with the MAAS product and the needs of cloud providers (e.g. AWS, Azure, GWS) cloud-init needs to be periodically updated in order to enable new features. Therefore, the following types of changes are allowed as long as the processes outlined below are followed:

In the event of a change breaking backwards compatibility, then SRU team approval will need to be obtained by emailing the ubuntu-release team mailing list.

Exceptions [under review]

cloud-init performs upstream releases quarterly and SRUs to all active stable releases which have yet to reach End of Standard Support. Because of the quarterly release schedule, two of those planned release dates coincide with early Feature Freeze periods.

Since these feature changes may land in stable releases at any time due to our SRU exception policy, adhering to feature freeze during the development cycle would be counterproductive as those changes would be forced to land after release instead. Therefore, feature freeze will not apply when the changes are in scope of this document. However, from beta freeze on uploads of this package will be subject to the same additional scrutiny by the Release Team as any other package.

Requesting the SRU

The SRU should be done with a single process bug, instead of individual bug reports for individual bug fixes. The one bug should have the following:

QA Process


Updates to cloud-init trunk go through the following process:


The following describes the requirements for each package generated for the SRU.

For each package generated a successful completion of cloud-init integration tests, as described below, using the proposed package with no unexplained errors or failures

Integration Tests

Integration testing involves two seperate sections: automated and manual.

Automated Tests

Results from the automated test cases using the version from proposed, against all releases need to be attached. The automated test cases cover a variety of cloud-config based scenarios to ensure changes to cloud-init do not introduce regressions or unnecessary changes in behavior.

These tests are run against the LXD and KVM backend today. Because of this lack of coverage against other datasources the following manual test are also required.

Manual Tests

Integration testing involves taking the proposed version of cloud-init and running it against a specific test case. Integration testing needs to take place across all updated releases and a variety of supported platforms. Releases tested should involve all releases expected to be updated. Supported platforms must contain at least each of the following:

The test case should be developed as a part of each resolved bug or new feature. This way testing is straightforward and clear as to what is expected to work.

Curtin Testing

The curtin vmtest should also be sucessfully ran using cloud-init from proposed and results attached.

Solutions Testing

Due to the dependency on cloud-init with various other products, the solutions testing team will run their continuous integration test against the cloud-init that is in -proposed. A successful run for each field-supported LTS release will be required before the proposed cloud-init can be let into -updates.

The cloud-init team will be in charge of attaching the artifacts and console output of the appropriate run to the bug. cloud-init team members will not mark ‘verification-done’ until this has happened.

SRU Template

== Begin SRU Template ==
This release sports both bug-fixes and new features and we would like to
make sure all of our supported customers have access to these
improvements. The notable ones are:

   * <TODO-PRIOR-TO-PROPOSED>: Create list with LP: # included>

See the changelog entry below for a full list of changes and bugs.

[Test Case]
The following development and SRU process was followed:

The cloud-init team will be in charge of attaching the artifacts and
console output of the appropriate run to the bug.  cloud-init team
members will not mark ‘verification-done’ until this has happened.

* Automated Test Results
<TODO-SRU-VERIFICATION: attach automated cloud-init-proposed test artifacts from tests for each release with lxd artifacts>
<TODO-SRU-VERIFICATION: attach automated cloud-init-proposed test artifacts from tests for each release with kvm artifacts>
<TODO-SRU-VERIFICATION: attach automated curtin vmtest with cloud-init proposed>
<TODO-SRU-VERIFICATION: attach Solutions Testing team test results for each LTS>

* Manual Test Results
<TODO-SRU-VERIFICATION: attach manual cloud-init-proposed test artifacts from tests for each release on ec2 datasource>
<TODO-SRU-VERIFICATION: attach manual cloud-init-proposed test artifacts from tests for each release on gce datasource>
<TODO-SRU-VERIFICATION: attach manual cloud-init-proposed test artifacts from tests for each release on azure datasource>

[Regression Potential]
In order to mitigate the regression potential, the results of the
aforementioned integration tests are attached to this bug.

<TODO-PRIOR-TO-PROPOSED: other background if applicable>

== End SRU Template ==

<TODO-PRIOR-TO-PROPOSED: Paste in change log entry>

Past SRUs

Links to past SRUs using this process are below:

SRU Version

SRU bug


LP: #1747059


LP: #1759406


LP: #1813346

CloudinitUpdates (last edited 2024-09-05 19:28:35 by chad.smith)