I am Nicolas Coevoet, I am an IRC operator on #ubuntu-fr* channels, with the nickname [NikO] for years, and now niko. I'm also a freenode staff. == Contributions == I also maintain uBOTu-fr https://github.com/ncoevoet/ChanTracker uBOTu-fr helps #ubuntu-fr* channels with usefull commands for users and operators and provide some help on #ubuntu-es, #ubuntu-es-ops channels too My launchpad page : https://launchpad.net/~nicolascoevoet == Future == Continue to help users via IRC, involve uBOTu-fr, and provide help on ubuntu-fr community / website. == Testimonials == JonathanMarsaud : Nicolas Coevoet has shown many times how involved he was in Ubuntu community, especially in #ubuntu-fr* IRC chanel as an helper and/or as a moderator. He also developed uBOTu-fr, which is a bot particularly useful to #ubuntu-fr* channels and #ubuntu-es* channels. I strongly support his membership. McPeter : Nicolas is a good contributor on #ubuntu-fr* IRC chanel [[DidierRoche]]: Nicolas is a good team player as well as being very committed in the IRC channels. His bot, uBOTu-fr, gave many times good helps to our community and is now completely integrated to [[http://www.ubuntu-fr.org|ubuntu-fr]] plateform. I recommend him as being an Ubuntu Member [[VetselPatrice]] : Nicolas is always present and active. He manage an excellent bot, uBOTu-fr, which provides good services on chans of ubuntu-fr. I support his membership. [[ChristopheSauthier]]: Wearing my ubuntu-fr leader hat on, I can only say that every LoCo should have more people as involved as Nicolas. He is always available, he knows his stuff and he is a great asset in our IRC team. A great +1 for me. Continue the great work ! [[Davromaniak]]: He is always available for the community, he is responsible, he never acts like a 3 year old toddler. If human cloning would be allowed, he might be an early candidate, because he is very useful to the community, and I'm sure he will be a good ubuntu member.