= 2014 T-Shirt Design Page = If you are looking for the old T shirts page, click [[../Tshirts|here]]. This page coordinates information and designs for team T-shirt orders. Previous Parameters for the shirt: * Classy durable "Polo shirt" with embroidered logo and "Colorado Ubuntu Linux Team" on the left chest. "CoLoCo Rocks" phrase on the left sleeve also (specify if you don't want it). * Depending on popularity/estimated cost, a different style may be offered. Future orders: anyone can organize an order. You just need to order at least 4 shirts. The company we used for the order in 2007/2008 was http://www.queensboro.com Future design possibilities, e.g. for a more casual t-shirt: * Bonus points for stuff on the back also. * Silkscreening or the like. No decals. Phrases: To be determined. See also: * [[BugSquad/TShirtDesigns]] * [[DIYMarketing]] and [[MarketingTeam/DIYWebsite/Get]] * Canonical's [[https://shop.canonical.com/|store]] with tshirts et al. * [[t-shirt]] wiki page * [[http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-70600.html|Forum discussion on tshirts]] * [[http://www.cafepress.com/buy/Ubuntu/-/pv_design_details/pg_3/id_21094794/opt_/fpt_/c_666/|arizona team 1]] * [[http://www.cafepress.com/buy/Ubuntu/-/pv_design_details/pg_3/id_21094795/opt_/fpt_/c_666/|Arizona Team 2]] * land's end shirts: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=529667 * [[CatalanTeam/Grafisme]] - some cool designs there! * [[LoCoTeams/GroupBuy]] - how to organize loco teams to order merchandise = Graphics Design Area = To Be Determined == First Order, not yet ordered == Cost for first order: * The default shirt is '''TBD''' * The ''option'' is an additional '''TBD''' * Shipping for the entire order will be '''TBD''' == Commitments to Order == When there are known parameters for the order, one can volunteer to be the '''Order Coordinator''' who will collect payments and distribute T-shirts. At that point, the committments to order and payment status may be documented in this section of the page.