* 2012-08-02 Meeting ([[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/08/02/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t17:00|log]]): * Lo``Co Council catch up * Things are going pretty well, trying to find ways of working together, seems a lot of them have a bunch of stuff going on lately in their personal lives * Had had over 34 to do this cycle, they're down to 15 * Many teams come to meetings for reapproval and others due to timezone difference and language come via email, working out well * One issue seen a lot is team leaders not communicating information from the Lo``Co Council and other Lo``Co news down to the rest of their team * Some continued issues with CDs, including teams having and communicating when there are issues, and confusion about who can request them (team contact vs team leader(s)) but this is improving * A lot of Lo``Co teams are doing really great work * Recommended encouraging these teams to be more proactive about sharing their success with the broader community * Lo``Co Council to see about getting "guest posts from successful teams" on their blog regularly * Council could do better at taking swifter action on some of the trickier issues they've worked with, "we have ideas and plans, and then we dont seem to be able to push past the discussion to make a decison as we have lots of opinions" - considered making a better effort at having some regular hangouts in spite of time zone issues * Updates from the CC * The forums council brought to our attention the needed upgrade to 4.x of the forums software, so czajkowski followed up on the ticket and things are moving forward, it's now tossed out to the community to help write the SSO plugin: http://www.jorgecastro.org/2012/07/31/ubuntu-forums-needs-single-sign-on-again/ * The upgrade is required for new spam prevention tools, forums staff are working hard manually managing spam right now, so help is appreciated! * The CoC rewrite is still pending, when dholbach comes back from vacation he'll merge in some changes we discussed and we'll do another call to the community for final feedback once we've gone through it again * 2012-08-16 Meeting ([[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/08/16/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t17:01|log]]): * Ubuntu Membership Board GMT+ catch up * The new split of the boards is working pretty well to both get good time coverage, and avoid meetings without quorum * Outstanding concern about users in Myanmar who are unable to sign the CoC (thus not eligible for membership), still waiting on detailed response from user so Launchpad folks can find a solution, see [[https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/204091|here]] * There's also sometimes an issue of people not realizing that significant and sustained contributions are required for membership, some think it's a step you take to get permission to contribute * Documentation on [[Membership]] is quite clear, but suggested ways this could be simplified (or a simplified version created and linked to more detail) so people are more inclined to read it * Action: czajkowski to look into into getting the /Membership wiki page translated * Action: Membership board to look into writing simplified membership page * Code of Conduct review * Action: Yoko``Zar to push new branch of CoC update based on latest Etherpad, fix grammar * Confirmed that a the branch will be shared in public * Issue of Ubuntu Membership being tied to Ubuntu upload rights, particularly in the case of per-package uploads (PPUs) was brought up again * Action: Yoko``Zar to email DMB ~ membership not being required for PPU rights (formerly beuno's action item from July)