'''How do you setup and configure the Hardware and Software that will best serve these thin-client-enabled High School Science classrooms?''' '''Description:''' A Computer Lab in school terminology, at least in MN, refer to a single classroom with a whole bunch of computers. Teachers might be able to sign up to take their class to that room and make use of the computers for that particular class period, or the room might be dedicated to a computer teacher who would teach students to use computers. The computers are often arranged on top of tables around the edge of the room and in an 'island' or islands in the center. This layout of computers in the class is different from what the GCoS project will be using. This blog describes the construction of a more integrated system: http://groosd.blogspot.com Four students will be sitting at each table, 1 computer per 2 students. Students will view the LCD monitors through the glass table top. The focus of the class isn't computers but instead Science; computers will be an important tool, but only one of many, by which Science is done/learned. = Setting up a Computer Lab = '''Challenges to solve, tasks to do:''' All tasks are highly important for a successful ComputerEnabledScienceClassroom and are here for documentation purposes as well as coordinating their accomplishment. Some of the tasks/challenges are more urgent than others in this current project. Like any system, the whole depends are the parts so until all 'A priority' tasks below are accomplished, the classroom can't go live. Some of the pages below are just "potential pages", in other words, when you click on the link, it will ask you to select a template for the new wiki page you are creating (I've been using the first one on the list: Accessibility/Testing/Task-Template but use whatever you see as best), and start to customize the page. Any questions/comments let me know! <> Server and application setup ||'''Jan-09 Urgency'''|| '''Description of task''' || '''List of Contributors''' || '''Status''' || ||A|| ManageGroups via a 4 level 'ladder of permissions'|| Conner, David, and... || Started || ||A|| Basic set of CodecsAndPlugins (flash? java? quicktime?)|| Person A and... || Started || ||A|| PrinterSetup and management || David || Pre-existing page. || ||B|| What is RequiredSystemMaintenance?|| Person A, and... || Not started || ||B|| Setup and use VirtualBox so as to still use old and specialize Windows software.|| Person A, and... || Pre-existing, not used yet. || ||B|| SetupDocumentCamera || Person A, and... || Not started || ||B|| SetupDigitalProjector || Person A, and... || Not started || ||C|| SetupPrometheanBoard || Person A, and... || Not started || ||C|| Can students AccessAccountsFromHome? || Person A, and... || Not started || ||-|| HardyClassroomServer (with LTSP and edubuntu) || Brandon, Conner, David || Done Pre-existing page. || ||-|| AutoMountFlashDrive || Brandon, Conner || Done || ||-|| Configuring ThinClientAudioSupport || Brandon || Done pre-existing page. || ||-|| Set up an InternetProxyServer ||Conner Mccall || Done || ||-|| [[VNCServer]] || Brian, Conner || Done || ||-|| Process to add student users from a CSV file||Don || Done || '''Find and configure the best Apps for different purposes''' ||'''David's Urgency'''|| '''Description of task''' || '''Contributors''' || '''Status''' || ||A|| CustomizeFirefoxForComputerLab|| Chris, David || located software || ||A|| EdutainmentSoftware referenced by content and skills learned|| Person A, and... || Not started || ||B|| SoftwareForDataCollection See this page for reference: http://www.vernier.com/linux/|| Person A, Person B, and... || Not started || ||-|| SoftwareToManageClassroomComputers such as EdubuntuAndItalcHardy|| Brandon || Done || ||-|| ImageOrganizingAndEditingSoftware|| David || Done || ||-|| ScreenCaptureSoftware and screen cast software: check http://www.salasaga.org/|| David || Beta software || '''Comments:''' == v1 == == v2 == == v3 ==