While testing the new Network Menu and ConnMan, there are most probably issues which need to be reported. This page has instruction where to report bugs and what information is needed.

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Report bugs to indicator-network project.

When dealing with bugs, you might be interested in debugging instructions.

For Wi-Fi bugs, this kind of information helps when investigating the issue:

For 3G bugs the list is a bit different:

Tips for reporting bugs:

The lists above are just to get an idea what kind of information is needed. Definitely it's not required to include all (or even any) of the above in a bug report!

Success stories

We are not only interested about bug reports, but also success stories. If your 3G modem works, please update the modem list.

ConnMan/ReportingBugs (last edited 2010-12-03 07:10:42 by a85-156-250-252)