|| {{attachment:ConnecticutTeamLogo.png}} <
><>|| [[ConnecticutTeam|Connecticut Team Home Page]] [[HelpOnEditing|Editing Help]] The projects on this page are to benefit either establishing the Ubuntu Connecticut Team, or to assist in our goals. '''If you think of a project ...''' Enter the information, using the format you see, and let us know about it. The more detail you can provide the better chance it can make it to completion. Projects that are abandoned for a long time may find themselves deleted. A good project will have a clear, specific goal to accomplish and include the 5 basic questions: ''who'', ''what'', ''where'', ''when'' and ''why'' '''If you want to run a project ...''' If you think you can take the project to completion, please by all means sign up! Enter your name and preferably a link to either your email, or to some other means of contacting you. Place your name inside of 3 single quotes so that it will appear in '''bold''' so that anybody looking to help will know who is in charge to contact. If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to ask. There are a number of people who are looking to volunteer and by getting the word out we can satisfy both parties. '''If you want to volunteer to help a project ...''' If you are not interested in running a project, but would like to help then you should contact the person running the project and let them know. You will know who is in charge by their name being '''bold''' in the chart below. Enter your name in the chart for the project so that we know you are working on it and get proper recognition. Also this will help keep a project from looking abandoned and thus becoming prone to being deleted. It also lets everybody see which projects are needing more help and which ones are active. Working these projects should be fun and not be drudgery or massive amounts of work. If for whatever reason you feel you are getting overwhelmed with a project contact [[Drew2|Drew]] to help getting volunteers and/or find somebody to take over for you if you elect to bow out completely. The last thing we want to do is burn people out. ## By using the "= =" header it will list the project in the table of contents. Under this header will be the opportunity for further details, discussions, etc. = Scheduled Meetings = || '''Date Entered:''' || 2007-05-04 || || '''Volunteers:''' || [[Drew2|Drew]], scot524, Sign-Up! || || '''Description:''' ||Establish a regular schedule for IRC meetings that everybody can plan for. Our Poll is the best place to vote and make suggestions or new possibilities. || || '''Links:''' ||[[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=428359|Poll]] || || '''Updates:''' || Poll is getting good response and will finish collecting data soon.|| = Mailing List = || '''Date Entered''' || 2007-05-04 || || '''Volunteers''' || '''[[Drew2|Drew]]''' || || '''Description''' ||Set up a mailing list for those people who do not use or cannot use the Forums, Launchpad or Wiki. Ubuntu supplies one but getting it set up is like pulling teeth. || || '''Links''' || || || '''Updates:''' || Submitted for mailing list, need to follow up. || = Meet and Greet = || '''Date Entered''' || 2007-05-04 || || '''Volunteers''' || [[Drew2|Drew]], scot524, Sign-Up! || || '''Description''' ||Organize a meet-and-greet, somewhere centralizes for the majority of interested participants. According to the Frappr Map, Meriden is looking to be fairly central of people's homes. This is a great project for a number of people to join in on to coordinate scheduling, location, getting the word out, taking RSVPs (if decide to go that way), etc. || || '''Links''' ||[[http://www.frappr.com/ubuntuconnecticut|frapper map]] || || '''Updates:''' || || = Online Calendar = || '''Date Entered''' || 2007-05-04 || || '''Volunteers''' || [[Drew2|Drew]], Sign-Up! || || '''Description''' ||Set up a calendar similar or using Google Calendars, where people can post activities going on in the area (in and around Connecticut) as well as our IRC and face-to-face meetings. Calendar should be user-general and not be attached to a specific person's account in case for whatever reason they leave the team (move, irritate people too much, arrested, whatever). A nice, but not necessary, feature Google calendars has is the ability to put down the location which links to Google Maps. This can be very handy for anybody who wishes to attend but should not eliminate a calendar system from being an option. || || || '''Links''' || [[http://groups.google.com/group/ubuntu-connecticut|Ubuntu-Connecticut Google Group]]|| || '''Updates:''' || || = Team Logo = || '''Date Entered''' || 2007-05-04 || || '''Volunteers''' || '''[[Drew2|Drew]]''', Sign-Up! || || '''Description''' ||Collect logo designs and ideas to present to the team for approval. Discussion has already started in this forum post. || || '''Links''' ||[[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=421450|Forum post]], [[http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy|Trademark Policy]] || || '''Updates:''' ||Sperm Whale seems to be a popular item|| ## TEMPLATE : copy the below line for a new project and follow the guidelines ##= Project Name = ##(keep it fairly short so the TOC doesn't spread across the page) ##|| '''Date Entered:''' || today's date || ##|| '''Volunteers:''' ||Sign-Up!, [wiki:Drew2 Drew]|| ##|| '''Description:''' ||Description of Project || ##|| '''Links:''' || || ##|| '''Updates:''' || Updates, Status, etc.||