[[http://cordova.apache.org/|Apache Cordova]] is a toolkit for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and !JavaScript. Ubuntu is an official target platform for Cordova apps. This means that you can: * build Cordova apps on Ubuntu * and run Cordova apps on Ubuntu devices Cordova provides a command line tool (cordova-cli), to create and build apps for multiple platforms, like Android, or Ubuntu. Cordova apps rely on platform support code to run as native applications. cordova-ubuntu is the name of the module providing the adaptation layer for Cordova apps to run on Ubuntu. This module is compiled and linked into the main application executable. == Installation == On Ubuntu, the recommended way of installing the cordova-cli tool is from packages available in this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~cordova-ubuntu/+archive/ppa The packages generally contain Ubuntu-specific bug fixes and improvements which may not yet be present in the NPM version. To start creating a Cordova app on Ubuntu, please refer to the [[https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/apps/html-5/guides/cordova-guide/|Cordova Guide]] == Support == The cordova-ubuntu module primarily supports Ubuntu devices, like phones, running with an ARM processor. It should still be possible to create native cordova apps to run on a legacy Ubuntu desktop (X11) but this part of the toolchain is not actively maintained. The cordova-ubuntu module is maintained within the Apache Cordova development community. The source code is at: https://github.com/apache/cordova-ubuntu Bugs can be filed at: https://issues.apache.org/jira/ (select Cordova and the component Ubuntu) == Release Notes == See https://github.com/apache/cordova-ubuntu/blob/master/RELEASENOTES.md