I, Corey Bryant, apply for ubuntu-core-dev membership and per-package upload rights to the newly created openstack package set.


Corey Bryant

Launchpad Page


Wiki Page


Who I am

Hi! My name is Corey Bryant and I'm a software engineer on the OpenStack Engineering team at Canonical. I'm primarily focused on OpenStack packaging for Ubuntu as well as Juju OpenStack charm development. Prior to joining Canonical, I was a software engineer for the Linux Technology Center at IBM working on KVM.

My Ubuntu story

Prior to joining Canonical my main interaction with Ubuntu consisted of tinkering and running it as the main operating system on my personal machines. Since joining the OpenStack Engineering team at Canonical in January of 2014, I've gained a quite a bit more experience with Ubuntu, particularly with the Ubuntu release process, the OpenStack release process, packaging of OpenStack and it's dependencies, as well as Juju charm development with the OpenStack charms. I really enjoy working on Ubuntu and I strive to deliver quality work in everything that I do.

In 2015 I applied for and was granted per-package upload rights to ubuntu-server-dev packages. This has helped to streamline my OpenStack packaging work quite a bit, however I still don't have access to upload a number of core OpenStack packages that are in universe, as well as various dependencies of OpenStack packages in main and universe.

The goal of this application is to be granted membership to ubuntu-core-dev or per-package upload rights to a newly created openstack package set, which will include: 1) core openstack packages, and 2) dependencies of openstack packages [1]. Here's a full list of packages for the openstack package set: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15246586/

[1] https://github.com/openstack/requirements/blob/master/global-requirements.txt

My involvement

Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of

Areas of work

I've primarily been working on OpenStack packaging for new and stable releases. I've led several of our stable releases in 2015 and started leading new releases starting with Mitaka for Xenial. I've participated in various packaging aspects including SRUs, FFEs, syncs, merges, backports, patches, upstreaming fixes, and backporting upstream fixes.

I've mostly worked with James Page and Chuck Short on the OpenStack packaging, as well as Thomas Goirand on the Debian side. I've also recently started working with and mentoring David Della Vecchia. I've worked quite a bit with Chris Arges from the SRU team as well, as he has reviewed most of the stable releases that I've worked on. We've all collaborated well together and I appreciate all that they've taught me.

Things I could do better

In general I'm the kind of person who is always trying to improve. While I've gained quite a bit of experience thus far, I know that I still have a lot to learn. I expect that Ubuntu development will always be a learning experience, and I enjoy that aspect. One thing that I can improve on is my work efficiency. Sometimes attention to detail can slow me down, but I think that's fine if I can improve the efficiency of my workflows through experience, automation, and various tooling efficiencies. Another area I've been improving on but need to do better at is bug triage and sponsoring package uploads. I also need to regularly set aside time to spend as a patch pilot.

Plans for the future


From an individual aspect, I'm planning to improve my packaging skills and upstream OpenStack knowledge. I'm also planning to participate more in other areas such as mentoring, sponsoring, patch piloting and bug triaging.

What I like least in Ubuntu

I'd like to make it easier for the community to contribute to the OpenStack packages and I think the move we're making with putting our packages in git repositories is a step in the right direction. In 2015 we moved the OpenStack packaging to git repositories to help make it easier for others to contribute. The packages are inline with the majority of Debian Python git repositories in that they contain pristine-tar, upstream, and master branches.


If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @SIG@.


James Page

General feedback

I've been working with and sponsoring Corey's packaging work in Ubuntu for the last two years; he's worked hard to understand both packaging for Ubuntu, and how to work with other teams within Ubuntu - I see him communicating appropriately and at the right times with both the MIR, SRU and release teams.

He's managed the last three milestone drops of OpenStack Liberty/Mitaka into Ubuntu, and has collaborated in Debian with the OpenStack team there to ensure that the dependency chain for the OpenStack packages in Debian and Ubuntu are well maintained.

I'm +1 on Corey for Ubuntu Core Dev; I think he has wider contribution to make to Ubuntu, and this will mean I'm no longer part of his critical path for being efficient! He knows his knowledge limits, and I 100% trust him to ask fellow dev's when he's unsure of how best todo something.

Chuck Short

General feedback

I echo the comments in James' comments above. I have also sponsored a large chunk of the Openstack packaging that he has done. He's always has asked questions when he gets stuck and hes a fast learner. He's a good egg.

Areas of Improvement

I would like to see him do more bug triaging, and get more involved with the Ubuntu community at large.

Chris J Arges

General feedback

Corey's uploads have been of excellent and consistent quality. His attention to detail and patience give me confidence he will make great use of his upload rights.

Specific Experiences of working together

I've handled SRU reviewing many of Corey's stable updates to Openstack. He's been patient in fixing minor changes, and has made the large task of reviewing Openstack changes much easier!

Areas of Improvement

I think Corey would make a great addition in helping with more than just Openstack. As he understands the SRU process very well, and produces uploads of good quality, I think this will happen naturally.


=== General feedback ===
## Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)

=== Specific Experiences of working together ===
''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.''
## Full list of sponsored packages can be generated here:
## http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?
=== Areas of Improvement ===


CoreyBryant/CoreDevAndOpenStackApplication (last edited 2016-02-29 20:05:58 by corey.bryant)