* Ubuntu Live Session 13/08/2011 in Průhonice (near Prague) * introduction by Tadeáš Pařík * practical examples from current version 11.04 by Vojtěch Trefný, presentation [[http://blog.ubuntu.cz/sites/blog.ubuntu.cz/files/tipy.pdf|in Czech is here]] * news in 11.10, examples, How To by Vojtěch Trefný, presentation [[http://blog.ubuntu.cz/sites/blog.ubuntu.cz/files/oneiric.pdf|in Czech is here]] * knowledge competition (Ubuntu T-shirts, keyboards etc.) * OpenStreetMap by Filip Dominec, presentation [[http://blog.ubuntu.cz/sites/blog.ubuntu.cz/files/oneiric.pdf|in Czech is here]] * practical Ubuntu usage by David M. Strnad * discussion with our community * [[http://blog.ubuntu.cz/clanek/sraz-ubuntu-v-knihovne-pruhonice|blog]] about this session by Filip Dominec * [[https://picasaweb.google.com/ubuntuczech/SrazVPruhonicich?authuser=0&feat=directlink|photos from this session]] * Library in Průhonice (previous topic) '''will migrate to Ubuntu very soon''' * preparation for GlobalJam in September * non official meeting in Pardubice 06/08/2011 (special [[http://forum.ubuntu.cz/index.php/topic,14791.600.html|section]] on our czech forum)